Sentences with phrase «people at high risk for depression»

«That could be because people at high risk for depression simply haven't been diagnosed and treated for depression yet.»

Not exact matches

I have a history of depression and am therefore already at higher risk for postpartum depression than the average person.
This study showed, we are told, that «if you are on welfare and looking for work, you are at significantly higher risk of depression» than people who are employed.
But boredom has a darker side: Easily bored people are at higher risk for depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive gambling, eating disorders, hostility, anger, poor social skills, bad grades and low work performance.
Transgender and gender nonconforming people are at high risk for diseases such as AIDS and are vulnerable to depression and other mental health issues, but may be reluctant to disclose their identities to researchers due to stigma.
«People with depression also are at higher risk for suicide, which accounts for more deaths than car accidents, natural disasters and war each year on average.
Compared to young people whose parents did not have depression, those whose parents had major depression were twice as likely to develop the same illness, and were also at higher risk for disruptive disorder, addiction, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and poorer functioning.
Undiagnosed or mistreated hypothyroidism can put people at risk for serious conditions, such as: depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, gynecological issues (infertility / miscarriages / fibroids / PCOS etc.), hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, anemia, and other diseases.
People experiencing insufficient sleep are at higher risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and depression.
on top of all this, these poor habits may well contribute to other medical problems that people with psoriasis are already at higher risk for, like depression, anxiety, allergies as well as other forms of auto immune disease and even cancer.
In the first ever study on a large scale, that compared the results of maintenance therapy with mindfulness therapy, the researchers concluded that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) could be an effective «drug - free» treatment for people with severe depression at a high risk of relapse.
Older men with substance use disorders are at greater risk for nonfatal attempts and for death by suicide than are younger persons.10, 11 Past suicide attempts are a strong risk factor for subsequent suicidal behaviors in those with substance use disorders.12 Depressed mood is a risk factor for suicidal behaviors in the general population and also predicts a greater likelihood of suicide in those with alcohol or drug use disorders.3, 6,10 The link between depression and suicidal behaviors in those with substance use disorders may be particularly strong given the high comorbidity between mood and substance use disorders.13 Although it has not been examined thoroughly, independent mood disorders and substance - induced mood disorders are likely to confer risk for suicide.
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