Sentences with phrase «people by race»

I am attractive, at least I think so, and do not judge people by race or personality.
Mr. Brooks said the most successful niche sites pair people by race, sexual orientation or religion.
One implication of the different spatial distribution of people by race is that lots of metropolitan areas have de facto segregated schools, while Brown v. Board of Education and the cases that followed were quite effective in requiring schools in small towns and rural areas with racially mixed populations to be integrated, since they don't have many schools period and don't have nearly as great residential segregation into large nearly mono - racial groups of neighborhoods the way that many large cities do.
Do you or other adults in your child's life tend to refer to people by race — «that black lady» or «that white man»?
As the author of Diversity: The Invention of a Concept, I am plainly on record as doubting that America benefits from classifying people by race and meting out social goods according to a racialized formula.

Not exact matches

The race car is the end result, but cars are built by people: People with different backgrounds, different experiences, different forms of knowledge and expertise... all of whom come together to try to accomplish something people: People with different backgrounds, different experiences, different forms of knowledge and expertise... all of whom come together to try to accomplish something People with different backgrounds, different experiences, different forms of knowledge and expertise... all of whom come together to try to accomplish something great.
A search for «UFO» led to videos by David Icke, a veteran conspiracist who claims that the Earth is ruled by a secret race of «lizard people
Double check to make sure you're not violating the law by laying off people based on things like race, age, or gender.
The crux of the act is simply this: illegal wage bias (based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability) occurs «when a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice is adopted, when a person becomes subject to a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, or when a person is affected by application of a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, including each time wages, benefits, or other compensation is paid, resulting in whole or in part from such a decision or other practice.»
Why this should be so — why the success of the Jewish minority should be so particularly resented by other peoples — is a complicated question which is rendered more complicated by the fact that anthropologists are now generally agreed that the Jews are not a race in any scientific sense of the term — no more of a race, for example, than the Germans.
Unlike Serial, which explored how a suspect's race and religion might have been held against him, The Jinx riveted viewers by exploring the role of privilege and how Durst's high - priced legal defense team could manage to help him evade the most serious criminal charges against him even when, in one case, he'd actually admitted to having dismembered a person's body.
It is the policy of Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to provide equal opportunity in employment throughout the corporation for all qualified applicants and employees without discrimination against any person because of a person's race, color, religion (including religious dress and grooming practices), sex / gender (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions and breast feeding), national origin, ancestry, gender identity, gender expression, legally - protected medical condition, physical or mental disability, age, military or veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information or any other basis protected by applicable law.
With those stats from the city of Oakland's Department of Race and Equity in hand, the City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to overhaul the nation's first equity program to set aside 50 percent of medical marijuana and cannabis business permits during the first phase of permitting for people affected by the War on Drugs.
When one is surrounded by people who blindly subscribe to the rat - race, it can make one feel like an outsider.
Both ads are diverse by design, Benoit said, showing a cross-section of ages, races and types of people that's meant to reflect the quick - serve chain's wide target.
The common image of Calvinism — and I hear it portrayed in this way often, even by people who know some things about theology — is that the religion of John Calvin is a mean - spirited, narrow - minded perspective where a nasty God decides to save a few people while arbitrarily consigning the vast portion of the human race to eternal suffering.
First, as the people of South Africa were divided by the race - based ideology of apartheid, so the people of Ukraine are divided by the ethnicity - based ideology of the «Russian world.»
When, in 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., declared his «dream» — that we Americans should one day become a society where a citizen's race would be an irrelevancy, where black and white children would walk hand - in - hand, where persons would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character — this seemed to many Americans both a noble and attainable goal.
I'd hate to be considered of crimes committed by people of my race and / or religion.
Many races believe that it was created by some sort of god, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle Six firmly believe that the entire Universe was, in fact, sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green Arkleseizure.
Remember 2008 when people used to say he wasn't electable because of his name, his race, his financial situation.Tea party movement is a blessing for him as they are hurting republicans they are not hurting Obama.for 99 % of African Americans who by the way are mostly unemployed Obama is still a God.
We were never separate from whites nor are we now, but given the fact that most things in this country are white by design, does it not make sense to you to desire a piece of commonality that was ripped away from most races of the world by white people?
On question: if sin was not imputed to people living during the time from Adam to Moses, why did God destroy the entire human race by a flood in Noah's day?
The culture of consumerism and the chase for material symbols of wealth and security have sometimes come to be dominant; the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment in many has slowly begun to degenerate into empty and sterile ritualism; the legitimate thirst for education has often become perverted into an obsessive drive to acquire with the greatest speed the formal diplomas necessary to gain entry to jobs offering the easiest opportunities to make the quickest rupees; political statesmanship in some areas has begun to depreciate into an opportunities race for power and position; the spirit of SEVA (Service) to the nation has intermittently begun to be suffocated in many, by the abuse of discretions, sometimes mediated by a bloated bureaucracy itself enmeshed in a vast network of multiplying paper and self - proliferating regulations; menacingly many good and decent people even in public life, have come to be corroded by a culture of demanding corruption; and some potentially creative lawyers, have begun to take perverted pride in mere «cleverness», rendering themselves vulnerable to the prejudice that they are a parasitic obstruction in the pursuit of substantive justice.
Some may wish to use it as an historical book; after all, it is a collection of writings bound up together in one volume, telling us of the way in which the Jewish people came by God's self - disclosure to a deeper understanding of the God they worshipped and a more adequate conception of his purpose for his «chosen» race.
It carried to fulfillment a long development of thought, disentangling persons from submergence in the social mass and giving to each one status, meaning, and rights of his own; it concentrated attention on the spiritual value of personality and its possibilities; it created a religion to be entered by free personal choice, regardless of race or nation; it set persons to building a social fellowship for the redemption of souls; and it proclaimed as the ultimate goal of divine creation and human hope the kingdom of God in «new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.»
I wrote a widely - read piece for Christianity Today, asking white Christians to examine their privilege, recognize that racism persists, humbly listen to black perspectives on race, and follow Jesus» footsteps by standing in cross-cultural solidarity with black people.
while the writer has little knowledge of the bible, he is also greatly lacking what he should know to write such a article, the laws give to people of all walks of life is the commandments given by moses, religion does not have anything to do with goverments laws or rulings, he told us straight the one law that there is no forgiveness for is murder, rulers and goverments take it upon themselves to make the decision whether to go to war, or if a person should be put to death, as far as jesus and the apostles are concerned thier labours was a work of love and true humanitarian towards all peoples, races, religions, they never asked for anything for themselves, and they never took from one to give to another.
A refugee is, by definition, a person who, owing to a well - founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the...
In his pre-natal existence the embryonic person passes through various stages remarkably similar to those by which the whole race has developed by biological evolution.
More generally, Montesino refers here to the universal humanity espoused by the Christian doctrine of monogenesis: that all people have Adam as an ancestor and therefore belong to the same race.
The real problem here is that Islam is controlled not by its moderates, but by its radicals — the radicals who appear in YouTube videos describing the «proper» way to beat your wife or who advocate the extinction of another race of people, or demand that non-Muslims convert or possibly face death.
The article is describing how people are finally waking up and realizing that yes natural disasters MIGHT be caused by a celestial being but that again does not mean in ANY way that it is because the human race has sinned or committed some specific act that warrented a natural disaster as punishment.
By damaging the property of people who are not part of your dispute and dragging race, religion and ethnicity in it to boot, you would hope to accomplish exactly what?
At the Lord's Table people of all classes and races are welcome — surely a model of coexistence that is by no means common in the human city.
From the fact that a person has a given shade of skin pigmentation no other fact of any consequence can bee inferred, except that he will be accorded a certain kind of treatment by people in a race - conscious society.
As in race relations, though, apartheid systems usually involve systemic inequities and loss of opportunities for many people, In short, the complementarians believe that God is defined by and constrained by what was written in the bible.
«What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and the reproduction of our race... so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe...» Mein Kampf
Kierkegaard defends himself against the apparently Pelagian implications of this thought by stressing that even though each individual sins through his own disobedience (sin is not a category of necessity), nevertheless, in this act of disobedience he reveals his solidarity with Adam and Eve and all other persons in history, who together make up the collective human race which, in Adam, stands guilty before God.
How could the African American man walk around with a bull horn after all the horror that his race of people suffered by American people.
By the way people... we are supposed to be evolved, as a global civilization, beyond the race issue.
Trigster: the Book of Mormon was written by dark skinned people, who probably knew nothing of the white supremacy you accuse them of... it does use ancient language, but they were not racist in our terms, the Nephites and Lamanites of the Book of Mormon viewed themselves as «brothers,» they were all one race.
If people of every race and color flocked to see him, longed to touch him, would he be bound by our arrangements?
Another suggestion for how the rainbow flag originated is that at college campuses during the 1960s, some people demonstrated for world peace by carrying a Flag of the Races (also called the Flag of the Human Race) with five horizontal stripes (from top to bottom they were red, black, brown, yellow, and white).
«What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and the reproduction of our race... so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe... Peoples that bastardize themselves, or let themselves be bastardized, sin against the will of eternal Providence.»
kaos Every «Jew» who thinks they are «chosen people» or a separate race are by definition racist.
The awareness that we men also are exploited — by the present «success» system — and that we're also depriving ourselves of much of our person - hood (by the male rat race) makes it obvious that the basic issue is human liberation.
People should realize that this is the Voice of those who have a voice because they have their dollars and they have the power to kill, with a button, the whole human race and under their own roof the power to kill, day by day, with counterinformation their own sickly conscience.23
I took what Mahoney meant by progeny to mean all people (regardless of race) who value profit above all else are the main problem with the world.
Christ was prophesied to and witnessed to by the prophetic and apostlic witness, and his salvation is by mercy to all people of all tribes, races and sexes.
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