Sentences with phrase «people driving without»

There are people driving without high school diplomas, and others driving with Doctorate degrees.
People driving without insurance can be faced with fines and license suspension.
With that many people driving without coverage, it's more important than ever for you to be insured.
Researchers are trying to figure out how to reduce the number of people driving without insurance.
And remember, a lot of the people driving without car insurance often do not have the means to pay thousands of dollars in damages.
Still, there are a lot of people driving without insurance and it's important to learn how to keep yourself protected from them.
The system's been credited with decreasing the number of people driving without insurance.
Then, it may seem silly that the people driving without proper youall of the policyholders fault or they simply are driving you do get a more reliable than ever before but now the tables have turned to insurance companies that offer froma car, you'll need to spend more amount in damages as well as looking online you will want to do a search on the roads of the policy.
Just like how some drivers run a red light or drink and drive; some people drive without insurance or even hit and run leaving you with no knowledge of their identity or insurance status.
This section of the HTA states that careless driving occurs when a person drives without due care and attention or without consideration for other drivers and pedestrians.
Despite the fact that Texas laws require automobile drivers to have insurance, an estimated four million people drive without the proper insurance coverage.
People drive without it.
Sometimes people drive without insurance.
If the states require some car insurance, then how come the law lets people drive without the insurance?
Damage on account of a person driving without a valid license or under the influence of liquor or drugs.
If one of these uninsured drivers hit you, you could try to pursue the at - fault driver for your medical expenses, but it's doubtful that a person driving without insurance will have the money to pay you.
Even though Idaho law requires drivers to be insured, sometimes people drive without any insurance.
Many people drive without auto insurance at all, while many others buy the bare minimum required to put the car on the road.
The problem is: sometimes people drive without any insurance.
However, it's still a problem that some people drive without any insurance or financial backup plan.
But far too often, people drive without any insurance.
There is a serious problem that all drivers have to think about: Sometimes people drive without any insurance.
Unfortunately, sometimes people drive without any insurance.

Not exact matches

Driving a car without a license plate might seem like an extreme way to save time, but it is also a level of strategic thinking that most people never embrace.
The deaths received national media attention after authorities revealed that more than 100 people were driven about 150 miles through Texas while crammed into the trailer without air conditioning or water, while temperatures outside surpassed 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
The software robot is «taught» through a flowchart - like interface (without coding) to drive systems of record and follow the business rules needed to complete a process as a person would.
Without a powerful motivation you will not make the required changes in yourself and master the tricky balance of being selfish enough to be a driven entrepreneur and selfless enough to lead people to sign up for your dream.
According to Uber, its self - driving Volvos fall short of the DMV's classification of an autonomous vehicle, since they don't work without a person behind the wheel.
In California: An autonomous vehicle is defined as having the capability of driving «without the active physical control or monitoring» of a person.
But posts without the qualities that people like and share won't engage anyone, won't build your brand and won't drive traffic back to your site and into your marketing funnel.
So tell me my good fellow How someone is going to manage the equivalent of an 45 minute drive without a car or access to public transit (that would be about a 30 mile trip, so at least 10» ish hours walking for the average person or 3» ish hours on a bicycle if I recall base speeds correctly right)?
In early March, he authorized self - driving vehicle companies to run tests without a person in the car to act as a safety operator.
When California - based trucking tech upstart Starsky Robotics ceded control of their truck to a combination of sensors, technology and luck, they became the first player in the space that we know of to oversee an autonomous drive on a public road without a person in the cab.
In California, it said, the motor vehicle department defines autonomous vehicles as those that drive «without the active physical control or monitoring of a natural person
For the Athenians died by famine; and the people of Samos were covered by the sea without remedy; and the Jews, brought to desolation and expelled from their kingdom, are driven away into every land.
As long as people believe in a god there will be people whose «personal knowledge» of what that god wants will drive them to harm others, and that's why atheists tend to be down on the whole god thing instead of just letting you folks do your thing without comment.
If it is illegal to drive a car without a driver's license but it is not illegal to live together without a marriage license, why do people want that legal contract, as you call it?
There are people who drive without the driver's license and there are people who live in fornication, but the majority, I believe, want to live their lives justly.
If you could drive a car without the driver's license, would people still wish to have the driver's license?
Modern persons will never find rest for their restless hearts without Christ, for modern culture is nothing but the wasteland from which the gods have departed, and so this restlessness has become its own deity; and, deprived of the shelter of the sacred and the consoling myths of sacrifice, the modern person must wander or drift, vainly attempting one or another accommodation with death, never escaping anxiety or ennui, and driven as a result to a ceaseless labor of distraction, or acquisition, or willful idiocy.
Taking care of a loved on is the hardest thing most people ever do, it cost every emotion one has, it takes money and frequently requires The vast majority could never afford long term nursing care without driving themselves into desti.tution to get government help.
Editors condemned the evil of liquor without much recognition of the social circumstances that might drive some people to drink.
Forming a whip and driving people away is a clear example that inflicting pain and violence can be performed without necessarily being sinful if it is done to stop a sinful behavior, though it does not show that going as far as killing someone is acceptable.
John, you wrote: «Forming a whip and driving people away is a clear example that inflicting pain and violence can be performed without necessarily being sinful if it is done to stop a sinful behavior, though it does not show that going as far as killing someone is acceptable.»
This is the equivalent of saying drinking and driving is not bad because some people manage to make it to their house without killing anyone in the process.
Beginning with its origins in the forest primeval — so dense, people said, that a squirrel could run the length of Pennsylvania without ever touching ground — she leads us through its evolution: frontier fortification of the 18th century, industrial giant of Carnegie, Frick and Mellon, and «clean city» of the 1950s, dominated from the beginning by Scotch - Irish and Germans, political conservatives, and staunch Presbyterians, all driven by that «powerful Calvinist mix of piety and acquisitiveness.».
Stalin, Mao, and, Pol Pot were evil people without a doubt, but a non-belief in a di.ety doesn't drive someone to ki.ll people.
Scientific thought without the AA dogma that drive so many of us «thinking people» away from AA.
First, necessity is often driving the migration — people are fleeing persecution or abject poverty or the prospect of living for years and years without family.
But the church continues to harden its lines and drive people out without regret.
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