Sentences with phrase «pendulum swinging»

However, that only works when the political pendulum swings back quickly.
They forage with heavylumbering movements, plowing through the drifts with pendulum swings of theirmassive heads.
The author makes the case for incremental change instead of pendulum swings in education reform.
Best Conversation - Starter (nominated by BethanyKeeley - Jonker): Karen Swallow Prior at Her.Meneutics with «Welcoming Doubt Into Christian Education» «Human history is a series of pendulum swings from one extreme to another.
Questions the panel are expected to debate include: Has the level of protection pendulum swung too far, because states fear challenges?
Or might these simply be more glimpses of what's ahead as the school - reform pendulum swings away from the Bush - Obama era?
But Reno's volume can also be taken rather differently and more ecumenically: as a brief history of modernity's destructive pendulum swing between a desperate secularism» here called «pure immanence» - and one or another version of otherworldliness - here lumped together as «radical transcendence.»
The nature - nurture pendulum swung toward environmental causes of disease — industrial pollution for cancer, for example.
The political pendulum swings from more to less punishment and back again, but the paradigm itself is worn out, and a new one has not taken its place.
I find that when I'm discontent, and then pendulum swing the other direction («so fine, I'll just live with an empty house») that's not any different at the heart level than active coveting.
The side mission pendulum swings wildly between awesome and teaspoon - depth repetition.
«The leverage pendulum swung because of the loss,» Jones said in simple business - speak.
Each «island» is a set of quantum states for particles at the same point in space but with opposite momentums, like pendulums swinging in different directions.
We are seeing a big pendulum swing now, as we pull back from the era of No Child Left Behind and what I would call the technocratic
Just as in general elections, as the electoral pendulum swings so do the fortunes of councillors and would be councillors.
For The Battle Rings Pendulum Swing, complete a set to failure, rest for 60 seconds then repeat on opposite side.
I've worked in education policy long enough to have seen many pendulum swings.
For a little extra style, the glass - roofed atrium comes equipped with a big green pendulum swinging along the wall behind the bar and a panorama elevator.
The first pendulum swing is pretty extreme, from no process to too much process.
The past week saw the «Is There A Canadian Housing Bubble» pendulum swing decidedly toward the No camp.
The question for you is whether you actually prefer fascism to communism, or would you rather see the nation's political pendulum swing closer to the center?
They attach to this until they get burned, and often the reflex response is the proverbial pendulum swing to the exact opposite.
The problem is that, IMO; Hodges has bounced too far off LS into a position at the other end of the theological pendulum swing.
And without the depth of quality programs that SoCal has, we wouldn't be surprised to see the state title pendulum swing the other way.
Instead, they keep making the same mistakes, then overcompensating for those mistakes by making a mistake in direct contrast to the left pendulum swing.
I'd be pretty happy to have him as an NFL backup, no matter how wildly the Opinions About J.T. Barrett Pendulum swung throughout his college career.
As the Trump administration charts its course with new actors at the helm, such as Pompeo or Bolton, it is important to remember that neither personnel changes nor who occupies the White House necessarily produce radical pendulum swings in foreign policy.
A brass - toned pendulum swings underneath for an authentic cuckoo - clock touch.
The clock's mechanical parts left its accuracy at the mercy of shifting temperatures, pressures and even Earth's gravitational pull, since pendulums swing faster at lower altitudes and at Earth's poles.
As the metaphorical pendulum swings up toward its peak, it comes to a near but never complete stop.
But I think many women have had the post-cleanse pendulum swing that leaves you breathless on your kitchen floor, wondering how you ate ALL that ice cream.
A1: Quad Mace Curl to Press — 3 rounds x 5 reps (each side) A2: Quad Mace Swing to Catch — 3 rounds x 15 reps (each side) A3: Quad Mace Split Squat to Front Press — 3 rounds x 10 reps (each side) A4: Quad Mace Pendulum Swing — 3 rounds x 20 reps (each side)
I'm hoping that pendulum swings soon; I'd love to add one or two non-black options to my wardrobe.
««Fantastic Four» in the comics was always the pinnacle of Marvel, the crown jewel — they were the first family of Marvel Comics... The two existing versions did massive pendulum swings from each other.
We look, we touch, we feel — above all else, we feel, whether it's nervousness at perching ourselves below the enormous metal pendulum swinging from the ceiling, or butterflies in our stomachs as we attendees swing from the installation itself.
Featuring TrailerStability Assist, which helps protect against pendulum swings, once the trailer is no longer needed the hitch can be simply folded away, keeping the elegant design of the Insignia intact.
Conversely, when stock prices plummet — as they did by more than 50 % during the late -2007-through-early-2009 market slump precipitated by the financial crisis — the emotional pendulum swings the other way, and fear of incurring further losses drives us to invest too cautiously.
There's been a constant pendulum swinging in our minds: on one side, the cost of owning and maintaining an infrequently used second car, and on the other, the alluring scent of a new car.
Customers still want to know what the latest fashion trends are, and there's no reason to believe canine fashion won't rebound with the certain pendulum swing of economic life.
Is it like the beautiful pendulum swing in Mario 64's Tick Tock Clock?
The act of resting in contemplation, with the hypnotic pendulum swinging above, is set in contrast to the collaborative experience of swinging together.
The Final Fantasy pendulum swings back hard here.
As the market pendulum swings back today and sales are more robust, we need to increase market share and transaction volume, and focus on recruiting efforts.
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