Sentences with phrase «people during the recession»

Circumstances often overwhelmed people during the recession after the economy went into reverse.
This is something that happened to a lot of people during the recession of 2008, after which the popularity of ULIPs dipped considerably.

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It also does little to help the growing income gap or the overall economy, as people working several freelance jobs lack the purchasing power they may have had in more stable positions that disappeared during the recession, she said.
People who were afraid to look for new opportunities during the recession are now starting to look again.
4) Get the word out: During the recession, many people who were employed in stable positions stayed put.
«Some of this comeback simply has to do with an improving economy and a value - conscious consumer — the cheapness people learned during the [2008] recession, that new frugality I talk about, won't be disappearing any time soon,» Cramer said.
It's more susceptible to economic ups and downs — people have less money to gamble with during a recession — and the firms also have a lot of exposure to real estate.
Lately, a lot of people have also been asking me if businesses started during recessions are more or less likely to fail than businesses started during expansions.
While I understand that the NDP must feel intense pressure to capture votes — including from people who have never taken a course from John Smithin — I often wish that the NDP would show a bit more policy leadership on the issue of the deficit and debt. I was particularly disappointed during the 2008 federal election campaign when Mr. Layton stated, unequivocally, that the NDP would not run a deficit in the following year if elected (even though it was clear that Canada was entering a recession).
People will want more alcohol during the next recession, possibly a depression!
«During the recession and in its aftermath fewer people voluntarily left jobs because the chances of finding a new or better one were low compared to a healthier economic cycle,» says Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for CareerBuilder.
During an economic depression or recession, people need to sell luxury items like gold jewelry to keep up with their expenses.
At some point during a recession, people's expectations about nominal flows get updated, and prices, wages, and contracts adjust.
As a rule, fewer people marry during a recession, and this one has been no exception.
Wall Street hedge funds and investors have been gobbling up affordable homes and turning them into rentals, in many cases renting them out to the same people who were foreclosed on during the Great Recession.
Especially during a recession, when people seem to have less time, lots of folks try to take the Link Building Easy Route.
So the media's talking about the losses, and it's often during a recession and people are losing their jobs and everything happens at the same time, and you have this feeling of helplessness when you're not doing anything.
Even the notion of «prosperity» isn't absolute: people in Malawi would gladly trade their nation's best - ever quarter for the United States» worst one during the 2007 - 08 recession.
A cut in consumers» paychecks — with the expiration on Jan. 1 of the payroll tax break established during the recession — might mean less traffic for many restaurants, or a reduction in the amount of money people are willing to spend on casual food.
«We've found that people eat more snacks during a recession
McAleese says the company also provides convenient, low - cost products that have proven popular during the recession as people eat out less frequently and spend more time at home.
During the recession, restaurant business slowed as people ate out less, which triggered a drop in sales.
Obviously there's volatility with income taxes during a recession, but I would think the tendency of people to slow spending on unnecessary goods during a recession would be particularly damaging to a consumption tax.
As a rule, fewer people marry during a recession, and this one has been no exception.
The surge in applications has been partly fuelled by older people wanting to do degrees during the recession.
Labour's economic recordThe actions taken by the Labour government has ensured that during the biggest economic crisis in over 60 years, the number of York people claiming unemployment benefi t in December 2009 was still 45 per cent less than under the last Conservative recession.
Unilever is also doing well, says Gallagher, who puts it down to people's desire to buy products that make them feel good, even during a recession: «When times are tough, people go back to brands they trust.»
Schnittker notes that in 2006, 7.5 percent of the adult population, or 16 million people, were inmates or ex-inmates, a number that approximates the number of unemployed during the recession of 2008 — 2009.
Surprisingly people continue to spend as much money on many leisure activities during a recession as they do in times of prosperity.
During the depths of the recession, employers stopped hiring and few people left their employment voluntarily.
People also watch their pocketbooks more carefully in times of economic turndown, such as during the global recession of 2009.
Even during the recent recession, the «green» economy has grown in real terms and is expected to employ close to a million people in the next few years.
White attributes the growing job market to school districts receiving more funding from the state and to a growing number of people retiring, perhaps because they didn't feel they could during the recession.
Although fewer people entered teacher preparation programs during the Great Recession, of greater concern is the number of teachers leaving the profession.
The drop in enrollment comes after roughly a half million people have fled Puerto Rico for the U.S. mainland in the past decade during the long recession.
The drop in enrollment comes as roughly a half million people have fled Puerto Rico for the U.S. mainland in the past decade during the long recession, including an estimated 135,000 since Hurricane Maria in September.
If you fire people based on an inappropriate tool, it is an unjust system similar to firing salespeople whose sales decline during a recession or depression.
I think it's partly that we've been in a recession, during which people weren't buying as many books, and now they're buying more ebooks.
Regardless of how much a person may or may not have lost during the recession, the rule of thumb that investments should grow less risky as we grow older still applies.
Because so many people have seen their home values plummet during this recession, it can be tough for them to get a large enough appraisal to qualify for a mortgage refinance or new home loan.
It also does little to help the growing income gap or the overall economy, as people working several freelance jobs lack the purchasing power they may have had in more stable positions that disappeared during the recession, she said.
Many people lost their homes this way during the last recession.
Auto parts stores have done well during the recession, as people keep their old cars running longer, rather than buying new.
Even though Providence's full - service / fast food differential and per capita restaurant spending are a bit below the national averages, it gets the number five spot because of its impressive growth in restaurants during the recession, as well as a very low people - to - restaurant ratio.
Interesting to note, the same study that found that people without a college education saw wage declines during the recession twice as great as college graduates also found that wage declines for people with associate degrees were even higher — 2.5 times the decline in bachelor's degree salaries.
And so the risk to people's financial wealth long term is not the drawdowns that you get during the occasional correction or even a recession or even of financial crisis.
Other times, like during recessions, they might want to lend to fewer people, and having a low score will hurt more than during other times.
During recessions, people become more short term in their thinking.
When people lose jobs during a recession, bankruptcies increase.
This idea of the credit card safety net quickly evaporated during the recession, as credit card companies embarked on a spree of rate increases and credit limit cuts that left many people stuck with expensive debt and barely enough credit to buy a tank of gas, let alone cover a real emergency like a costly car repair.
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