Sentences with phrase «pee more»

Feeling like you have to pee more often than usual.
In space, astronauts pee more and drink less, so they can become dehydrated very easily.»
Theobromine is a cardiac stimulant (makes the heart beat faster and irregularly) and a diuretic (makes the animal pee more).
As dog's age, especially females, they may need to pee more often.
This is a guide about, «Can medications cause a dog to pee more often?».
There is also a big possibility for the puppy to pee more, as well as to change its bowel movements.
It encourages your cat to pee more often so the urine will stay in the urinary tract for shorter periods of time, meaning there is less chance of crystals collecting.
Dogs with renal failure might pee more than ever before, but their kidneys are no longer efficiently removing waste from their bodies.
In addition, you probably have to pee more often.
These foods help you pee more often, which if you stay hydrated and drink plenty of water can be a good thing to clean you out!
All that does happen is we pee more, stress our internal organs, get fat, smelly, gassy, and inflamed.
Tea is diuretic, which will make you pee more and dry up your stool.
They just cause you to pee more and lose more of the fluid then you have ones that affect the angiotensin - converting enzyme that affects — it's in the lung
If you run within one or two hours of drinking coffee, you don't pee more
He can't stand and pee any more b / c it sprays everywhere.
Babies don't pee more at night than in the day, they are just in an unchanged diaper for a longer period of time as the family sleeps.
This causes your bladder to fill more quickly, so you need to pee more often.
Now some women need to pee more than others, and of course it is recommended women drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and fight off bouts of nausea.
This procedure moves the opening of the penis to the right place so your child can pee more easily.
Needing to pee more typically starts at about 6 weeks and going to the loo more often is more noticeable before a missed period.
Terry Inserts Insert in organic cotton terry used as additional absorption when the child started to pee more.
(You give him juice to make him pee more, what, are you supposed to give him laxatives to make him poop more?
Of course, like most diuretics — substances that make you have to pee more frequently — you should be mindful of the quantity you consume.
Things would get even worse for us when my daughter was going through a developmental leap, growth spurt, or teething, as that's when babies tend to pee more at night.
Another symptom that you may not be expecting so early in your pregnancy is needing to pee more often, but actually it's a common early sign.
Nausea isn't the only thing that might have you running to the bathroom — hormonal changes and other things, such as your kidneys working extra hard to flush wastes out of your body, can make you need to pee more often too.
To get him to pee more I gave him salty food and more water more water so that we will have as many opportunities as we can.
He promptly took his finger and pushed it in and yelled «see, there is no pee - pee any more!».
because although he pees more frequently on the floor while naked, he also is much more inclined to go pee by himself in the bathroom.
Peeing more than usual (You might notice more wet diapers if your child is very young, or «accidents» if your child is potty trained.)
When my daughter hit 6 months she started peeing more and these diapers weren't absorbent enough.
My Littlest is now 6 weeks old and this little boob - monster pees more than either of his older brothers ever did.
These worked great until he started peeing more heavily (after about 4 weeks old).
Yeah, with that in mind, I'd suggest that he's just peeing more and it's time for something more absorbent.
Around day 3 - 4 you will be aware that your breasts feel heavier and fuller, and baby is swallowing more frequently and pooping and peeing more.
In the third trimester, you might be peeing more often or have leg cramps as he presses on nerves in your hips and back.
If you are peeing more than usual during the day and getting up 2, 3 or 4 times a night to go to the bathroom, believe me, you're not alone.
The ketogenic diet is a natural diuretic and you'll be peeing more than normal.
Contact your vet if your cat is peeing more frequently or in greater volume.
Kidney disease makes it harder for a cat's body to conserve water and eliminate waste as efficiently, so you might notice that your cat is drinking more or peeing more.
If your pet seems to be peeing more frequently, he / she may be suffering from excessive urination.
So he pees some more.
But it may have also peed more and gained weight.
When a dog starts drinking more water than usual and peeing more often, it may be a sign that something abnormal is going on.
Even when they do, the first signals of kidney disease in cats are easy to miss, including subtle weight loss, urinating / peeing more often and drinking more water.
The end result is a cat that is peeing more and therefore needs to drink more!
If your dog is drinking more, he'll probably also be peeing more (another sign of a potential problem).
Other early pregnancy symptoms include feeling tired, feeling bloated, peeing more than usual, mood swings, nausea, and tender or swollen breasts.
Common discomforts like breast tenderness, feeling very tired, peeing more often, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting usually get worse.

Not exact matches

With this, I rest my case, have no more comment on the matter, am not getting into a peeing contest with one member or guest after the other.
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