Sentences with phrase «people against oppression»

Resistance of life and people against oppression has been the mark and sign of times.

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Hey man, if that is oppression, people against religion are far more oppressive than those for it.
«This is a liberating work of the Spirit, who liberates the oppressed from their oppression, and liberates the oppressors from their oppressing, leading all to a new relationship of equality and freedom, in which each person is fully able to be who they were created to be without having to define themselves over and against others.
The President has faced criticism in recent months for acknowledging that American history, and indeed Christian history, includes racism, violence, injustice, and oppression — particularly against minority and indigenous people — a reality some would rather sweep under the rug.
«They were the people who sacrificed their lives against the cruel rule, inhuman laws, oppression and exploitation».
GOD clearly warns those who worship Jesus as god and threatens them with eternal punishment, as it is the GREATEST SIN and OPPRESSION that a person can commit against GOD.
People would realize that it's up to them to stand against aggression and oppression and not wait for God to save them, nor would they accept their oppression as the will of God.
Salvation works in the struggle for economic justice against the exploitation of people by people; in the struggle for human dignity against the political oppression of human beings; in the struggle for solidarity against the alienation of person from person; and in the struggle of hope against despair in personal life.
for especially in our present - day context, in order to stand up against injustice, oppression and so on, one has to be prepared to be a living martyr, working for and with the people for the upliftment and betterment against all evil forces.
It is an inspiration for all people and especially religious communities which struggle against oppression and dehumanization.
The struggle against oppression in black people's experience is twofold.
Dr. Smith looks at process thought and black liberation from a pastoral psychology perspective and black people's experience of oppression: The struggle against oppression in black people's experience is a constant struggle against external forces as manifested in economic, social, and political exploitation.
They are people who feel called to stand against oppression and with people who are oppressed everywhere.
In the case of christians, it is them using their belief to justify hate against gays; oppression of women (ie; telling them what they should and shouldn't do with their bodies; basically anything that steps on a persons equal rights within a free country.
I think people who stand up against oppression are brave and patriotic, whether they do so for a principle, or simple self - interest, like not wanting to murdered without consequence to the killer.
Standing against the oppression of others is part of my passion for people, so I have raised my voice to express concern and even outrage when I have seen supposed breastfeeding advocates resort to shaming in general and specifically with this same offender.
On 23 October 1956, tens of thousands of people poured onto the streets to protest against Soviet oppression, and 11 days later the tanks rolled into Budapest to crush them.
The rascality of the police knows no bounds especially when they ate choreographed to deal with opposition politicians and people protesting against oppression and suppression of human rights.
This was a time of terrible repression and oppression against the leaders and members of those movements: students, journalists, artists, and any thinking person who dared think different, and expressed it.
Talk about the importance of being a Good Samaritan, why it is important to use your voice for the voiceless, and great subject matter centric examples of people who would be more comfortable remaining silent but instead courageously spoke out against oppression.
People are finally raising up against the oppression of mayoral control of schools and the big corporate money that backs it.
Concealment and visibility are also central to Leigh's work, pointing to historical instances where people, especially women of color, operated in secret in order to build communities and organize against oppression.
These exhibitions emphasized on the mainstream heterosexual society's self - examination on its prejudices, falsities, and oppression against LGBTQ people as well as its respect for LGBTQ community while honoring the artistic achievements of LGBTQ artists that have revealed their inner world and aesthetic value.
Every oppression that has been foisted upon Aboriginal people in the history of Canada has been implemented through [colonial law]... This includes child welfare apprehension, residential schools, the outlawing of our sacred ceremonies, the prohibitions against both voting and hiring lawyers, the impact of the criminal justice system, and [the taking of land and resources]... Law is not the answer.
Named one of The 40 Lawyers Under 40 to Watch in Illinois by the Law Bulletin Publishing Company, Levinson is among a select group of trial attorneys that has graduated from legendary lawyer Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers College, which is dedicated to training and educating lawyers who represent people against corporate and government oppression.
The history of oppression against indigenous peoples can not be erased, but the dark shadow that history has continued to cast can and should be lightened.
When it is completed in 2012, the museum will serve as a centre of learning where Canadians and people from around the world can engage in discussion and commit to taking action against hate and oppression.
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