Sentences with phrase «pedants in»

Sorry to be a pedant in my own language (my Greek is very bad!)
The pedant in me strikes again: - Eric@Response @ 37 is saying that the continuing rise in Ocean Heat Content infers a continuing global energy imbalance.
However, the pedant in me has to ask this question - how far and how often are the goats transported?

Not exact matches

[spelling pedant] Rachael, it's remuneration, not renumeration [/ spelling pedant] As a further pedantic point, all commerce is casino capitalism, in that risks must be borne in order to get reward.
Any pedant knows that it was in the 1999 Scottish Parliament election.
You may also have assumed I follow a Peatatarian diet — I don't but I am familiar enough with his recommendations to know that something important has been overlooked — call me a pedant if you wish but he's clearly cognisant of the fact that carbohydrate can elevate adrenaline and has a strategy via the addition of sea salt to address it which in the context of the discussion above might just be important to recognize.
Though it would take a purist pedant to legitimately lament the evolution of colour stock as a negative turning point in film history, there's no doubt something was lost in Technicolor's takeover as monochrome movies moved from mainstream to niche, and the basic joy of black and white became impossible to appreciate without express attention.
Anyone who's ever had the pleasure of listening to a Ric Meyers commentary track on a martial - arts DVD knows how entertaining and informative the man can be, relating anecdotes, analysis, observation, and historical context in the voice of an enthusiast, not a pedant.
My fellow critics and I may occasionally fault a movie for departing, in detail or in spirit, from its literary source, but the grousing of a few adult pedants is nothing compared to the wrath of several million bookish 10 - year - olds.
Newman underscored Hoffman's crotchety pedant with a wry, grumpy theme and generally added levity but also a wistful, nostalgic hue in more tender moments — all on solo piano, which he performed.
As magicians Strange and Norrell — the first in possession of abundant natural, effortless but undirected talent, and the second something of a scholarly pedant — attempt to bring magic back to England, Clarke brings magic back to the world of literary fiction.
I freely admit that I'm overthinking like a blithering pedant who's two decades older than the intended target audience, but Spiral House score an own goal from the off and alienate animal lovers in the process.
You are a science pedant who can not deal with anything not already in the literature, which makes you not very useful in any conversation beyond interpreting papers» meanings.
In the video they claim that LiFi is «radiation free»; one could be a pedant and point out that light is just a different frequency of electromagnetic radiation that we happen to have evolved to see.
Robert Brown, in your example physics paper (posted 2:33 pm above) I found an error in the solution in 1 (b)... the word calculate is misspelled as «calcfulate»... does this qualify me for any credit towards a physics degree, or does that just make me a run - of - the - mill pedant?
I am going to be a pedant about «verification» but as Steve and Lubos put it in quotes they probably has reason to think Tamino's use of the word is wrong too.
Pedants from crappy schools who haven't studied actual hard science with the best in the field (DNA / organic / organic / nano - tech, materials chemistry in my case) don't know how to go back and check the input data to see if the conclusions taken from them even pass the laugh test, which they do not.
(pedants should note that in the above graph «cells with ocean data» means «cells with ocean data and where the nearest land station to the cell's centre is more than 100 km away»)
So, being the overly literal pedant (sometimes), and in my eternal search for the perfect reductio I went to the Alberta legislation to see if it defined «confined» and «institution», at least in the definitions section.
It also might be a sneaky nod to Apple's iconic rainbow logo from 1976, although any pedant worth their salt will tell you that that logo arranged the colors in non-ROYGBIV order.
And the «made by Google» marketing line — although pedants will point out HTC, as an ODM, is actually behind the Pixel phones — is the first step in a journey that could take us through to new Google tablets and eventually laptops running the rumored «Andromeda» OS.
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