Sentences with phrase «pedophiles who»

Rosario Dawson plays a cop who specializes in cases of child - enslavement, investigating evil rings of pedophiles who abuse and torture kids for an Internet audience (these creeps have amazing encryption!)
Police may soon have a new way to catch pedophiles who distribute child abuse photos anonymously online.
Yeah, priest, those pedophiles who ramble in every country of the world.
Normally it is said that victims of pedophiles who don't complain are scared they won't be believed.
Are you aware that there are pedophiles who victimize little girls?
tbt There are plenty of male pedophiles who target little girls too, so nobody really buys that this is the fault of gays.
A pedophile who preys on girls is just as bad as a pedophile who preys on boys.
Am I like the angry drunk who comes home from the bar and yells at his kid for no reason... or like the pedophile who ruins the life of a young person to fulfill his lusts?
So the pedophile who is in prison can blame his pedophile neighbor?
Califia is also a pedophile who promotes such activity.
Mohammed was just a self - styled stand - up prophet, child molester - pedophile who lived and died like any other human being; he did not resurrect like Jesus Christ.
Advise from a declared pedophile who twists that trailer trash statement to read «accident» instead of criminal misuse isnt too clever.
I don't have it in me to pray God blesses the pedophile who tortures Children ----- you know, the ones who Jesus says would be better off for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Another lying pedophile who gets away with it.
A pedophile who goes by the screen name Heartfallen....
They gave their children to the pedophile who claimed to be Jesus knowing he was a pedophile.
Two alleged victims of an upstate pedophile who admitted to police that he abused hundreds of kids over four decades are livid over his pending release from prison and want the state attorney general to keep him locked up.
The woozy but pragmatic Cathy Anne also tells Che not to trust any poll which shows Democrat and not - molester (that we know of) Doug Jones with a chance, citing people's unwillingness to confess to voting for «the pedophile who likes slavery» to a stranger on the phone.
Sweden replaced one of the world's most tightly regulated school systems with one of the most deregulated, leading to scandals like the 2011 case of the convicted pedophile who set up several schools quite legally.
... I Mean... If You Were To Have Michael Myers As A Playable DLC Choice, THAT Would Be «Cooler» Than Popularizeing A Character Whose Claim To Fame Is That He Was / Is A Serial Murderer AND A PEDOPHILE Who Comes Back From The Dead To Terrorize Children In Their Dreams!!!
Following their solo exhibition of «Z,» an in - depth exploration of gender ambiguity at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, Rowan Renee will mount a recent series of photographs which puts a microscope on the physical and psychological abuses from incest suffered at the hands of their father, a convicted pedophile who died in prison a little more than five years ago.
dhogaza, McIntyre has now added new lows, by discussing Lasaga, a convicted pedophile who once was a scientist at Penn State...

Not exact matches

i'm concerned with sin as well but i'm worried about the log in my own eye before i start throwing around ugly steretypes and comparing my neighbors to rapists and pedophiles (who are also my neighbors but that's beside the point).
I'd worry more about ridding scouting of «Pedophiles «serving as scout leaders who do far more ham than so - called pre-adolescent gays!
This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.
There is enough legal evidence to show that the Catholic Church is a pedophile organization and any parent who attends should lose custody of their children.
People are not born pedophiles... when you ask a pedophile what his earliest known sexual attractions were, and they answer little girls... it's not because they were a pedophile at age 9... it's because they were a little boy who liked little girls.
If I were a moral Babist, I'd worry more about ridding scouting of «Pedophiles «serving as scout leaders who do far more harm than so - called pre-adolescent gays!
More «Catholic priests are a bunch of pedophiles» and «I'm against pedophiles» posts by people who really know very little about pedophile statistics and just use these areticles to vent their anti-catholic prejudices.
The karma of islam will one day be administered by god to all who followed the pedophile prophet of lies, and murder.
Islams prophet was no more then a illiterate pedophile warlord who invented his own religion in order to control all the people he conquered.
To the writers who think now that Father Cutie is married that is one less pedophile... please check your facts... most pedophiles are married, they just prefer children.
Abuse exists, but decades and decades of hiding it, moving around pedophile priests, obfuscating, and stonewalling is the sin OF THE CHURCH, not of the individual priests who perpetrated the abuse.
The Church is working at cleaning these people out and setting up stringent entrance requirements for seminarians so that no new priests will be ordained who are pedophiles.
My problem is with the pedophile priests and the bishops who covered up for them.
The abuse perpetrated by priests is atrocious and hurts Catholics (meaning THE PEOPLE who make up the Church) deeply but that does not given anyone the right to paint every priest the with the same brush of pedophile!
I would like to also remind those who generalize, that pedophiles are not exclusive to the Catholic Church as most of us have witnessed reports of teachers and / or elected officials who have committed similar crimes.
Likewise, evil is not exclusive to catholics priest therefore my point that instead of complaining about catholicism and bashing «catholics», we should all condemn pedophiles, regardless of who they are or their roles in their communitiies.
Spoke - tell that to the majority of Christians who are quick to hate Muslims and other religions... tell that to the Christians who still falsely believe that America was founded on Christianity — tell that to allthe Christians who are still in denial about Pedophile running around in the Catholic church — Christians are as silly as they come
My question is, if Gay people are» born» that way, what are Pedophiles and people who practice Beastieality and bigomy.
What about the tens of thousands of your pedophile priests protected by your pedophile infested church who have raped countless children throughout the centuries and continuing to this day?
Remember all those pedophile Catholic priests who abused all those little boys?
(oh and before you whine that I know nothing of your group, my husband is a recovering Catholic who fortunately was smart enough to leave the cult of pedophile behind)
Any one who makes a comment that first offenders should not receive jail time and that Jerry Sandusky is a «poor Guy» is in fact a pedophile themselves.
I understand with arresting the pedophile Sandusky, the man should be castrated, but to fire a man who made Penn State relevant and gave the university its prestige, not forgetting the millions of dollars made through the football program, is absurd.
Any person who is a member of a Catholic Church and gives money to them is providing money that the Church will use to defend it's pedophile clergy.
Hatred is calling the religious disgusting, judgmental hypocrites who contribute the most to the suffering of humankind, whose falsehoods and lies should be wiped clean from all societies, and who keep company with the corrupt, the pedophiles and the delusional.
Pedophiles like children, and anyone who was ever raised Catholic will know that priests just had way more access to boys than girls.
It is a cult that, to this day, spawns pedophiles and perverts who want to marry little girls!!!
Everyone knows it's the good Christians in their own homes who are the worst pedophiles, chanel # 5.
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