Sentences with phrase «peak of conventional»

Syria's dash for gas has been spurred by its rapidly declining oil revenues, driven by the peak of its conventional oil production in 1996.
Publication date: 2007-12-01 First Published in Energy Policy Authors: R. Bentley et al Abstract: Combining geological knowledge with proved plus probable («2P») oil discovery data indicates that over 60 countries are now past their resource - limited peak of conventional oil production.
High oil prices in 2007 and 2008 were due to a large and persistent production supply deficit because of high demand from China and the Far East, and dwindling supplies following the peak of conventional oil production in 2005 (Figures 15 and 17).
It was driven by growing Chinese and other Far East demand and by dwindling oil supplies following the peak of conventional production in 2005.

Not exact matches

ARC Energy Research Institute forecasts $ 30 billion will be spent in conventional and tight oil and gas formations in Canada this year, which is more than twice the $ 12 billion in investment projected to go into the oilsands, but still well below the peak of $ 46 billion spent in Canadian conventional oil and gas production in 2014.
Hi, I've tried this twice now — in my first batch one tray (baked in a fan oven) was perfect, smooth slightly shiny top, nice foot etc) but the second tray booked in a conventional oven had a lot of «crackers» which had peaked in the middle.
«If we were to connect the array's output to the single resistive element found in a conventional hot water heater, it would operate at peak efficiency for only a brief period, and waste much of the energy during the hours when the incoming current was poorly matched to the resistive element,» says Hunter Fanney, the co-inventor of the system.
In Fact and Fiction in Global Energy Policy, Sovacool, Brown, and Valentine make clever use of the Hegelian dialectic to take on 15 core energy questions (e.g., «Do conventional energy resources have a meaningful «peak»?»)
Conventional oil production did peak in 2006, and that makes up 90 % of the oil we use now.
The conventional color description takes into account only the peak of the stellar spectrum.
Given their historical optimism, it was notable that in their World Energy Outlook of 2010 the International Energy Agency stated that the most likely scenario is that conventional crude oil production «never regains its all - time peak of 70 million barrels per day reached in 2006.»
Exploring the effects of cues, Hirata and Duarte (2007) found that peak ankle flexor moments were smaller when the knee was cued not to pass forward of the toes compared to a conventional technique.
Conventional weight training (using either barbells with just weight plates, or constant - load machines) involves comparatively higher peak forces relative to the percentage of 1RM used, slower bar speeds, and a peak muscle contraction at the start of the concentric phase, where muscle lengths are longest.
«The high - carb runners were very healthy, and were awesome fat burners by conventional standards — yet their peak fat burning is less than half that of endurance athletes eating low - carb diets.
Comparing the effects of deadlift technique, Escamilla et al. (2000) did not directly measure peak ankle angle but they found that the shank angle was different between the conventional deadlift and sumo deadlift styles, being around 4 degrees more vertical in the sumo style than in the conventional style.
He was speaking specifically about the decision to give Tom Hiddleston the only significant moment of nudity in Crimson Peak, but also generally about making art that ignores conventional gender roles.
The speed of the system means the PT is ready for action faster than conventional passthroughs, allowing back - to - back rack washing - a huge bonus for busy school kitchens in peak times.
The net dollars of home equity converted to cash as part of a refinance of a conventional, prime - credit home mortgage was an estimated $ 7.5 billion in the U.S. during the second quarter, similar to the first quarter level, but substantially less than during the peak cash - out refinance volume of $ 83.7 billion during the second quarter of 2006.
Unique compared to conventional foods, ACANA delivers more calories from protein and fat and fewer calories from carbohydrates, reducing the risk of obesity and promoting your puppy's peak health and development.
Unique compared to conventional foods, ACANA delivers more calories from protein and fat and fewer calories from carbohydrates, reducing the risk of obesity and promoting your dog's peak health.
Located approximately 60 minutes by bus from Cusco, the village boasts breathtaking views of snowy peaks and conventional houses.
The reality of reaching peak global production of cheap, conventional light, sweet crude oil supplies will continue to force strong upper pressure on the cost of crude oil, gasoline, diesel and airplane liquid fuels.
When it comes to financials, SolarCity's executive team wagers that the combination of existing panels and new storage technologies will produce lower electricity prices — at least during peak demand hours — than power from conventional utilities.
Using peak electric rates, GM estimates that an electrically driven mile in a Chevy Volt will be about one - sixth of the cost of a conventional gasoline - powered vehicle.
A CO2 emissions peak by 2016 and complete phaseout of conventional fossil fuels by around 2050 will be necessary for a greater than 85 % chance of holding global warming below 2 °C
Sam Foucher quantitatively documents how conventional crude oil production is approaching the 2 sigma (95 %) probability of having peaked.
Our research indicates that, due to the depletion of conventional, and hence cheap, crude oil supplies (i.e., peak oil), increasing the supply of oil in the future would require exploiting lower quality resources (i.e., expensive), and thus could occur only at high prices.
Only by peaking GHG emissions in the year 2020 or sooner, and phasing out conventional fossil fuel burning around 2080, can we stay beneath the total of one trillion tons of carbon burned, which represents the threshold of catastrophic climate change, as shown in the following graphs:
«Peak Oil (which is better supported than any IPCC model, I might add)» FurryCatHerder — 4 July 2010 @ 5:57 PM ``... the application of the conventional Hubbert model to these countries is not appropriate and does not yield good forecasting results.
Conventional pumped hydro systems use vertically separated reservoirs to utilize the power of water and gravity; during times of low demand (off peak), water is pumped using excess energy from the lower to the upper reservoir.
«North America peaked in terms of conventional natural gas production in 2001 — 2002.
We've already seen from the Fast Money team's hilarious response to Matt Simmons» sensible advice, that the twin threats of peak oil and climate change have the potential to turn conventional financial wisdom on its head.
Given their historical optimism, it was notable that in their World Energy Outlook of 2010 the International Energy Agency stated that the most likely scenario is that conventional crude oil production «never regains its all - time peak of 70 million barrels per day reached in 2006.»
On top of this, the report notes that solar thermal cooling technology - in which the sun's heat is used to power thermally driven absorption chillers or evaporation devices to cool air - can reduce the burden on electric grids at times of peak cooling demand by fully or partially replacing conventional electrically powered air conditioners in buildings.
The long (30 years) trend of conventional ground / city based land data is so warm that the gaps / peaks never reaches back to equilibrium, in fact they go further and further from equilibrium which at some point is difficult to explain thermodynamically.
Some Mitigationists (of all degrees of urgency) are also «no regrets» proponents of shifting away from fossil fuels for other reasons — peak - oil types, environmentalists worried about conventional air pollution, anti - automobile / anti-suburb activists, and so on.
At this time of high demand, gas - and coal - fired plants used to be able to achieve high returns but with solar power production also peaking around noon, conventional power plants lost this important advantage.
During the first quarter of this year an estimated $ 10.9 billion net of home equity were converted to cash during the refinance of conventional prime - credit home mortgages, down from $ 11.0 billion in the fourth quarter of 2015 and substantially less than during the peak cash - out refinance volume of $ 84.0 billion during the second quarter of 2006.
In the first quarter, an estimated $ 5.3 billion in net home equity was cashed out during the refinance of conventional prime - credit home mortgages, down from $ 7.0 billion in the fourth quarter and substantially less than during the peak cash - out refinance volume of $ 83.7 billion during the second quarter of 2006.
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