Sentences with phrase «peculiar kind»

Still, like the other three elements of religion and hope, the way of action is also subject to its own peculiar kind of temptation.
Pissing away one's talent in the cause of nihilistic hijinkery connotes its own peculiar kind of «godlike» virtuosity.
For some time I've viewed Faulkner as a very peculiar kind of Calvinist.
At the press preview, it was as thrilling as ever to step inside this imposing structure with its grandiose spaces and peculiar kind of mid-sixties glamour.
When we marry, we seldom realize that we will sporadically feel a peculiar kind of loneliness.
Within our denominations, we have allowed a peculiar kind of elitism to develop around the senior pastorate.
This peculiar kind of hope itself opens up the possibility of a particular stance in the world: one of concern for others even at the expense of concern for the survival of our way of life.
The combination of the understanding of the individual as the one addressed by God, and thereby placed in decision, and the awareness of the inwardness of the decision joined in producing that peculiar kind of responsible, self - conscious individuality which justifies the term «person.»
Yet men have always somehow known that man is more than animal, and it is verily a peculiar kind of scientific method which can no longer see the differences that separate man and beast and machine.
Many of us who have written about Rawls» argument have noted that the people behind his famous «veil of ignorance» are a peculiar kind of people (i.e., people very much like John Rawls) and therefore can hardly serve as the normative deliberators producing universal moral principles.
He had no image; and while he certainly had a name, it was (as we shall see) a name of a peculiar kind.
Obviously, at the psychological level feelings are as much involved in moral choice as in any other kind of choice; one derives a peculiar type of satisfaction from moral behavior just as one feels a peculiar kind of guilt from immoral behavior.
A peculiar kind of blindness is required to work every day in a large American municipal hospital and still laud sexual liberation.
Instead it has deepened, spreading a peculiar kind of confusion into our public discourse, political institutions, popular culture, the lives of religious believers, and entire communities of faith — including, at times, the Church herself.
There is a peculiar kind of loyalty at work here: very similar to the loyalty expected of the population of a nation to its armed forces.
While millions of Americans are trying to shed fat, in the past year three research teams announced that the adult body contains a peculiar kind of fat that we might prefer to hold on to.
And so the cheapening, even smearing, of a peculiar kind of romance is at its most rampant, and the want for proper dialogue and plot points has finally become make - believe.
Samuel Jablon speaks with artist Heather Morgan about scandalous women, female identity, and the «peculiar kind of intensity» that informs her work.
Leaving these outer and imagined spaces a mystery, Glendening returns with a peculiar kind of document which reflects the voyage the arrival and the return.
Of all the types of drawings Nauman has done for different mediums, his drawings for installations are particularly interesting -LSB-... because] they reveal, perhaps more than any other type, how Nauman thinks his way not simply into sculpture but into the peculiar kind of space his installations present.
A peculiar kind of evidence is offered up in Sam Easterson's videos and photographs of birds — be they falcons or pheasants, turkeys or ducks — as well his videos of an astonishing range of other animals.
Auberbach is a landscape painter, but a peculiar kind.
Now that I'm spending more time in classrooms than the newsroom, I often face students displaying a peculiar kind of bifocal gaze divided between the front of the room and the laptop screen.
The high - elevation center of an ice sheet also plays a role in driving a peculiar kind of local weather created by the ice sheet itself.
We may just be a peculiar kind of intelligent bacteria, able to be individually aware of what we're doing but collectively utterly incapable of doing a fart about it.
Even in the largest firms, private practice is, at heart, a peculiar kind of individual business in which each lawyer is ultimately responsible for his or her revenue stream.
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