Sentences with phrase «people and communities rather»

Related to an apology, mainstream health promotion must learn from and with practitioners at the interface of Indigenous - led health promotion, working with Indigenous people and communities rather than intervening.

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Therefore, the key is not necessarily to immediately force people to act as if they're happy when they're devastated, but rather promote an overall culture and community that accepts failure as a means to self - improvement.
That money left over is profit, which, rather than being hoarded by greedy capitalists as some in the media and the business community would have you believe, is most effectively used by reinvestment in product and people.
Where as my time in the startup community taught me to find my niche, find the people who suffer from that pain, listen to what potential customers are saying rather then convince the customer my way is right, find the people who want to join my cause, «volunteer management», how to deal with failure both emotional and rationally how to listen to «advice» and seperate the wheat from the chaff quicker (e.g. become more coachable) and be more willing to re-invent the plan.
In recent weeks, racial justice activists and civil rights groups have noted that gun violence in black communities, rather than inspiring reform legislation or prompting national outcry, is often framed as the result of black people being unable to control themselves.
«The Hispanic community, however, is not immune from the nation's growing secularism, which concerns all religions, as church attendance seems less important to people,» Walsh continued, «and people move from religion to religion and declare themselves spiritual rather than religiously affiliated.»
What the White Rose emphasized was not the protest of isolated individuals but rather the protest of persons whose relationship with God and sacred community is always prior to their relationship with the state.
The approach is to build a church and a Christ - centred community, using ministerial skills like scripture and prayer to address people's issues rather than a clinical approach.
Reflect on this a little: Many of the inspirations of the threefold system of political economy derive from evangelical inspirations such as personal creativity, personal responsibility, freedom, the love for community through association and mutual cooperation, the aim of bettering the condition of every person on earth, the cultivation of the rule of law, respect for the natural rights of others, the preference for persuasion by reason rather than by coercion, and a powerful sense of sin.
Even if we were certain of the original meaning of the root underlying the Hebrew noun we could hardly take this as conclusive evidence of the basic understanding of the Old Testament prophet in the middle centuries of the first millenium B.C. Rather, we will have to understand the sense of the term nabi» from the person of the prophet himself as he appears and functions in the community of ancient Israel.
When absolute control and rigid obedience pose as love within the family and the local faith - community, we produce trained cowards rather than Christian persons
The bishops seem to see American society and its institutions as a market rather than a community united by a common culture — a place where strangers work and pursue their economic interests, not a society where people share common bonds and shared responsibilities.
It arouses awed love rather than fear, creates community rather than isolated onlookers; it invites people to join and share, not to watch alone at a distance through satellite TV.
Rather, the Bible is a gathering of traditional materials that gradually emerged among the people of ancient Israel and early Christianity and eventually became their authoritative statements about their God, the nature of their believing community and their terms for living.
This should encourage us to engage people with relationship and describing the story of our community, rather than merely relying on labels and sound bytes.
I shall not endorse Royce's own conception of the Trinity in this book, since it is more Sabellian or modalistic than genuinely Trinitarian.3 Rather, my intention is first to summarize Royce's understanding of human community, then to make clear how it corresponds to a democratically organized structured society within a Whiteheadian perspective, and finally to apply this understanding of community to the Trinity in order to clarify the notion of God as a community of divine persons.
Each chapter discusses an aspect of the one theme that the central purpose of all education — whether in homes, schools, churches, business organizations, community agencies, or the mass media, and whatever the area of learning, whether science, art, health, or international relations — should be the transformation of persons from the life of self - centered desire to that of devoted service of the excellent, and at the same time the creation of a democratic commonwealth established in justice and fraternal regard rather than in expediency.
I chose to not have our church participate, because I believe Satan would rather have us fight him through such methods than actually go love and serve people in our community.
The resurrection was attested, in substance at least, in the Q community, in that his word was again to be heard, not as a melancholy recollection of the failed dream of a noble, but terribly naive, person, but rather as the still valid, and constantly renewed, trust in the heavenly Father, who, as in heaven, will rule also on earth.
Nor can it be genuinely founded if it thinks in terms of the «dialogue» between states rather than between peoples, between the representatives of states rather than between the responsible and tested leaders of genuine communities.
I sincerely believe that, while people belonging to Western Christian spiritual communities may be sincere and deeply committed to God, the spiritual and theological formation that they receive tragically often reflects the Roman Empire's creed that Law is King (lex rex) rather than the Biblical Revelation that Christ is King.
Instead, my reading of the Gospels leads me to believe that Jesus never intended to found a new community and ask people to join it, but rather to find already - existing communities, and join with them.
(6) Have people discover what the bible has to say in community rather than by someone telling them what it says and like someone else said «stop idolizing the bible» (7) Stop making the weekly worship gathering the main part of church — this may mean not having large gatherings every week.
We also spend much of our time working with homeless people and strive to «be» the church in our community rather than merely «go» to church.
It would be that the people of God from long ago understood (in God's great purpose) «function in being» far better than we; that men & women (and children) participate extensively with community life in Christ, doing so with some understood, intrinsic variation / rolls — Not because they must, but rather because doing so continues as God's ideal for His children.
The purpose of economic development, then, should be not the production of more and more goods, or the creation of more and more wealth, but rather the expansion of people's capabilities to function and thrive in their communities.
But this is more likely if people see themselves as an aggregate rather than a community and if the preacher addresses them individualistically.
It's a value system based on community rather than the individual, and holds that the honor of the community is more important than the life, health, or well - being of any one person or family in the community.
The latter is apt to be rather more aware of himself as primarily a person being professionally trained to fulfill a key - office, as an administrator, executive and leader in a vast and important department of the community life of the American people, than as a man on whom God has laid an arresting hand calling him out of that life in the first instance in order to be sent back into it on that basis to a ministerial and prophetic task.
I have found that on occasion I really sympathize with a friend of mine who feels that organizations of people are to be avoided as the plague; but I think that is peculiar of me, probably because I live in a rather close - knit community and sometimes find a «gold - fish» existence somewhat fatiguing.
Individuals and whole communities of persons within nations are frequently victimized rather than assisted by the way in which information is controlled and often distorted.
I've experienced powerful moments of true community within the church only to have them eventually wrecked and ruined by well - intentioned people trying to turn it into something greater, or packaging it and marketing it for church growth purposes, or inflicting it with pressure to subscribe to a homogenous ideology and lifestyle, or imposing a vision upon it that turns it into an end rather than a thing of beauty in and of itself.
Buber's Zionism» in the Weimar Republic, the Jewish community in Palestine, and finally after the establishment of the State of Israel» also emphasized the transformation of the Jewish people through Zionism rather than the external securing of a homeland for Jews.
Rather, it is a gospel of the free experience of God's engagement in the lives of God's people, which is freely and creatively expressed according to the particularities of various human communities, especially as represented by the Dalits and Adivasis.
The issue is rather what kind of people should we be — and what we do or do not do with our genitals clearly has a bearing on that — who bring to and can sustain the kind of sexual life appropriate to the purpose of marriage in the Christian community.
For us, it must start with the vision of a peaceful world, where gradually the production and distribution of armaments gives way to the production and distribution of goods and services that benefit the human race instead of threatening to destroy it, a vision of the rule of law rather than of economic domination, a vision of democracy where people are able to have a real say in what their own future will be, a vision of smallness and community involvement, a vision of cultural pluralism and a diversity of ideas, a vision of leisure spent meeting human needs.
Vanier offers his experience of the L'Arche community where people live by the heart rather than in fear to show that living without barriers and in trust is possible and to demonstrate that God loves us for who we are and not for what we can do.
Th preserve the «person in community» Daly and Cobb (1989, p. 165) favor development that takes the small group, such as the village, rather than the individual or the nation as the unit of development.
One should also appreciate the fact that though an institution founded by Christian Missions, considering the inter-religious character of the academic community of the college, the founders emphasized the Christian «values» of self - giving service to the poor and concern for the whole person rather than Christian salvation, thereby somewhat separating the common «culture» and values of humanism of academic community of the college, from the Christian «religion» and thus relatively secularizing it to keep the academic community free from discrimination on the basis of religion.
You're afraid of some influential person coming in and shaping the community after himself rather than letting the community grow without a particularly influential person influencing it?
Rather than Facebook feeling like a community with an unfiltered diversity of spontaneous people with all their quirks and wonders, now it feels like an edited homogeneity of calculated ideas, products and services that are trying to influence me to be, do or buy something.
Many factors in our society militate against depth relationships — the frenzied pace of our lives; the frantic pressures to get ahead which encourage using rather than relating to people; the constant mobility of many families which contributes to a rootlessness and noninvolvement in community life; the anonymity of megalopolis where people do not know the names of even those in adjoining apartments.
Rather it would point to Christ as One who has underwritten the promise of God to renew all life... Such a view certainly leaves the possibility open for a person who had been witnessed to, to want to name the Name and become part of the historic community, the church, which is called to be faithful to the Gospel message among the nations.
Then, you might find out that the Lord Jesus himself chose apostles of a «rather low» educational level, and that many people, perhaps simple by your standards but not by the Lord's, flocked to him, and later to his apostles, because they found in the community of the friends of Jesus new forms of «social security.»
He humbles himself before the despicable Fyodor, discerning in him the divine image and likeness: a person meant for agapeistic community rather than buffoonish autonomy.
Rather than meet simply to pray, meet to go serve the community, and before you go, spend a few minutes in prayer for eyes to see and ears to hear the needs and issues that people in the neighborhood are dealing with.
Later, I went through a rather public breakup, and people within the church constantly asked me what happened — not out of care or concern, it felt, but out of a desire to know the details, to be able to better decide which side to take as our community severed.
Based on this, we decided to get as many people involved in the process as possible by running it as a community event, and rather than asking for fully - finished designs we chose to ask for ideas, slogans or designs to open it up to makers who don't have graphic design skills.
ACEs Connection is a social network that accelerates the global movement toward recognizing the impact of adverse childhood experiences in shaping adult behavior and health, and reforming all communities and institutions — from schools to prisons to hospitals and churches — to help heal and develop resilience rather than to continue to traumatize already traumatized people.
Rather than spending weekdays competing with twenty - five other human beings of their own age, in a natural community children spend their daily lives with old people, babies, and everyone in between.
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