Sentences with phrase «penalized equally»

Lack of stop or too deep a stop are to be penalized equally.
True enough, the officials were not biased, all teams being penalized equally.

Not exact matches

The idea that a parent may get short - changed or penalized seems to me to reflect the idea that children are parental property, to be divided equally along with other assets.
To be sure, there are often good reasons to place children out of district at public expense — no district can serve all students equally well — but neither are there always clear and obvious distinctions to be made between who can be educated in a regular school, those who need alternative settings and those like Adrian who run afoul of the rules so frequently, or who are penalized so often and systematically, that they simply give up and leave.
The Sortino ratio measures the risk - adjusted return of a portfolio, or strategy, but unlike the Sharpe ratio, it only penalizes for returns falling below the target return, whereas the Sharpe ratio penalizes both upside and downside volatility equally.
Excessive timidity, with due allowance for puppies and novice exhibits, is to be equally penalized.
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