Sentences with phrase «people congregate»

In fact at many public and secular schools, the library, along with the gymnasium, are often the two largest buildings on campus where people congregate in both structured and informal ways.
On a rainy Tuesday afternoon, hundreds of people congregated in Steam Whistle Brewing's historic roundhouse building for the first - ever JOLT Demo Day.
Sometimes the stakes are critical, sometimes they're just comical — but each and every time you have a bunch of people congregating around a specific moment (or movement, as it were).
Anywhere people congregate into communities will also have hospitals in order to serve the people's various healthcare needs.
«A city needs a heart and soul — typically the center, where people congregate for work and leisure.
The character of business and technology has changed over the past few decades, but there's one thing that will remain constant as long as people congregate in one space to make money: workplace jerks.
any group of two or more persons congregating on public space for the purpose of engaging in prostitution or prostitution - related offenses first will be warned by a police officer that they are in a Prostitution Free Zone and will be directed to disperse.
In his time, Whyte set up cameras and filmed people congregating in public, taking notes along the way on how they behaved, where they migrated to, how long their conversations lasted, and so on.
Why do people congregate in religious theaters anyway?
This includes avoiding birthday parties where other children have the sniffles, malls and churches or other places where people congregate often, and any family get - togethers that might include people who are just getting over a cold or otherwise have illnesses that could be transmitted to your baby.
After selling his home and packing all his belongings in storage, he traveled to the small rural community of Barre, Mass., about 100 kilometers west of Boston, where every year people congregate for a three - month - long «meditation marathon.»
When Dr. Sussman (Gould), a scientist who's studying the virus, tries to relax by dining at a restaurant, the sight of people congregating horrifies him: every kiss, every handshake, every exchanged glass could mean death.
We attended our fair share of meetings in schools, homes, churches, town halls, farms, theaters, and any other location where people congregated within each community.
Spearheaded by Lori Alhadeff, whose 14 - year - old daughter Alyssa was one of the 17 people killed in the Feb. 14 attack, more than 100 people congregated at Quigley Park for a day filled with tennis, shopping and a tree dedication in memory of those lost.
At 8 p.m., with no movie house in town, people congregated Tuesday on the short set of bleachers facing a wooden ring in which aging dairy cows were sold, mainly for hamburger, and vealer calves, also for slaughter, if not singled out by a farmer rebuilding his herd.
2) You need to set up relationships with any websites where people congregate who might be interested in you.
«Initially, we would pull up to a camp or to an area where homeless people congregated, and they would all scatter,» Brown said.
If you have an overnight flight from New York City (JFK) or Washington Dulles to London, you might not find many people congregating, but there are usually at least a few.
There's something about the issue of climate change that prompts people to immediately head off to opposite sides of the room — with very few people congregating in the middle.
People congregate there regularly for a laser light show, and drinking is among the festivities.
Students, families and business people congregate in this area due to its concentration of shopping, dining and other attractions.
As a successful artist, people congregated around me at parties, openings.
What is changing is the frequency — and in many places the exposure to risk as people congregate and build in flood zones.
But the state's transit chiefs, following the attacks, said there's a reason why the terrorists in Belgium chose an airport and a subway station as targets — they're a place where a lot of people congregate, and they're difficult to protect.
This decline has brought a deterioration in places where people congregated, socialized, made friends and were greeted by a friendly face offering an intangible element of belonging to a community.
Are small groups of people congregating in specific locations?
People congregate where truth resides.
The trick for the company has been to continue putting its restaurants in places where people congregate, such as hotels, malls, hospitals, grocery stores and office buildings.
There are refreshment tents everywhere and a wide array of hospitality areas where people congregate, drink, and occasionally watch golf.
The atmosphere in Hasbrouck Park last Friday morning was festive, even electric as a crowd of approximately 1,300 people congregated to hear Socialist Vermont senator and former presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders deliver a ringing endorsement of Zephyr Teachout's bid to reclaim New York's 19th Congressional District seat for the Democrats, after it was held for three terms by retiring Republican Chris Gibson.
The atmosphere in Hasbrouck Park last Friday morning was festive, even electric as a crowd of approximately 1,300 people congregated
«We have to put these life - saving devices where people congregate,» Oddo said, according to video of his announcement.
The governor was scheduled to sign a bill banning the use of the vaporizer products in public indoor spaces and workplaces, including restaurants and other areas where people congregate.
«Domestic animals, wildlife, and people congregate in riparian areas near scarce water resources, impacting these regions.
Preferred locations include coffee shops, restaurants or parks where lots of people congregate.
In classrooms, where lots of people congregate and there is little ventilation from open windows, air can get stuffy, stale and contain a lot more CO2 than there should be.
They will seek places where people congregate, such as playgrounds, coffee shops, barbershops or beauty parlors, local grocery stores or bodegas.
Today we see new shelter buildings being located in parks and shopping malls — places where people congregate.
Taxila: a place where people congregated to study.
Kennigo Social House has always been a place where people congregate and mingle.
For a game as long and convoluted as Chronicles X, the player's character is mute and disappointingly lackluster, a somewhat passive vehicle around which things happen and people congregate.
This is a minimalist yet sublimely gorgeous space: a place where people congregate to pray and to contemplate, under a visually abstract yet real reminder of the ever - generative powers of nature.
It needs to be placed in an area of the house that people congregate, such as a hallway or lounge for it to be able to sense when everyone has left.
Whatever your background, what I see in you (so far) is that you are an open - minded person, one who knows WHERE to go, to learn how to do BETTER than you have done before... a place where people congregate — the kind of people that you would like to learn from and become more like!!!!!!!! I want to applaud you for that, also!!!!!!!!!
People congregate around a BBQ like they congregate in the kitchen.
People congregate in kitchens, the true heart of the home... no need for a closed off, separate dining room.
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