Sentences with phrase «penance at»

I'm up to 56 cents now, which translates into nearly an hour of rooftop penance at the end of the month.
His case was eventually referred to Rome, where he was found to be innocent of actual heresy but ordered to reject sixteen Lutheran propositions and do penance at the convento of Santa Maria sopra Minerva.

Not exact matches

Robert Chapman Jr., a hedge - fund manager in California, took a potshot at his former friend, observing, «I've heard it said that yoga is Dan's form of paying penance for what he does while outside the home, whether it be the office or elsewhere.
It turned out to be essentially a continuation of what had already been revealed — a plea for prayer and penance, but with an added series of images: a ruined city, a rugged Cross, a Pope shot at with arrows, bishops, clergy and faithful people martyred.
Repentance is at best only an incentive to this turning, and it may even stand in the way of it if a man tortures himself with the idea that his acts of penance are not sufficient and thereby withholds his best energies from the work of reversal.
He even humbled the Emperor Henry IV, forcing him to submit at Canossa, in north Italy in 1077, and to do penance.
Varela said the Roman Catholic Church «has conferred to all the priests legitimately approved to hear sacramental confessions, who are in the archdiocese of Madrid during August 15 to 22, the delegated power to remit during the sacrament of penance the excommunication... corresponding to the sin abortion, to the faithful who are truly sorry, imposing at the same time a convenient penance
It seems like the medieval penitential system in multicultural dress — except that at MTS sinners are offered no clear practice of penance that can lead to absolution and reincorporation into the community.
Father Paul Keller is assistant professor of sacramental theology at Mt St Mary's of the West Seminary, Cincinnati, and is also the author of 101 Questions & Answers on the Sacraments of Healing: Penance and Anointing.
However, offering slang and fashionable jargon as «renewed» preaching, celebrating the secular embrace of certain Christian symbols (i.e., use of crosses as warnings at highway danger points, putting Christ in Christmas, etc.), or reducing the Gospel to the lowest common denominator of acceptable faith and ethic will hardly be received by a serious world as adequate penance.
And for good reason: despite its errors, and need for self - examination and penance, America is, at its best, a giving and caring nation.
The rubrics in the missal specifically state that the Sacrament of Penance can be celebrated at any time.
Most still have at least nominal times for hearing confessions sometime on a Saturday, but the greater emphasis is on Penance Services twice a year at Christmas and Easter.
That is all well and good, but in reality it is already a dead letter for the majority because the whole Catholic spirituality of penance and sacrifice is hardly understood, if at all, and the meaning of «obligation» in this regard has been presented in a very confused manner.
I went to confession and did penance, genuflected at the altar, dipped my fingers into holy water and made the sign of the cross and gave up chocolate at Lent.
At the end of the month, each penny represents one minute I have to spend doing penance on the rooftop of my house to simulate what it is like to live with a contentious woman.
But the fact remains, and I hold myself fully responsible: Sunday at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts saw me almost running past various displays, silently offering what penance I could — apologizing to statues, begging forgiveness of Egyptian jewelry, and mentally flagellating myself before fresco paintings of the crucifixion.
Towards the end of the year Luther turned to the Sacraments of Penance, Baptism and the Mass, again in German; these were for general non-academic consumption, but Luther used them to enable him to move towards a re-cast understanding of the Sacraments at a serious intellectual level.
We find Hazel Motes at the end of Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood, having put out his own eyes by the use of chemical lime, winding himself in barbedwire as a penance.
At their Low Week meeting the Bishops of England and Wales have wisely and humbly suggested that we use our May Fridays to offer prayer and penance «for healing, forgiveness and renewed dedication».
It's a wonderful way to live if you embrace it for what it is and the opportunity it offers, rather than looking at it as a penance or something to be «treated» with a prescription.
The organic store I also shop at in Bergerac has a sarrasin (buckwheat) bread that is even more like penance, although it would be my go - to loaf if I heard a burglar trying to get in.
CBS suggests that you have to pay penance for BFing in church and while that may have been an attempt at a clever snippet, it's implications are seriously wrong.
In a public display of penance for allowing the appearance of corruption to permeate, Vance requested The Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity at Columbia Law School to investigate ways to better insulate our elected prosecutors
His assignment at this church — which seems to do more business in tourist trinkets than souls — is equal parts penance and abnegation.
The mystery man goes on to describe his abuse at the hands of a now - dead priest - thereby taking the wind out of those who got a guilty giggle out of his opening gambit - and he proposes a vengeful solution to assuage his anguish and deliver penance to the priesthood.
It reached its peak at the 1993 Whitney Biennial, where the art world seemed to be doing its version of penance for the excesses of the 80's.
Don't you know that it's just that Mankind is evil and if not eradicated we need to at least pay penance to Mother Gaia?
And while the President lectures us about our sins against the planet, his EPA and other agencies embark on the project to impose penance on us by forcing the closure of coal and other fossil fuel power plants, blocking pipelines, bankrupting the coal mining industry, subsidizing intermittent power sources that can't possibly run a fully operational electrical grid at reasonable cost, and multiplying our cost of electricity by an order of magnitude or so.
Then, as a penance, please join us on Monday, April 3, at Decs & Excs for Blawg Review # 51.
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