Sentences with phrase «pension holder»

This is bad news for everyday savers, according to the researchers, as millions of pension holders have their funds invested in lower risk passive products.
The Conservatives should transfer local government pension holders to a defined contribution scheme (John Hutton ruled out this option).
I devised a survey, based on sampling and telephoning personal pension holders with a detailed script, and we produced an estimate of numbers that was used to launch a major pensions mis - selling review.
Following the merger of Asda with Sainsbury's, it has been revealed that Walmart will retain the Asda Defined Benefit (DB) scheme in order to protect the interests of pension holders.
Americans everywhere will feel it — young or old, pension holder or not.
And the SEC will have the authority to give shareholders more say in corporate elections, so that investors and pension holders have a stronger role in determining who manages the companies in which they've placed their savings.
And it led to a situation in which folks with the most to lose — stock and pension holders — had the least to say in the process.
When they want to retire the pension holder can trade the sum they have invested in their personal fund to purchase an annuity, which guarantees them an income in retirement, or they can take income from the fund, while continuing to invest the capital.
Defined benefit pensions stipulate that the pension holder accrues an entitlement to income through contributions to the pension scheme.
The minimum pension to a pension holder is now decided as Rs 1,000 pm.
With regard to the deemed trust, the Court was split but it upheld the finding of the Ontario Court of Appeal that a deemed trust had arisen under the Pension Benefits Act, RSP 1990, c P - 8 («PBA») in favour of the pension holders for the wind - up deficiency payments.
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