Sentences with phrase «people accept standards»

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If we demand that anyone who enters our church cleans up their language to commonly accepted Christian standards even before they step into the building, we create another barrier for «unchurched» people.
In a similar way, when some people say of Britain, for example, that it is «basically a Christian country», they mean that the accepted standards of behavior and moral values derive from Christian teaching.
The crux of the problem is how far Israel's thinkers applied their accepted standards to the laws of foreign nations, or believed that among those peoples there was a stirring such as manifested itself in Israel's own thought.
In fact, a standard rhythm of Trinity's present ministry is to accept persons attracted to its sacred banquet and then to help them on their way to their own ministries elsewhere.
When, therefore, we have recognized that lawlessness is a rampant peril, we must also see close alongside it the multitudes of people who are merely law - abiding, who accept the dead level of general mediocrity as standard, who are no better than the enforced average, and who in consequence are living alike for themselves and for the social welfare utterly unsatisfactory lives.
The problem is that as home birth becomes more popular, it's attracting people who don't fully understand the philosophy behind it and don't realize that not all midwives accept standard medical protocols.
People - first language is a broadly accepted standard to reduce stigma associated with other diseases.
The rise of unemployment has perhaps made people more reluctant to accept adverse news on living standards.
In medical cost - effectiveness analysis, a commonly accepted standard is to say that a new device, medication or program that generates one year of extra life for a healthy person at less than $ 100,000 is a good value.
it is accepted that standard mainstream «diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol are less effective in the obese and the most effective way for obese people to normalize their blood lipids is to lose weight».
Lisa says «now that online dating is so accepted, it is the standard way to really meet people.
But the standard of beauty widening to accept interracial singles, most people influenced by many actors and actress adopt to two different horizons to emphasise their desire to date interracial singles.
It is more difficult to obtain approval of people who hold us in high regard than to accept the lower standards that other people hold of us.
What makes one person accept low standards and another person to constantly raise them?Why does one person strive to build an international organization affecting the lives of millions of people, while another person is content working her entire life as a clerk?
Set high standards, work with the best people, accept other's expertise — and always keep an eye on what you're trying to achieve.
Old - fashioned «landline» phone calls remain the gold standard for call quality, but because so many people accept cellphone quality, there is little objection to bad VoIP calls.
The reality is that some people simply can't handle the volatility of stocks, and therefore must resign themselves to the lower expected returns of savings accounts and perhaps short - term bond funds, and accept that they must save more, work longer, or be willing to lower their living standards in retirement.
Chase Ink also offers payment collection services for business owners like Paymentech, which provides the terminal technology for you to accept in - person payments from smartphones, chip cards, contactless and standard swipe cards.
Many people find that becoming a homeowner actually encourages itemizing your taxes which is more beneficial than accepting the standard deduction.
Once people can share their gaming in this way, just like they can on desktop with Flash games, it will become much more of an accepted «standard».
A skeptic ought be only one thing: loosely, a person who practices a standard of critical and analytical appraisal of all propositions before accepting them.
In Lord Simon's opinion, such an interpretation was borne out by the purpose of the legal rule, ie «that reasonable people may venture out in public without the risk of outrage to certain minimum accepted standards of decency».
People accept that there will be intrusions outside of standard hours to respond to client demand.»
The roundtable considered why would we accept in the criminal justice system that the legal payment for a lawyer representing «a person of modest means» would not be «the applicable standard» for paying an amici?
Though many people once considered Ms. an abomination, today it is accepted as the standard way of addressing a married or unmarried woman.
Though the commonly accepted standard is that of «an average person of ordinary prudence,» that standard can still be difficult to ascertain.
Thus, although an objective standard must be used to evaluate whether a reasonable person in the employee's position would have accepted the employer's offer (Reibl v. Hughes, [1980] 2 S.C.R. 880), it is extremely important that the non-tangible elements of the situation — including work atmosphere, stigma and loss of dignity, as well as nature and conditions of employment, the tangible elements — be included in the evaluation.
This standard of care has been defined as the same level of care that a reasonable health care provider would provide, based on that person's specialty and based on the accepted standards and practices within the same geographic region.
The standard a court will apply is whether a reasonable person would accept the offer of re-employment having regard to all the surrounding circumstances.
General Standard 2 of the IBA Guideline states that an arbitrator shall decline to accept an appointment or refuse to continue to act where facts or circumstances exist, or have arisen since the appointment that, from a reasonable third person's point of view the facts or circumstances give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator's impartiality or independence.
The relevant standard and the level of skill is that practiced and accepted by a responsible body of medical persons skilled in the particular area of medicine in question.
One way a covered entity may demonstrate that it has met the standard is if a person with appropriate knowledge and experience applying generally accepted statistical and scientific principles and methods for rendering information not individually identifiable makes a determination that the risk is very small that the information could be used, either by itself or in combination with other available information, by anticipated recipients to identify a subject of the information.
We note that in the final rule, we reformulate the standard somewhat to require that a person with appropriate knowledge and experience apply generally accepted statistical and scientific methods relevant to the task to make a determination that the risk of re-identification is very small.
Because healthcare sharing plans are made up of like - minded people sharing their costs, and because these plans aren't held to ACA standards, they don't have to accept people with pre-existing medical conditions or chronic illness.
However, some people with well - managed health conditions may be accepted at standard rates.
People outside of your current organization do not understand the acronyms you use, so spell each of them out unless it is a widely accepted industry standard.
It's hard for some people to accept that the old, standard ways of doing business have been swept away in just a few short years.
Institutional structures and processes that conform to the community's generally accepted ideas about how persons should interact and relate to each other, about the appropriate exercise of power, about who should be entitled to speak or act for whom, about proper decision - making processes, and so forth, are likely to command significantly greater support within the community than those that depart from such standards or ideas, or that challenge them directly.18
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was accepted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and proclaimed as a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect.1
Increasingly, domestic jurisprudence is accepting the international law standard that requires more than formal equality and recognises the distinctive cultural rights arising from the unique and enduring relationship Indigenous people have with both land and sea.
It seems to me that the Tribunal has to judge that the plaintiffs» business model (as it was operating at the time of its demise from the scene) will substantially «increase» competiton, as well as via doing so within the parameters of accepted / pre-defined business practices, and that the persons affiliated with said business model meet the standards of business practice going forward.
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