Sentences with phrase «people difficult people»

There are a few behaviors that make people difficult people to work with.

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Many companies restrict Internet activity so heavily that it makes it difficult for people to do online research.
To deal with difficult people effectively, you need an approach that enables you, across the board, to control what you can and eliminate what you can't.
It might be difficult for many people to invest time and effort to prepare lunch every day.
While I've run across numerous effective strategies that smart people employ when dealing with difficult people, what follows are some of the best.
This chart's a little difficult to interpret at first, but I kind of decided to put it there for people who wanted to watch the video afterwards and sort of take a closer look, analyze some of the numbers.
It is amazing how negative people can be and how difficult this makes it to remain motivated especially in the early days of a start - up.
Difficult people drive you crazy because their behavior is so irrational.
In addition to the substantial financial impact of closing those stores, laying off all of the people was one of the most difficult business decisions of my life.
«I think Hillary is smart, but she's just upset so many people on the other side, that it's going to be very, very difficult,» he said.
Implementing these healthy, stress - relieving techniques for dealing with difficult people will train your brain to handle stress more effectively and decrease the likelihood of ill effects.
However, many people have found it difficult to get Apple to change their batteries.
Organizations need to do the difficult work of hiring people who are trustworthy and who won't take advantage of things.
When it comes to toxic people, fixating on how crazy and difficult they are gives them power over you.
People find it difficult to work if it is too hot or cold.
in response to someone landing a difficult trick doesn't, of course, mean that the flip or spin made you gasp at the grandeur and majesty of the universe, but it does make you want to tap the person next to you and say, «Check that out!»
If your skill set is so unique that it would be difficult to hire another person to do the primary work of the business, the enterprise is not scalable.
Twitter helped me build an * audience * and network of people in my industry I would normally have had a difficult time connecting with.
«If you are having a difficult hiring process but think it will be great «when they person gets on board and this hiring is behind us» let me assure you: It never gets better.
Recent research from the Department of Biological and Clinical Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University in Germany found that exposure to stimuli that cause strong negative emotions — the same kind of exposure you get when dealing with difficult people — caused subjects» brains to have a massive stress response.
Difficult people defy logic.
Since it only takes seconds for someone to decide if you're trustworthy and competent, and research shows that first impressions are very difficult to change, the pressure that comes with meeting new people is justifiably intense.
Whether it's negativity, cruelty, the victim syndrome or just plain craziness, difficult people drive your brain into a stressed - out state that should be avoided at all costs.
He described the families of people with such difficult diseases as «so close to breaking,» and said that «science is going to catch up... But a big piece of that is... changing the paradigm of [medicine], dealing with costs, and dealing with availability.»
One of the most exciting things about studying Musk and other breakthrough innovators is that it reveals that even though these people often have special, difficult - to - imitate abilities or traits, the mechanisms by which these abilities and traits lead to innovation are often something we can tap ourselves.
Many young people leave Tangier — some for college, others for the military, some to find partners, since romance can be difficult on such a small island.
This enables them to neutralize difficult and toxic people without creating enemies.
Which means that if a leadership «expert's» whole schtick is to basically tell you to be a good person, he or she isn't being honest about the difficult tradeoffs leaders face in the real world.
He said at the time it was getting increasingly difficult to manage other people's money.
We can learn a lot about what creativity takes from the people solving the world's most difficult problems.
These conversations can be particularly difficult because, a lot of the time, criticism will come from people who are supposed to be your advocate.
Why have we made more progress on certain diseases while other mass - scale killers, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are largely off of people's radars and so difficult to treat in an age of therapies which can resemble magic?
To loosely paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, «you can fool some of the people some of the time...» The point is that if you have multiple people interview a candidate multiple times, it's very difficult for a candidate to fool everyone.
But it's difficult to see how any of the modifications would significantly change the agency's initial assessment that tens of millions of people would lose health coverage compared with if Obamacare remains in place.
Measurement is difficult because, obviously, people entering the country illegally don't stop and identify themselves on the way over the border.
«When life is difficult,» she emphasizes, «your stress response wants you to be surrounded by people who care about you.»
Most people who get Zika don't show the typical flu - like symptoms, so it can be difficult to tell if you caught the virus.
Dealing with difficult people is frustrating and exhausting for most.
And it's difficult to sit back and observe people whom I care about smoke themselves into an early grave.
During the course of the day as you're dealing with difficult people, making decisions and battling traffic, you use up your willpower, leaving you feeling depleted toward the end of the day.
Through his work with Plywood People, Shinabarger has coined seven decision - making styles after working with hundreds of people in «moments of tension or transition,» and helping them process how to make difficult deciPeople, Shinabarger has coined seven decision - making styles after working with hundreds of people in «moments of tension or transition,» and helping them process how to make difficult decipeople in «moments of tension or transition,» and helping them process how to make difficult decisions.
I really don't want to come across as being a difficult person.
Selena started getting tired of always being asked about Justin, and told the UK's Sunday Times that «it's difficult for people to separate us.
«But it's very difficult to judge a lab that's very secretive... and unlike the Apple products, this is a product that affects people's lives.
«When you are an unknown entity with no product or brand awareness, it's very difficult for people to find your services,» he says.
This is incredibly difficult, especially in an industry that very few people grow up dreaming of working in (not a lot of web developers that always wanted to build a quilting website), but the value of a leadership team can be judged by their ability to attract and keep the right talent.
This makes it difficult to have conversations about it, or even let people know that you are dealing with intense pain that they might not understand.
«Over time, it would become more difficult for less healthy people (including people with preexisting medical conditions) in those states to purchase insurance because their premiums would continue to increase rapidly.»
Under current law, it is even difficult for the people whose data Equifax lost to bring a class action lawsuit.
By listening, the salesperson has the opportunity to build trust, empathy and rapport and it calms down the difficult person.
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