Sentences with phrase «peak knee angles»

In contrast, peak knee and ankle angles do not differ between straight barbell and farmers» walk bar deadlifts or between conventional and sumo deadlift styles, while peak knee angles are more acute in hexagonal barbell deadlifts compared to straight barbell deadlifts.
Neither relative load nor leg side affects peak knee angles.
However, peak knee angles are more acute in hexagonal barbell deadlifts compared to straight barbell deadlifts and in unskilled lifters compared to skilled lifters.
Intervention — any acute study assessing peak knee angles in the sagittal plane during the split squat exercise
Since strength is specific, then: strength training exercises or exercise variations involving moderately flexed peak knee angles, very flexed hip and trunk angles, and some torso rotation or lateral bend may be most valuable for improving COD ability.
Increasing load and wearing running shoes rather than no footwear appear to lead to more acute peak knee angles, while using cues to prevent forward knee movement over the toes and fatigue lead to less acute knee angles.
Miletello et al. (2009) analysed the peak knee angles between lifters of different experience levels and found that novice lifters achieved the most acute peak knee angles, followed by college - level lifters, and finally high - school lifters.
Comparing the effects of squats with different stance widths, Escamilla et al. (2001a) compared narrow, medium and wide stance back squats and found that peak knee angles did not differ between variations.
Exploring the effects of supportive gear, Zink et al. (2001) found no effect on peak knee angle of using a weightlifting belt.
Finally, Gutierrez and Bahamonde (2009) found that peak knee angle was more acute during a free weight back squat compared to a Smith machine squat.
They reported that most acute peak knee angle for the front leg was observed for the longest step length (85 % of leg length) and the smallest shank angle (60 degrees).
However, increasing the shank angle to closer to perpendicular (90 degrees) made the peak knee angle of the front leg less acute and made the peak knee angle of the rear leg more acute.

Not exact matches

Comparing differences between legs during the back squat, Flanagan and Salem (2007) found that peak knee flexion angles displayed bilateral differences, with the right side achieving a more acute angle than the left side.
Using weightlifting shoes and running shoes both lead to more acute peak ankle angles than using no footwear, while cues to prevent the knee from moving forward over the toes lead to less acute peak ankle angles.
The effects of load and cues to prevent forward knee movement over the toes on peak hip angle are unclear.
Exploring the effects of training variables, Kellis et al. (2005) found that joint angles differed between relative loads but did not identify how the individual hip, knee and ankle joints differed; however, List et al. (2013) found that increasing load caused peak ankle angle to become more acute, from no load to 25 % of bodyweight, to 50 % of bodyweight.
Taking the trunk as multiple segments, List et al. (2013) found that peak thoracic trunk angle was greater when artificially restricting forward knee motion using visual cues compared to unrestricted squats, and peak lumbar trunk angle displayed a non-significant trend in the same direction.
The effect of cues to prevent knee movement over the toes on peak hip angle is unclear but cues to look downwards rather than upwards lead to more acute hip angles, while increasing fatigue leads to less acute peak hip angles.
Peak knee flexion angles are less acute when using cues to prevent forward knee movement over the toes or as a result of fatigue.
Similarly, Sato et al. (2013) also found that running shoes displayed greater peak knee flexion angles than no footwear.
Increasing load and wearing running shoes rather than no footwear appear to lead to more acute peak knee flexion angles.
Exploring the effects of training variables, Kellis et al. (2005) found that joint angles differed between relative loads but did not identify how the individual hip, knee and ankle joints differed; however, McKean et al. (2010) reported that peak hip angle was more acute with load compared to no load, while both List et al. (2013) and Gomes et al. (2015) reported that peak hip angle became less acute with heavier relative loads.
Sinclair et al. (2014) compared the use of weightlifting shoes, minimalist footwear, running shoes, and no footwear (barefoot) and found that running shoes displayed greater peak knee flexion angles than no footwear but there were no other differences between conditions.
Exploring the effects of supportive gear, Gomes et al. (2015) noted that knee wraps had no effect on peak hip angles.
McLaughlin et al. (1978) similarly noted that peak knee extensor moments were smaller in individuals who displayed greater trunk lean and more acute hip angles, which is associated with this type of exercise cue.
Exploring the effects of cues, Hirata and Duarte (2007), Lorenzetti et al. (2010) and List et al. (2013) all found that peak ankle angles were less acute when lifters were visibly cued to prevent the knee from moving forward over the toes, compared to when they were allowed to lift normally.
It is suggested that this works due to the ability of the exercise to increase the peak eccentric force of the hamstrings at shallower angles of knee flexion (the knee is more extended) vs. a leg curl which puts a premium on concentric force when the knee is in full flexion.
For example, Peak knee joint angles become more flexed when going faster (Vanrenterghem et al. 2012; Spiteri et al. 2013), probably because the lower position allows athletes to display a more horizontal direction of braking and propulsive forces.
In addition, sharper COD maneuvers involve less flexed knee angles at initial ground contact, but ultimately greater peak knee flexion (Havens & Sigward, 2015c).
Comparing skilled and unskilled adolescent powerlifters, Brown and Abani (1985) found that there was a difference in peak knee joint angles between groups.
Moreover, Jakobsen et al. (2013) reported that during lunges with both free weights and elastic resistance, EMG amplitude of most of the leg muscles is greatest at the point of peak hip and knee flexion, where ground reaction forces are exerted in order to start the lifting phase but that in the elastic resistance condition, there was a trend towards a more even level of EMG amplitude across joint angles.
Peak hip and knee angles are more acute in unskilled lifters than in skilled lifters.
Comparing the deadlift with the good morning, Schellenberg et al. (2013) found that peak knee joint angle was more acute during the deadlift than during the good morning.
Peak knee joint angle (at the bottom position) was more acute during the squat than during the deadlift.
Comparing the deadlift with the squat in a group of powerlifters, Hales et al. (2009) found that there was a difference in peak knee joint angles between the squat and deadlift.
Indeed, it seems that peak hip extension angle is smaller when the knee is bent (flexed to 80 degrees) than when it is fully extended (Van Dillen et al. 2000), as measured in variations of the modified Thomas test.
Training status affects peak hip, knee and shank angles.
Comparing the effects of different training variables, Swinton et al. (2011a) found that there was no difference in peak knee joint angles when using relative loads ranging between 10 — 80 % of 1RM with the straight bar and hexagonal bar deadlifts.
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