Sentences with phrase «peanut shells»

If your child is severely allergic, peanut shells on the playground or yogurt cups can be hazardous.
I have never eaten peanut shells — and never intend to.
The shelves at local pet supply emporia also hold an array of litters made from eco-friendly materials, including recycled newspaper, corn cobs, peanut shell meal, processed orange peel, wheat, pine sawdust and shavings, and hardwood and cedar chips.
On a crisp fall day in downtown Boulder, we roll down the street in his beat - up 1989 Volvo station wagon, its interior decorated with peanut shells and casually discarded coffee mugs.
From pretzels to Cracker Jacks, where else is it socially acceptable to drop peanut shells on the floor?
One minute Cleveland Hope was alive, standing on the edge of a cliff, and the next it had fallen off and was lying dead atop a pile of crushed peanuts shells and empty beer cans.
If peanut shells are salted, you are also getting sodium from them, but the average American diet is already significantly higher in sodium than it needs to be.
Days of Heaven's only trick is to drop loads of almonds and peanut shells from a helicopter.
Paint tubes alongside peanut shells, cigarette butts and ashes indicate an easy familiarity with studio practice.
Turned out that a previous guest had thrown peanut shells into the oven, and Mr. Chipmunk was visiting every night and having a midnight snack!
Our shelves hold an array of litters made from eco-friendly materials, including recycled newspaper, corn cobs, peanut shell meal, processed orange peel, wheat, pine sawdust and shavings, and hardwood and cedar chips.
The media and Congress will squeeze Obama's lemons until he feels enough pressure to crack like a peanut shell.
With 58 years of rich character soaked into its walls and the peanut shells on the floor.
Hers was blue and his was white and had less paint — or more rust — and his included the residue of his life - style: peanut shells, broken pencil stubs, a screwdriver, a crumpled letter with the greeting «Dear Foul - Up,» and two dusty tapes of the rock groups America and Bread.
All the nutrition is inside the peanut shell.
According to the directions, all you need to make a pouch or «peanut shell» style sling is two yards of fabric and stuff that's already in my little - used sewing box (like scissors, thread, needles, sewing machine, and an iron).
This instructable will show you how to make a «peanut shell» style baby sling for under $ 20, (even lass depending on your fabric.
«Figure eights and peanut shells: How stars move at the center of the galaxy.»
Not only is that stupid and predictable shooting system back from those PSP games, but this title's developers have managed to suck out the very essence that is NBA basketball and discard it like a peanut shell.
If you've never seen Sandra Bullock blow a peanut shell out of her nose, and you'd like to, The Heat is your movie.
Acorn Assault can best be described as a peanut shell.
Some products contain clay and other minerals, some wheat, others corn husks, coconut husks, cassava plants, newspaper, silica gel, wood chips, peanut shells and orange peels.
Many people are experimenting with new environmental options that include recycled newspaper, corn cob, peanut shell meal and wood shavings.
Pellets or granules made from ground natural products, such as wheat straw and other grain by - products, aspen bark, peanut shell meal and alfalfa hay, can be messy because they fall apart when they get wet, but they generally control odor extremely well.
Fire logs generally contain sawdust, wood chips, peanut shells, petroleum wax, ammonium chloride and potentially a metal, such as copper to produce flame color.
The last person I saw eating in the upstairs of a department store here in New York was a guy in the Home Furnishing section of Macy's snacking from a shopping bag of peanut shells and having a conversation with a lampshade.
Another development of the Experimental Center of Economic Dwelling (from CÃ ³ rdoba, Argentina), which involves bricks obtained from paper, and from a material composed by soda bottles» polyethylene, wrappings of candy, and peanut shell.
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