Sentences with phrase «people different than someone»

This vision is so compelling that it inspires me to push through the hard work of leading with people different than me.
Then perhaps you should learn some respect for people different than you.
Keep looking at people different than you as «problems» or «not worthy» and YOU will be «dealt a hand» you NEVER expected to receive.
Sometimes, when we are on the internet, we tend to treat people different than if we met them in other circumstances.
With that being said, some days I wonder if we could solve many of these problems if people were only willing to sit down to dinner with people different than them.
KF9876 — I recall Hitler was a man of god too... What were his views and tolerances on people different than his again.
I am as much a Shadow as the next but going armed against those who are not armed is cowardice and makes such people no different than so many hate groups throughout history.
Most atheists I know and love are not anti-religious fanatics who claim that most people different than them are brainwashed.
Harder for the ones trying to pass through the eye of a needle & those who don't see The Father in people different than them.
But it seems clear that the actual percentage of adults who really want an authentic overseas experience and interaction with people different than themselves likely hovers between 4 % and 6 %.
If you're saying that there is not room for people different than yourself in America, then you are one of the most un-American people I have ever heard from.
We know on some level that there are people different than us in the world, but it's not until our territory is invaded some way (personal, regional or national) that something inside us awakes and says, «Danger!»
To continue to grow into what Christ is calling us requires a challenge; and that may come ideologically, physically, emotionally, or just plain talking to people different than you.
That's the kind of person that desires to embrace a people different than themselves.
More concretely, though, I don't love that in the final scene all of this wonder and madness could, from one interpretation, be reduced to an allegory about relationships torn apart and then repaired, each person different than before, in subtle or profound ways.
This isn't a bad thing, but it makes offering services to these people different than it used to be.
While many of us have dedicated our lives to education and communications, climate change presents some new and unique communication challenges - including that we often struggle to have conversations with people different than ourselves.
In a diverse world, embracing different cultures requires an ability to connect with people different than ourselves.
This isn't a bad thing, but it makes offering services to these people different than it used to be.
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