Sentences with word «pennyroyal»

It is astonishing that the small dose of pennyroyal oil systemically shut down the dog's organs.
Avoid any product with pennyroyal, which is an effective flea repellent but can be highly toxic for dogs.
This example is very sad, but stands as a testament to the dangers of using pennyroyal essential oil for any reason.
The product is used for flea control and is available in flea shampoos, powders, and as pennyroyal oil.
During a «really challenging emotional time,» she turned to the flower essence pennyroyal, inspired by a book her boyfriend gave her for Christmas.
Fresh or dried pennyroyal leaves is a natural flea repellent.
The only species of mint, in the genus Mentha, which is toxic to dogs is English pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium).
Since essential oils can be toxic to cats (especially pennyroyal), herbal products may be a better choice for these pets.
These collars are treated with pennyroyal, mint and eucalyptus oils.
Essential Oil Shampoo — Add a few drops of eucalyptus or pennyroyal essential oil to natural shampoo or castile soap.
Other dog owners plant herbs such as pennyroyal, southernwood, or wormwood around dog kennels or near doorways and use herbal flea collars, brush lavendar or eucalyptus oil into the dog's coat once a week, or sprinkle dried leaves of lavendar, rosemary, sage, or eucalyptus in the dog's bed to keep the little bloodsuckers at bay, but the jury is still out on effectiveness.
Aloe, anise, buckthorn bark and berry, blue cohosh, caraway oil, cascara sagrada bark, coltsfoot leaf, comfrey, germander, gordolobo yerba tea, Indian snakeroot, Jin Bu Huan, kava, margosa oil, mate tea, mistletoe, pennyroyal oil, peppermint oil, petasite, rhubarb root, sage, skullcap, uva ursi
The Enlightenment had a vast pharmacopeia with dazzling names and no abortifacient effect whatever: aloes, colocynth, apioline, pennyroyal, tansy, pulegium oil, caulophyllia, cardomon, and cimicifuge.
- Electronic flea collars; brewer's yeast; garlic; vitamin B tablets; and extracts of eucalyptus, tea tree oil, or pennyroyal are not flea repellent and provide no protection for your pet.
Other natural ingredients known to cause allergic reactions or have toxic effects in some animals include tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil and pennyroyal oil.
Wintergreen, tea tree, citrus, oil of sweet birch, pine oils, Ylang Ylang oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, pennyroyal oil, clove oil, and eucalyptus oil.
For example, products that contain essential oils such as limonene, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, and pennyroyal, among others are known as highly toxic to other pets, especially cats.
Grow any of the following plants and place them (or the clippings) in areas you don't want your cat to go: Coleus canina, lavender, pennyroyal, rosemary, or rue.
And if you add a dropper or two of essential oils (lavender, citronella, pennyroyal, eucalyptus, etc.) to the bath, you'll have a pretty good repellent to discourage the next wave from jumping on your pal.
This oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the pennyroyal, squaw mint, or mosquito plants.
In a glass bowl mix 70 % eucalyptus oil, 20 % citronella oil, and 10 % pennyroyal oil (use caution with this if the animal is pregnant or a small breed).
We have seen some employing garlic and pennyroyal, both of which are toxic to cats.
Popular essential oils for sprays (because remember, you're not applying potent solutions to specific areas, you're covering your dog's fur in a spritzy haze, so it has to be powerful) are peppermint, eucalyptus oil, lemongrass, cedar, lavender, citronella, basil, pennyroyal, and so on.
These plants include rue, lavender, and pennyroyal.
These include concentrated eucalyptus oil, neem oil, pennyroyal oil, tea tree oil, citrus oil and D - limonene.
A few drops of an essential oil such as pennyroyal should be sufficient.
Exposure to pennyroyal oil may induce depression, vomiting, hepatic necrosis, diarrhea, epistaxis (nose bleeds), seizures, and death.
Pennyroyal oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the pennyroyal, squaw mint, or mosquito plants.
You can also plant rue, lavender, pennyroyal, Coleus canina and lemon thyme, all of which are unappealing to cats.
There, I met Thierry Bernard, a French expat who had stocked his shop, Casa Tial, with delicacies like liqueur made from poejo, or pennyroyal, a popular local herb.
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