Sentences with phrase «peaceful resistance»

In the thousands, citizens engaged in a strategy of peaceful resistance against the aggression of the central state.
Gibson is inspired by the histories of Ghost Dance shirts, worn across Native American cultures in ceremonies of peaceful resistance against white assimilation — until Lakota Sioux wearing them were massacred at Wounded Knee.
Once we arrived in Ferguson, The overwhelming number of people were practicing peaceful resistance.
Conveniently, some of these younger students had just finished a social studies unit on peaceful resistance, and they immediately knew how they could bring about change.
Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al - Zahhar said the riots on the Israel - Gaza border are «not peaceful resistance» but rather, are supported by its «military force.»
Fredriksen also finds Jesus» counsel to turn the other cheek difficult to comprehend outside an apocalyptic framework, but this expression of peaceful resistance to evil must be understood in the context of Jesus» readiness elsewhere to warn sinners and reprove them rather than passively accepting their ill «doing.
Still, her unflagging efforts for human rights, hope for democracy in Burma and peaceful resistance against an oppressive regime could not be stopped.
The protest signs quickly vanished, and the kids learned a valuable lesson: that peaceful resistance can lead to great change.
Also, he vows «peaceful resistance» as Madrid takes control of region.
Indeed, if the privatization movement were serious about civil rights, then its supporters would stand with the tens of thousands of parents and students across the country who have protested, been arrested, and used other methods of peaceful resistance to the closings of neighborhood schools, sometimes to make room for new charters.
We can't really help you there, we advocate for peaceful resistance and Politikats is definitely a form of peaceful resistance.
Develop games in an online jam designed to promote tolerance, freedom and peaceful resistance.
His inspiration: decorated shirts worn for the Ghost Dance, which by 1890 became a spiritual movement across Native American cultures of peaceful resistance and protection against white assimilation.
The unexpected discovery of FLOWER POWER in downtown Miami suggests a spirit of peaceful resistance, challenges established symbols, and presents the possibility of a utopian world.
New evidence leaked over the weekend proved what many water protectors already suspected: private security and local police used surveillance and other counter-terrorism measures against their peaceful resistance of the Dakota Access Pipeline on Standing Rock Sioux land.
«Peaceful resistance has been a cornerstone of change across the world for decades, and it will continue to be so.
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