Sentences with phrase «people around who»

When I read some blogs or see people around me who appear to have it all together, I sometimes feel like I will never have it all together again.
When I read some blogs or see people around me who appear to have it all together, I sometimes feel like I'm not doing a good enough job.
If you are doubting your direction, seek advice from trusted people around you who believe in you and see your real potential.
and I must say sometimes it's just so doubly..triple - y hard for some of us... as not everyone is so lucky to have people around them who understand or even want to begin to try to understand what a beast this truly is, the constant struggle, the waste of your life ticking away in such painful battle.
Selling your house as a short sale tends to bring people around who think they can buy your house dirt cheap.
Inner circle — There will always be people around you who say, «you don't have the ability to do that», or «that is too risky», or «you can't do that here».
Lastly, it's important to know that there are people around who are looking for you.
But as long as there are even a few people around who feed demand, houses will sell well, says Wilson, a captain in the U.S. Army Reserve who was expecting to wrap up a year - long tour of duty in April in Baghdad as a civil affairs officer.
It could be your elderly mother, who needs a nice, safe little cottage where there are people around who can pay attention if her shades aren't lifted by 10 a.m. Or it could be your 20 - something child who has an opportunity to get his base established while he launches himself in the world.
As I've watched people around me who have struggled with their marriages, I knew I wanted to help those who wanted something better.
This accountability exists regardless of the quality of the advice they receive on the issue (although it has to be said there were plenty of people around who could have pointed out the problems with the co-payment policy).
This fight doesn't just happen for the individual experiencing depression, it also happens to the people around them who love them.
And I'll take it a step further, so should the people around you who you value and trust the most.
However, you are probably aware of the fact that there are many other young people around who want to a job as well.
We see people around us who suffer from life threatening diseases but what if it happens to us.
It protects you, the landlord who is lending you his significant investment, your family, and the people around you who might be harmed by your actions.
To top it all there are people around you who can build up a false dread with regard to life insurance.
To top it all there are people around you who can build up a...
So the idea that there would be a place you could go to, to have a lot of people around you who have already thought this stuff through.
This is one of the more difficult scenarios to navigate in the courtroom because there were almost never other people around who can testify about what happened, so it comes down to the complainant's story versus that of the accused.
I have tried to build people around me who are capable of getting on with things without direction.
Franke can't make me feel better about climate change, but she's one of the few people around who gives me hope.»
There are a lot of people around who think that preservation and sustainability go together, that, as Steve Mouzon puts it, they are the Original Green.
There are plenty of very smart people around who are articulate and very persuasive.
I bet there are a lot of people around who can help you interpret my comment.
There are plenty of people around who want access to public money in the name of saving the planet.
What I depend on, then, are the people around me who have taken it upon themselves to forage on in the pursuit of knowledge.
There's just too many people around who are alive and free.
It's true that people who fall for such eye - candy can be hopeless, but merely knowing that there are people around who don't fall for oversimplified graphs might be enough to sow a seed of doubt in their minds.
In the early 1970s, most of the films directed by Warhol were pulled out of circulation by Warhol and the people around him who ran his business.
It is the reason why there are still people around who are trained to trace back every brushstroke of Mona Lisa.
JJ: At the beginning, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, I had the support of all these people around me who were in the scene.
We have designers from London working in Singapore and New York temporarily at the moment, and there are plenty of people around who have worked in more than one location during their time at Design Bridge.
But just because they are big companies doesn't mean that they aren't full of great people, and there are helpful, passionate people around who can help you out with those things because ultimately they want the same thing as you do — your game out on their hardware, and your players buying it.
«You just can't have people around who will bring down your store.
It also helps to work with your pet when it's quiet by the pool — without noise and other people around who could easily distract your pup.
You should also try not to get too close to wildlife that might be scared of your dog if there are other people around who want to look at the animals.
Unfortunately there are sadistic people around who think it clever or cool to harm, torture or even kill cats, particularly cats that are black.
But some dogs and cats are super friendly and enjoy having lots of people around who dole out plenty of love.
There seems to be a common theme with the people around me who receive a large income tax refund: the money starts burning a hole in their pocket!
I think your blog post is essential for everyone to read, so that they can actually learn and understand the importance of being able to pay back our loans on time, and also possible gains we can get from the credit card, as I know several people around me who still are on the process of paying back their debts 10 or more years ago.
The debate over which system to choose began awhile back for me when I kept hearing chatter from people around me who either owned or pined for «a Sonos.»
Have you ever looked at people around you who just seem to have it all?
Even the most successful best selling authors bring people around them who support them on their journey.
Staying on the path is hard when you look at the people around you who've only been writing for a year or two and they're landing their dream agents and / or making mad money.
You have people around you who support and encourage you through the writing process, who are looking FORWARD to what you're going to do next.
«It's always good to have other people around who do the things you do every day and can talk about it.»
There will always be people around you who are clearly the quarterback, and sometimes you'll find yourself wishing you had that person's life.
It works by showing you people around you who have similar interests, and allows you to make a connection with more people than ever before.
There are several young people around who adore the track of the old song, even though many old women love Celine Dion's tracks.
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