Sentences with phrase «people do research»

«A lot of players in the market like to say that they're changing the way people do research, but now we think we really can say that.»
People do research not directly related to grants all the time.
Now, people do their research online and reviews are read by thousands of your prospective clients.
It is so important that people do their research before adding a pet to their family.
Where do you recommend people do their research, the same pit bull pushing propaganda sites that you are suckling at?
I usually suggest that people do their research when looking for such services and definitely not accept these product offers out of hand.
However, few people do the research necessary to make a good buying decision.
Please people do research if you are eating meat know where it is coming from.
Though the benefits of quantum computers are yet to be realized, they promise to transform how people do research, conduct business and handle data.
Don't people do any research?
I'm an information junkie so I love it when people do their research.
I wouldn't mind more people doing research on the holiday and learning its history.
«Many of the people doing this research are trying to prove scientifically what they already know from experience, which is a major flaw.»
Researchers generally posit two psychological mechanisms underlying conformity: (1) people's desire to adopt the majority position so as to feel liked and accepted or believe they share the prevailing opinions of their community (i.e., social acceptance); and (2) people learn from the «wisdom of crowds,» or assume that other people did the research so their collective wisdom indicates something about the quality of the candidate or platform (i.e., social learning).
«The motivation of people doing the research matters,» adds Jeffrey Kahn, a bioethicist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and a member of the EPA advisory panel.
«Certainly, in the United Kingdom, there is an increasing push for academic research to have practical applications and for those applications to be recognized by the people doing the research
«Many people doing research have never thought of this.»
«There is such a lot of work to do on this field and the more people doing research, the sooner we will get the answers and the sooner we will have treatments.
«There's no place where the people doing the research and the people in the clinic treating patients are working together any more closely.»
«Libraries in the past had people doing research for their homework or hold lectures.
The big difficulty with research papers is the dilemma in delegating any of the tasks to people other than the person doing the research.
But it was only in the»80s that people did research to find women like Jane Congor, whose films had never been in distribution.
All that was written based on the findings of the people doing the research at IIASA, The group was more technocratic than environmentalist.
A person doing research is required to keep searching the primary law until they get an answer repeatedly.
Good lawyers get their best work via word of mouth and people doing research on the lawyer.
The design was informed by an ethnographic study of ordinary people doing research on the web, emphasizing a need to support research processes that are fragmented and where the research question is still in formation.
We have compiled a list of various insurance resources to assist people doing research on insurance and related insurance topics.
Now, I'm all for people doing their research and weighing the pros and cons of working at a particular organization, but I believe it's inappropriate to ask your interviewer that question, at least in that particular wording.
«There are people doing research at the neurological level — neurobiological correlates — there's people who are looking more in terms of changes in emotional functioning and day - to - day emotional awareness.»

Not exact matches

Many companies restrict Internet activity so heavily that it makes it difficult for people to do online research.
New research by the Conference Board of Canada identifies several manufacturing industries that can expect growing U.S. demand and that are competitive in U.S. markets, but that do not yet have sufficient people and physical capacity to ramp up production.
Before any negotiation, know who your players are because the person on the other side will have most likely done his or her research.
New research attempts to get at the root of why we are so easily persuaded to commit unethical actions when told to do so by another person.
«People have been talking about insect farming for a long time,» says Imrie - Situnayake, «but no one had really done much research into it yet.
«People are deciding just to do without cable or going with an OTT (over-the-top) option,» says Mario Mota, head of research and consulting firm Boon Dog Professional Services.
But Little insists, and this new research supports, that people's personalities can and do change based on circumstances and passion.
All too often, people dramatically overthink the most basic keyword research concepts; keyword generation should start simply with answering the question of «What products or services do you sell?»
Here's why: Forrester Research states that less than 1 % of leads ever generate revenue for B2B companies, which means B2B marketers doing traditional lead gen waste 99 % of their time, energy, and money marketing to people who will never become customers.
Find people who are familiar with the market, the business model, and any other players; people who have been there, done that, and can give you insight and perspective that you may not have thought of on your own, or only come to understand after hours of research.
Heath cites research showing that people who had considered even one additional alternative did six times better than those who had considered only a single option.
While you may think these successful 8 percenters are born predisposed to these talents, research says that successful people achieve their goals not simply because of who they are, but more often because of what they do.
Research shows that arriving on time, doing thorough work, and being thoughtful toward your colleagues helps people regardless of their job function or workplace situation.
Whether that's completing more research or drafting a timeline, people should walk out of that door with something actionable to do.
The hard thing for some people is researching stuff they're not into — like visiting the children's museum if you don't have kids — but I love uncovering new gems.
In fact, we almost can't help sharing our thoughts and feelings: Research also shows that talking about ourselves, whether in person or on social media, triggers the same pleasure sensation in the brain as does money or food — self disclosure causes increased activity in brain regions associated with the sense of reward and satisfaction from money, food and even sex.
I thought of some research I had done with a colleague where we asked people to write about their contributions.
The data doesn't lie — people recall 80 % of what they see and do compared to just 20 % of what they read and 10 % of what they hear, according to research by Paul Martin Lester of Cal State Fullerton.
Blackwell sees a lot of people who never make it to the finish line with their idea because they haven't done their research.
By comparison, marketing research tools like focus groups can be expensive and may not target the right people, while market questionnaires or surveys generally do not give potential customers a chance to try the product.
Research shows that most people feel a great sense of satisfaction when they are getting things done, and this is a tangible way of illustrating that.
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