Sentences with phrase «pen and paper»

Take a note from their playbook and sit down every morning with pen and paper in hand.
I try to only use pen and paper for most of the day.
A traditional working culture may also be holding law firms back from embracing technological change: roughly 87 % of those surveyed said they still use pen and paper for completing legal work.
It's the end of pen and paper as we know it.
A suggestion, please provide pen and paper in the rooms.
As far as something surprising, maybe it's that I still rely heavily on pen and paper for a lot of my legal writing.
Get a good, old fashioned pen and paper ready.
Also have your own list of questions ready (preferably with pen and paper handy).
Although the law states that electronic signatures are just as valid as pen and paper, some prefer using hard copies of forms in order to have a physical signature.
They all sat in a circle around the booth and he pulled pens and paper out of his backpack and handed them out to the group.
Need to switch from pen and paper to tablet?
I've seen everything from huge spreadsheets to clunky database software to the good old pen and paper approach.
Do you ever worry that your pupil's digital work is not valued by school management and formal inspection services as highly as pupil work created using traditional pen and paper methods?
She might want a book of pictures of the family, a special letter from you, and pens and paper so she can write you a letter.
He enjoys classic video games, pen and paper role playing games, playing guitar, and long walks on the beach.
Available for desktop, phone and tablet, it's a proven alternative to good old fashioned pen and paper.
In today's fast paced business world, it isn't possible to rely on just pen and paper when it comes to handling project and meeting deadlines.
He said he was; and at my request he took pen and paper and proceeded to write them down for me.
You can even ask your dreams for answers to specific questions and keep pen and paper by your bed to record what comes.
They track their progress with a smartphone app or just pen and paper.
You can even use a real pen and paper if you'd like.
Then, have students engage in performance assessments (demonstrations, for example) in place of pen and paper tests.
From building a digital tech stack (to replace pens and papers) to solving complicated consumer behavior puzzles — these are cool (and tough) challenges.
Finally, electronic signatures are more cost - effective than the traditional pen and paper method.
Even before the advent of sleep trackers, doctors recommended that some patients monitor how (and how much) they slept with simple pen and paper.
With Note 5 you might never need pen and paper, to note.
These new devices don't have to replace traditional tools like pen and paper.
By completing these worksheets using only pen and paper, students will be able to practically apply the core concepts of long form multiplication.
If you prefer pen and paper budgets, you can either use an actual budget planner like this one or I hear that bullet journals have worked well for people.
Let the thought about pen and paper (or the keyboard) be pleasant!
We recommend using a spreadsheet or other program that allows you to easily sort columns, or if you only have a few, you may find pen and paper just as easy.
But on the call you need to be «in the conversation» and basic pen and paper will always win the race for most agents.
The most efficient small businesses have abandoned pen and paper in favor of software that plans schedules and tracks projects.
If this happens schools will struggle to buy pens and paper.
I love the romance between pen and paper, dreams and words.
I am old fashion when it comes to planners and prefer the old pen and paper route.
Of course, the problem with packing everything into some cards and basic decisions via the app you lose a lot of the nuance that makes the big pen and paper RPGs fun.
A word of advice: keep pen and paper nearby to keep track of the story's many dream layers.
There are still some dating agencies that operate through pen and paper and not via the computer, senior people are included, not all of them but a small amount.
So, while using pens and paper within the classroom is still very effective, schools should understand the benefits of technology and why it's a proven resource to enhance learning and engagement.
Yet when student work goes beyond pen and paper, what's the best way to showcase it?
It's almost as instant as having a real pen and paper in front of you.
The first is a 16 - inch wide lower section that is designed to hold your keyboard and mouse, as well as serve as a workspace for all things pen and paper.
It boasts a phenomenal, pen and paper style character customization sheet, which helps keep your party unique and progressing as you play through the game.
A digital notebook that uses normal pen and paper?
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