Sentences with phrase «pension purposes»

In fact there are already caps on the amount of overtime that applies for pension purposes.
If you have a partner but do not include them in your retirement projection, the calculator will assess you as a single person for age pension purposes and this will give incorrect results.
The basic rules in Ontario are that two people are spouses for pension purposes if they are married to each other, or they fall within one of the following two categories:
* Some states cap the number of years teachers can claim for pension purposes, but let's ignore those for now, because they would make this situation even worse.
And all 1,271 state judges would be able to use their final year's salary for pension purposes, forcing the state to pay a retroactive $ 47 million.
Several participants opined that Ballard is «desperate» to remain in office to accumlate 20 years in office presumably for pension purposes.
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