Sentences with phrase «people and cultures»

By connecting with people and cultures in new ways, we are able to experience different perspectives, broaden horizons, and better mutual understanding.
I was interested in people and culture, and I could do many other things.
Their questions will lead to a positive discussion about other people and cultures.
I believe Source has revealed itself in many ways to different peoples and cultures at different times and places.
You can learn so much from getting out in the world and interacting with new people and cultures.
It's more important than ever to make the right decisions about people and culture.
It has only brought injustice, hatred, murder, and division between people and culture.
Just as the world is full of diverse peoples and cultures, our options for international trips are particularly open to diverse customization.
For the third day of your tour in this island, you also have a chance to get close with the local people and their culture by staying in a house in this village.
I believe food brings people and culture to the table to talk, where problems are solved.
Our mission is connecting people and cultures through extraordinary travel experiences.
Do you believe that there is a lot to learn by understanding people and cultures that are different than your own?
His meticulously executed drawings and paintings speak of and affirm the humanity and beauty of African American people and culture.
If you instantly answered no, you share a near - universal response to the dilemma, one offered by peoples and cultures all over the globe.
I have experience working with various people and cultures and hope to use my degree in a more meaningful way.
The Balinese people and their culture have so much going for them, always a smile for you and always welcoming us foreigners to their beautiful island.
But ultimately it's not highway maintenance he is talking about — it is people and culture maintenance.
Being open to seeing new parts of the world, a country, a state, and heck, even a city, engages our interest in other people and cultures.
One of the practices found to have a positive impact on Indigenous student engagement is the use of curriculum resources developed by and reflecting Indigenous peoples and cultures.
Her pictures of diverse people and cultures are groundbreaking images in the documentary field.
I love traveling, knowing people and cultures and i love to be happy with people around me..
First and foremost, though, it's about people and culture.
The goal is to help children understand that they are connected to a larger world with different people and cultures in it, and that there is a link between past and present.
With eLearning, however, we can bring immersion experiences directly to mobile devices — connecting people and cultures that would otherwise never meet.
In many ways, the law of Moses gave value and dignity to women and slaves that was unprecedented among other people and cultures of that time.
Kristin developed a passion for travel and learning about people and cultures as a teenager.
Reconciliation Australia's 2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer found that when people learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures through personal experience or education, they are more likely to believe the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians is very important, compared to when people learn from the media.
Organized in seven sections, Chaos and Awe begins with «No Place,» a meditation on complex technological systems that have enhanced the connectedness of people and cultures around the world, but also led to a heightened vulnerability in our social, political, and technical infrastructures.
The University of New Mexico's (UNM's) Family and Community Medicine Department is working to educate future doctors to take a hard look in the mirror and see how their perspectives on people and cultures influence how they treat patients (see page 6).
Missionary work to «save the heathens» who use a different word to praise God, any word that is different than their own... even though the other peoples and cultures don't speak English and have their own words of prayer... How many churches respected other cultures and how many do now?
In fact, Jesus» statement that we are the salt of the earth means we are responsible for people and culture.
Sandra Henke, group head and UK and Ireland director of people and culture at Hays, spoke from a different perspective at Inspirefest 2017.
This premier inland resort offers eco-tours that introduce you to the local Mayan people and their culture, archaeology and the natural wonders of the area.
«It's not easy to make that process till you fall in love with Aboriginal people and culture
A list of initiatives that specifically address the many people and cultures within the overall Hispanic community that the C21 brand is delivering include:
@Mass Debater «I have read many works that study the history of the Jewish people and their culture as found apart from biblical sources, I have yet to find one that did not include supposition about the veracity of it's own work, with none claiming absolute truth as to who the authors of the bible or who the historical figure of Moses could have been.»
I love connecting people and cultures through amazing food!!
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