Sentences with phrase «people feel pain»

A lot of people are feeling pain and when people feel pain, they look for an outlet.»
Each person feels pain in differently, so it is always necessary to talk about this with your physician and decide together how to solve this problem quickly and effectively.
I don't care if the person feels the pain associated with a shattered kneecap, but if he can't stand on his leg, then he can't chase me.»

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A new study has found that nearly half of all Americans feel lonely — with young people in particular experiencing the brunt on the pain.
They asked study participants to judge from photography whether that person is feeling joy, loss, victory or pain.
«We felt very strongly, that as a company, especially as an employer with 50,000 people with a large percentage of them Hispanic - Americans and African - Americans who were in pain, that it was definitely a work issue,» she said.
If people repeatedly come to you with requests in areas where you don't feel adequately qualified to help, having a few stock resources, such as books or articles, to point them to can ease the pain of saying no, Grant suggests.
«Some of the managers may have felt a little pain,» she admits, «especially during those times when we had difficulty bringing in new people
People who are born without the ability to feel pain are miserable, because they don't know when they're harming themselves.
What happens subconsciously is that people start to feel that hurt, that loss, that pain.
Either people change at the point where they start to feel the pain acutely; or, some organizations evolve to the point where change becomes part of their DNA.
You see, the person making the acquisition decision is rarely the owner of the acquiring company, so they don't feel the pain of acquisition cost.
The researchers asked study participants to determine from photographs if people were experiencing feelings such as loss, victory or pain from facial expressions or body language alone, or from both.
The Haitian people knew the pain Puerto Ricans were feeling.
I'll definitely disagree with the pain feeling of when people's portfolios were getting demolished in equities vs. just living in your home and not worrying about the daily price b / c there is no daily price.
In theory, you'd think people who still had $ 1 billion would feel proportionately less pain than the average Joe whose stock portfolio fell from $ 300,000 to $ 100,000 and suddenly he can't retire.
To begin to build that trust, we strive to be the most open fund — we published our full operating manual to Github, people who come in to meet with us have called us «shockingly transparent,» and we still feel the pain ourselves from our own experiences of how much investors» lack of clarity cost founders in time and headache.
And as for you, «even if they feel that way, its still a choice» comment, thats like say black people are sinners, and they choose to be black because they can just pain themselves white.
One thing that surprised me, is that most people who still have their wits at the end are very angry with their palliative care providers as they see the pain killers as fogging over that ability to feel and recognize and come to grips with those feelings, especially when they are trying to interact with another.
Dead people don't have faces, or pain receptors or brains to feel anything.
I wonder if the pain you're feeling comes more so from a sense that God is rejecting you (in calling the folks away), as opposed to the people themselves deciding to part with you and your church?
A loving person would FEEL my pain about the importance of those discrepancies.
Most abused people feel they must live in silence or confide their private pain to a therapist while their abusers thrive.
Then there are the Bad Attitudes of the immature in faith: I have a hard time accepting myself; I feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and obligations I have; My life is filled with stress and anxiety; I tend to be critical of other people; I do not want churches getting involved in political issues; I do not understand how a loving God can allow so much pain and suffering in the world.
souls of the dead go, and they scream (one wonders how a person screams without lungs and without a larynx and, well, air of some sort to go into the lungs and then out of the lungs and — wait — that would require a diaphragm to power the lungs, and nerve endings so that the souls would feel pain and — hang on) and those screams get recorded?
Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, particularly if the person is in intense pain, are danger signs.
I'd love for people to feel permission to actually go there — to lean into their doubts, lean into their questions, lean into the places of pain and grief or shifting — instead of leading a life of spiritual or intellectual dishonesty and pretending it's all fine.
But since there are mutually contradictory elements of experience in the world, it would seem impossible for God to feel one person's pain and someone else's happiness simultaneously.
Feelings oozed out of people like oil, over everyone and everything they touched, but the pain remained and the soul stayed dry.
I write my songs about what God lays on my heart and I, likewise, feel mostly moved by a song when it is about the pain and suffering of the people in this world.
Many people had been offended at some things he teaches, and he feels the pain of it.
This book is about the pain people are feeling because of these confining boxes and because many are now trying to get out of them.
I believe that people are able to move past their pain by letting themselves fully feel that pain.
I can transform a woman person, a Jewish person, a black person, a gay person, an oriental person, a precious child into A bitch, a kike, a nigger, a bull dyke, a faggot, a chink, a selfish little bastard I bring pain that is chronic A pain that will not go away I am the hunter that stalks you night and day Every day everywhere I have no boundaries You try to hide from me But you can not Because I live inside of you I make you feel hopeless Like there is no way out MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME
Some results make themselves felt only after several generations, and by that time people are so deeply sunk in denial that even more pain is necessary to bring them to their senses.
As long as these mothers continue to perform Strong Black Woman, people will love them, but if at any moment they were to break down and show the grief they feel, and the pain, and the trauma, and the tears, and the rage, they would cease to be our heroes.
I feel your pain and grief at what the church has done, and am so thankful there are people out there like you working hand in hand with gay Christians to heal the church.
I watched an interview of these people and felt pain and sorrow for them and especially their young children.
This makes it crucial to learn to do one's «grief work» — the work of experiencing the pain and talking out the feeling with an understanding, accepting person, so that the wounds in one's spirit can heal fully.
Other people regard an embryo in the early weeks of pregnancy as not deserving of unqualified protection because, before we feel it to be human, we feel an obligation to spare the human - that - is - to - be unnecessary pain.
The only one who can not is Lucifer because he do not want to, God heart is not made of iron, if there are evil people alive in this world it is only because God want them to repent to, there are most evil people who as a children or teenager was sweet but because of another being became evil, Only God know what it did make them change or their pain but only one things is sure as God he did have the first seat to see all their pain and live, and to my point of view as a Father it is by no means lesser than the pain he did feel for them or them victimes, like a electric chair.
Perhaps we resort to Christianese in the context of suffering because it is so freaking terrifying... for both the person suffering and those who feel helpless in the face of their loved one's pain.
It helped me to realize again the pain that church people feel when they touch some thought that may lead to rejection by their church.
That said, it's a reality that leaving does affect other people — it's real pain they may feel — rejection, miss seeing someone, confusion, more work, etc..
If people do feel real pain, it's clear the «mindless» Republican Congress will lose the blame game.
Jesus was the «anointed» one = meaning stoned with oil saturated with marijuana, the way these people did it in those days, so he felt no pain and was a bit out of his mind when they nailed him.
David... I think each of us feels pain when relationships end... But I'm left wondering why a person leaving «a church» brings an end to the love or relationship?
I am struck by the concept of a pastor who feels pain in people who leave «his or her» church... Perhaps that is part of the problem,, l it isn't his / hers.
I wish I could communicate to you the pain that many Mormons feel when we hear our beliefs mocked, from people saying we wear «magic underwear» to people claiming that Mormons are plotting to take over the government of the United States.
While some people are gluten - intolerant and experience symptoms such as pain, gas, bloating, and inflammation from consuming gluten, others feel that avoiding gluten gives them more energy and helps them lose weight.
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