Sentences with phrase «peat forests»

"Peat forests" refers to wetland areas covered with layers of decayed vegetation, known as peat. These forests are made up of trees, shrubs, and mosses that thrive in this unique environment. The peat acts like a sponge, retaining water and creating a habitat for various plant and animal species. Peat forests are essential for maintaining biodiversity, regulating water cycles, and storing carbon, thus playing a crucial role in our ecosystem. Full definition
ancillary benefits of preserving biodiversity (i.e. orangutans live in peat forests), watersheds, and other ecosystem services (some of which may also result in payments for landowners in the future)
(12/17/2007) Researchers have confirmed that converting peat forests for oil palm plantations results in a large net release of carbon dioxide, indicating industry claims that palm oil helps fight climate change are unfounded, at least when plantations are established in peatlands.
In 2015 — 2016, «a bit of rain at just the right moment prevented the Southeast Asian peat forest fires from spreading as widely as they did two decades ago,» says climate scientist Guido van der Werf at Vrije University Amsterdam.
In addition, the researchers found that peat forest areas, where stored carbon is most abundant and thus cheapest to manage, contained almost twice the mammal species density as other areas of forest.
(05/28/2014) Haze caused by burning peat forests in Indonesia kills an average of 110,000 people per year and up to 300,000 during el Niño events, while releasing hundreds of millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, warns a new report from Greenpeace.
Essential incentives to reduce ongoing emissions from drained peat forest soils, and safeguards to prevent the conversion of not only forests but also of other natural ecosystems to plantations have not yet been addressed.
Pratseyo is now attempting to save the country's peat forests which contain eight times the carbon content of other rainforests by engineering a massive land - swap, essentially by convincing palm oil producers to move their operations to degraded land.
But when peat forests are drained and burned for oil palm and other agricultural plantations, they release massive amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere.
Even though peatlands are often located in remote areas, millions of people around the world live in and around peat forests.
The problem is that we don't know enough about effects on the carbon cycle via positive feedbacks e.g. melting permafrost, rainforest deforestation, peat forest destruction, etc..
The restoration project is mandated by the Indonesian government under various policies, issued in the wake of the 2015 fires, to protect the carbon - rich peat forests.
As one tonne of carbon equates to 3.67 tonnes of CO2, the 1997 Indonesian peat forest fires emitted between 2.97 and 9.43 billion tonnes of CO2.
Concerning the possibility of multiple dry months for peat forest regions on Sumatra and Borneo what is most noteworthy is a lingering El Niño state cold water SST anomaly around these two Indonesian isles (as can be seen below):
To make the changes needed to reduce the effects of climate change in peat forests, researchers also look at the role local communities play.
Indonesia announced a two year moratorium on granting new concessions of rainforest and peat forest for clearing in Oslo, Norway, however concessions already granted to companies will not be stopped.
But we already have some good terrestrial carbon sequestration systems, including the vast subarctic peat forests of Russia and North America, the huge equatorial peat forests of Borneo, the Amazon basin and the smaller forests in New Zealand, Tasmania and South America.
I was doing my damnedest to help save the lives of the wild orangutan living in the peat forests of Borneo when I caught wind of another man doing the same in Sumatra, for the tiger.
The paper giant has been dogged by allegations that is destroying key wildlife habitat, driving substantial greenhouse gas emissions through the conversion of peat forests, dispossessing local communities of land, and engaging in a heavy - handed campaign to undermine its critics within Indonesia and abroad.
Many threatened flagship species for conservation (including orangutans, rhinoceroses and Sumatran tigers) find refuge in Indonesia's peat forests.
JAKARTA — More than a hundred palm oil and pulp companies in Indonesia have pledged to restore a combined area of peat forest the size of the state of Connecticut,...
These peat forests lie on relatively flat ground — sought after for palm oil plantations.
Pulp and paper giant Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) has launched a $ 7 million ecosystem restoration project to restore and protect over 20,000 hectares of peat forest in Indonesia's...
The importance of preserving tropical wetlands — mangrove and peat forests — is ever clearer.
Last month Sinar Mas and First Borneo Group agreed to forgo conversion of peat forest in West Kalimantan on the island of Borneo in exchange for carbon payments.
Kerumutan's peat forests are a major repository of stored carbon in the soil; clearing the forest not only removes the above ground carbon sink in the form of trees and forest floor biomass, but also releases all that stored carbon as the peat dries out — it's also illegal under Indonesian law.
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