Sentences with phrase «peeks at them in»

One New York philanthropist she interviews writes anecdotes on index cards and sneaks peeks at them in quiet moments at events, to help him navigate the cocktail chatter of the fundraising circuit.
I peeked at it in the fridge.
My daughter's favorite part is that, once she's cleared a section of food on her plate, she gets a little peek at herself in the reflective surface!
A team of NASA and Lockheed Martin engineers involved in developing those craft offers a peek at them in «To the Moon and Beyond,» which makes up one half of this month's special report on the future of space exploration, beginning on page 62.
It was all too — with the help of my intelligent iPhone — to document my final WREC workout and give ya'll a peek at me in action.
I actually went to the supermarket after I did this look and kept sneaking a peek at myself in my reflection and admiring how glowing my skin looked.
Today you can peek at it in the medieval part of the Sully wing.
If you haven't heard of the game, and want a quick peek at it in action be sure to check out the trailer above.
This accessibility means that even apprentices of antagonism will be summoning ten - hit combos without even peeking at the in - game command list for each character.
In a few of my Facebook Live videos lately, many of you were asking to see more details of the hot cocoa bar since you were able to get peeks at it in the background.

Not exact matches

Giving your followers a sneak peek at the inner workings of the company can only be beneficial in your efforts to gain an extra level of trust.
The company is giving press a sneak peek at the upcoming service at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, and after a brief tour of what Hulu's got thus far, there are reasons to believe it's on to something.
The four - door concept car, clad in «Hot Red» livery, offers the public a sneak peek at an upcoming production model developed independently by AMG.
When he landed in Vancouver, Canada last month he was treated like a rock star by thousands of South Asians clamoring for just a peek at the man leading India's first majority government in 30 years.
«We brought in the professor and researcher who literally co-wrote the book on differential privacy for a quick peek at what we were doing,» Federighi said, grinning at the audience.
If you don't want big tech companies to peek at and sell what you do online — in whatever form — you have to go out of your way to change it.
To me, this is a peek at the safety nets of households in different income groups.
We took a peek at how that'll work in June — in short, it seems very likely to improve Google's machines, especially when they're offline.
Before you look down at your less than rock hard abs or peek at your gray hairs in the mirror and dismiss this post as only for the younger and fitter, know that Satyanand was far from a health nut when we began his running habit.
It's the next best thing to actually being in the room with them and also allows me to share highlights from my travels with them, whether it's a look outside my hotel room, a peek at a historic landmark or a glance of my unusual dinner.
Trying to Bypass Anxiety on the Road to Driverless Cars Net Neutrality's Holes in Europe May Offer Peek at Future in U.S.
However, as I get to peek behind the business curtains — i.e., look at their financial statements — many of these innovative ideas are not being executed in a way that makes the entrepreneur enough profit to get by.
Google gave outsiders their first peek at its experimental quantum super-computing system on Tuesday that it hopes will one day usher in a new era of data crunching.
Take a peek at the chart now, because some tax holidays are already in full swing.
That's why Sony partnered with Joshua Peek, an astronomer at Columbia University, to build «The Invisible Universe,» an Android app which uses GPS position and device orientation to reveal what's happening in the universe — from massive black holes to constellations — right on the Sony Ericsson platform.
In the company's Henderson, Nev., headquarters, the napping room has one glass wall, meaning passing tour groups get a peek at any employees sleeping on the job.
In the interview, Janett shares her path to CEO, her advice to future entrepreneurs, and gives us a sneak peek at Loomia's wearable technology.
This is the same Prime Minister who threatened a flurry of lawsuits if the RCMP even tried to take a peek at Mulroney bank accounts in Switzerland and who received $ 2 million from the government for his troubles, one for himself, one for his lawyer.
Here's a peek at what real people talk like in the field, not your first grade drivel.
Go check out the comment section in any of the gay marriage articles that ran last week for a peek at how vile and hate - filled christians are.
If we don't allow ourselves to feel our feelings, they have a habit of peeking around the corners of our lives, breaking in at the most inopportune moments.
I got my copy in the mail yesterday, peeked at the first chapter, and was immediately floored by the writing.)
If you want to get a sneak peek at what the Christian community will be talking about in 5 - 10 years, just spend some time on a Christian college campus.From evolution to religious pluralism to homosexuality, the issues that play out on the national scene often begin in classrooms, late - night dorm room discussions, and chapel services.
They make me smile, chuckle, sit back in my chair, ponder, get angry, think, re-think, defend, wonder why I'm defending, get perplexed, get confused, get more clarity, get more obscurity, saying YES out loud, saying NO out loud, most of all looking forward to my inbox that says «Naked Pastor» everyday, and opening it like a sneek peek at my Christmas stocking before mom and dad get up Christmas morning.
The colossal size and scope of the Universe belies a God who peeks in our bedrooms and gets angry if we do not kow - tow to Him at every opportunity.
Late at night, after a long day in court, Miruna, my legal assistant, peeked into my doorway: «A big man in the waiting room says he wants to discuss a case.»
With this in mind — if you would like to see something that had started with Simon Cowell insulting a psator about his weight then resulting in Cowell saying «praise the Lord» and a prominent comedian talking about a performance making him want to go to church the have a peek at this:).
I got a peek at the ingredients list on the shipping box for Popeyes Cajun Gravy and confirmed that gizzard is in there.
If you peek at the recipe for our No - Bake Chocolate - Coconut Peanut Butter Bars (, for example, we use a little coconut oil in the chocolate layer there, too — just to help with spreadability, but in that recipe, the coconut oil is optional if you're willing to put in just a little more effort to do the spreading.
He ate everything in order, left only one spinach leaf, never sneaked a peek at the dessert until he was done and was psyched!
Just take a peek at that short ingredient list... think about throwing it all in the blender to make a batter, and it really is that easy!
Sneak a peek at new foods, beverages, supplements, personal care and natural living products debuting on the show floor in Baltimore.
As we revel in our last moments of summer relaxation, let's take a peek at what's coming this fall in the Hudson Valley.
Let's take a peek at what's in these protein rich energy bars.
Take a peek at the ingredient list next time on your favorite version of mint - chocolate - chip... not much real mint or real chocolate... and a whole lot of other nasties they add in to make it «taste good»!
I have tip for perfectly pliable jicama tortillas in my Fed & Fit book (take a peek at the Barbacoa recipe).
We are in love with everything GOLDE, and were so excited to get a peek at its radiant founder's wellness routine.
Taking peeks at consumer purchases in the stores, eyeing the brands people are drinking walking down the streets and even sifting through garbage to see if people are sipping every drop of AriZona beverages are all part of its man - on - the - street data collection.
What I really did was do the dishes, and try not to peek at what was happening in the oven.
container that gives shoppers a sneak peek at what's inside, Friendly's Signature Sundaes range in price from $ 4.49 to $ 4.99 and can serve up to seven people.
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