Sentences with phrase «pearl of great price»

The stories of the women in the Bible — rare as pearls of great price among the effusive genealogies of the men — were my favorites.
«There's a passage in the Bible that talks about... when someone finds a pearl of great price in a field, he sells all of his possessions and buys the field,» he told the Waterloo audience.
I think Aleister Crowley said it best after a first attempt to climb K2: «I had done it myself and found not only that the pearl of great price was worth far more than I possessed, but also that the very peril and privations of the quest were themselves my dearest memories.»
«So the kingdom of God is a pearl of great price.
When responding to the questions of other people, you don't need to tie yourself up in knots thinking of elaborate answers when truth is the pearl of great price that people are drawn to search for.
«The Kingdom of God is like a merchant seeking goodly pearls, who when he found a pearl of great price went and sold all that he had, and bought the pearl.»
All Christians in mission with integrity naturally begin and end with the firm conviction that entrance to and growth in the Christian life is the «pearl of great price
13:44), the pearl of great price (Matt.
The ministry points the way to the pearl of great price.
For this influence there are many metaphors: the treasure in the field, the pearl of great price, the light on the hill, the good shepherd searching for the one sheep that is lost.
It is now, each moment, that we miss the pearl of great price.
The abandoned baby on the street, the stranger at the door, even our own husband or wife or child, is a diamond, and in receiving and treasuring these diamonds we are receiving the «pearl of great price» that was once hidden on earth as a destitute child of uncertain parentage.
Disagreeing with the critics ofliberal democracy, he declares, «I regard liberal democracy as a pearl of great price
She was a gift from God right from the start and now I know that she is my pearl of great price, too.
Its coming is a task set before us, to be prayed for, to be worked for, to be sought with the eagerness with which one sells all that he has in order to buy a treasure hidden in a field or a pearl of great price.
On the other, it is the pearl of great price: «it is for this reason that the Church has always defended the superiority of this charism to that of marriage.»
It is the pearl of great price, for which the wise merchant gladly exchanges all his other possessions.
I regard liberal democracy as a pearl of great price.
She was totally dependent — and that's what Jesus pulls out of her story like a pearl of great price.
It is the pearl of great price, it is like the Torah of old, «more precious than gold»; you sell all you have and don't notice the door slamming behind you as you sprint after this Jesus.
He will lie and steal (even from close friends, if he still has any) to achieve his one value — his pearl of great price — alcohol.
the book of mormon, the D&C, the pearl of great price are all books the mormons believe come before the bible.
Because of its great fitness value anaerobic exercise (HIT) is «intelligent exercise», it is «the pearl of great price», when compared to aerobic exercise.
Much love and appreciation to my beloved wife, Lonna, a pearl of great price (as.
A pearl of a great price; Guangzhou is anything but provincial.
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