Sentences with phrase «pension holidays»

But in 1996, Telmer enraged Hamilton workers by using pension holiday legislation to stop fully funding retiree obligations.
Daley quickly sought permission from Springfield to divert district pension dollars to other uses and saw the school system take its first partial pension holiday.
Speaking at a public meeting in which the Park District's $ 385 million budget was unveiled, Laurence Msall, president of the Civic Federation, said the tax watchdog group supported the district's restraint in not raising property taxes and increasing employee contributions to health care costs, but was troubled by the «pension holiday
There are no «pension holidays» for the employees.
Just as enough smart lawmakers have blocked House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton from all but declaring a pension holiday.
Lawmakers for years allowed CPS to skip paying full contributions to its teacher pension system — «pension holidays» that allowed the struggling district to use the money to pay other expenses.
When the stock market was performing well in the 1990s, the PSERS system (Public School Employees» Retirement System) used the opportunity to give school districts and the state, which contributes more than half of pension costs for schools around Pennsylvania, a pension holiday.
Mr. Malanga states, «When the stock market was performing well in the 1990s, the PSERS system (Public School Employees» Retirement System) used the opportunity to give school districts and the state, which contributes more than half of pension costs for schools around Pennsylvania, a pension holiday.
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