Sentences with phrase «people about beliefs»

I believe that hassling people about their beliefs is a boundary invasion.
Some Traditions speak of Angels who guard Hell, some who guard Paradise, some who ask dead people about their beliefs, and some who record all of a man s actions; there is also an Angel who will blow the trumpet to awaken all human beings on the Day of Judgment.
I enjoy talking with people about beliefs, it doesn't have to be full of anger.
CG — How is Cathy excluding anyone by talking to already - religious groups of people about his belief?

Not exact matches

«Social norms, which are people's beliefs about what institutions and other people consider acceptable behavior, powerfully influence what people do and don't do,» the pair wrote.
The impulse towards those acts, and the beliefs about women that underlie them, probably predate a powerful person's rise.
That moment encapsulates a lot about what is at the center of Cole's belief system about people and about how to do business: Focus on the positive, even across a wide experiential or cultural background.
To put things in context, Bell followed that quote up by expressing his disappointment when communities of faith discourage people from asking questions about religious texts or beliefs.
But while people may have a right to express their beliefs in public, that does not mean companies can not take action when women are subjected to comments that perpetuate negative stereotypes about them based on their gender.
And I said, «Well, if you're discounting the number, what does this say about your belief in the people
There are 10 belief systems cultivated by highly effective people that run counter to the way most entrepreneurs are conditioned to think about their life and business.
People high on authoritarianism tend to have blind allegiance to conventional beliefs about right and wrong and have high respect for acknowledged authorities.
Most of all, she left a legacy of passion -; a deep belief that people at every level of an organization can understand what the business is all about, that they can learn to track the numbers and help move those numbers in the right direction.
As people who care deeply about their country, we are taught implicitly to vote for the party that most closely resembles our set of beliefs and convictions.
Most sales people are tempted to tell their buyers what to believe instead of asking questions that allow the buyers to come up with their own beliefs about the product.
We will never include home addresses or any other information about any person in our database that is not related to a business purpose, for example, information regarding: race or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or other similar beliefs; trade union membership; physical or mental health; sexual life; or criminal record.
FLANNERY: I think, fundamentally, you know, my belief is over time, people are rational about what is in their collective best interest.
As a woman who got married in the late 1960's I can tell you a lot of things about limiting your beliefs including how people around you can set up limits and barriers.
Why do people have limiting beliefs about themselves?
Christianity is much larger than people's beliefs about it.
I'm an atheist, and one of the things I hated about religion is that the Christians are always trying to force their absurd beliefs off on other people now there is an organized group of atheists trying to do the same thing with a non-religion.
«Their only gripe is about people having religious beliefs period, which legally does nothing to harm them»
But in the real world, I think atheists and people of varying faiths probably work together on various things for the good of mankind — often not really knowing fully about each others» beliefs, yet still accomplishing good things together.
I personally hear the atheists I know complain more than the religious people about others talking about their beliefs, could just be the people I know though.
Both people of faith and atheists should stop worrying about what the other side believes and just follow your own beliefs.
In order for our witness to mean anything to ourselves, our kids, or anyone who might darken our doors, we have to think about the culture we live in and what makes it particularly hostile to orthodox belief — as well as ways in which people around us might be uniquely susceptible to aspects of our faith that are true.
Oh look, another religious «leader» masking his prejudice with religious beliefs and crack «evidence» about LGBT people.
IMHO... I think «their obsession with religion» is about the sometimes crazy actions and outcomes that follow from people of religious beliefs... especially the fundamentalists.
For a clear definition of «perfectly fine,» go over to the article about the London Cleric resigning and see haw many perfectly fine people are posting in all caps, touting their personal beliefs as facts, and making fun of us for believing something we believe is factual.
Now — I don't expect people to renounce their religion because of it.,... but it wouldn't suprise me if some fence sitters didn't get inspired to make their own minds up about their beliefs...
If you know anything about the history of the bible you know it was created by many writers, compiled and edited by Roman emperors, added to, translated, interpreted and actually pretty much ignored — except for a few sentences that sound old fashioned that people use to justify their beliefs and actions.
But the claim with which Keister begins her study» that a person's religious beliefs will exert some influence on whether he will pursue material wealth and how he will go about doing so» seems eminently reasonable.
Some Christians simply choose not to rub their religion in other people's faces, and some are not secure enough in their beliefs to feel comfortable being challenged about them, so they keep their beliefs to themselves.
They are talking about love — something that all people feel no matter what their spiritual beliefs are.
After having several people comment on the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about, you still don't do the 45 seconds of research it would take for you to realize you're not even making sense when you talk about the beliefs of this organization.
It was not uncommon for people to believe in the cyclops, or the sirens until christianity took over, outlawed that belief and as.serted its own» = > the fact that people believed all kinds of things does nt imply anything about other beliefs.
You implied that some people aren't worthy of making judgements or coming to their own decisions, a common tactic of accusing a conservative of being «judgemental» because it's assumed that conservatives are mostly bible - toters who will remember that their precious bible says «judge not, lest ye be judged» and they'll suddenly become ashamed of speaking out about their beliefs for fear of appearing «judgemental».
They were persecuted no doubt about it, jesus followers decided to rise up for there beliefs (not impose there beliefs on people, they werent allowed to have beliefs at that time) and were slaughtered for it.
So you're too stupid to give some examples on a belief blog that focuses on religion and people who are religious and that they speak about god to give me alternatives to different terms?
However, I've also seen far too many people attempt to ground their identity in doubt - free theology making it all too easy for comedians such as Bill Maher, George Carlin or Ricky Gervais to come along and thoroughly dismantle flimsy beliefs about the creation narrative, the historical Jesus or how seemingly misogynistic and oppressive the Bible sounds.
I have always been puzzled by the was people who talk about «biblical» living or belief never refer to the Old Covenant and the New Covenant..
Do you even care about how your beliefs affect other people?
It has been stated that it is offensive that someone would intrude upon the dying person's last moments on this earth by imposing belief about God.
They'd actually learn about the reasons people develop belief systems and how those beliefs systems affect the culture and society.
«the fact that people believed all kinds of things does nt imply anything about other beliefs
But it is a completely appropriate question for a CHAPLAIN to ask a dying person whether or not they have peace about their beliefs about death, God and the afterlife.
I think people get way too defensive when you challenge their beliefs and too serious about religion.
In other words with all the things going on in the world this long winded ambiguous rant about the religious beliefs of a horror writer whose name I've barely heard mentioned in the last decade is being presented as the most important information people need to know at this particular time.
I never have a problem with what people believe about Christianity until naysayers decide to make it their business to attach ill perceived beliefs to everyone who claims to be Christian.
The political process is about people finding the representative that best represents them and their values and beliefs.
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