Sentences with phrase «people feels scary»

If reaching out to people feels scary to you, then relax.

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In one of the scariest movies ever made, director William Friedkin uses his background as a documentary filmmaker to create horror that feels so real, some people fainted while watching the movie when it was first in theaters.
I tend to go easy on people who feel judged in parenting, because often, what they're really saying is, «I'm nervous about my choices, and HOO BOY, this parenting shit is SCARY, right?»
I think one of the greatest things you do for people (one of your greatest gifts, to be sure) is how you whittle down all of the huge anxiety - filled, scary unknowns of adoption and open adoption and bring them to a human, person - to - person, one - on - one level that people feel they can not only understand but handle.
It's just that most people yearn for that and that's why «dying alone (figuratively)» feels scary and sad.
The world feels really scary for so many people right now.
Particularly for minorities who feel alone, «it may be a little scary and intimidating in the beginning, but get to know people [in the lab].
In fact, it can be painful for some people, especially those with a history of trauma, to focus inward because it may feel dark and scary in there.
The idea of not counting calories is scary for many people, as they feel it gives them a sense of control.
thanks for helping me feel like the move isn't quite so scary if cool people like you live in sea - town
I LOVE fall!!!! Halloween is to me what most people feel about Christmas I love everything from the rich fall colors, cool air, yummy comfort foods (when you can finally cook in a kitchen that isn't 100 degrees) and scary movies to enjoy under cozy blankets in the dark with fall scented candles burning...... Love Thank you for getting me excited over the coming of my favorite season!!!!!!
Even though meeting people online is extremely popular now with date - friendly apps like Tinder, the process can feel overwhelming or scary for the uninitiated.
Dating and meeting new people may feel very scary at first, so go at your own pace and resist any tendencies to put yourself down, compare yourself to others, or operate on «I - shoulds.»
Online dating helps you feel more at ease when talking to new people because the possibility of rejection isn't as scary as if you were meeting face to face.
In this feature story, we read several personal anecdotes from New York singles who were struggling with Tinder, ghosting, and meeting people who had a general lack of interest in serious relationships, which left us feeling like the world of online dating was scary and hopeless.
Yes, it can be a scary feeling when you reach out to your first single stranger, but there are also many nice people waiting to hear from you.
When the project was completed, De Bont observed, «A lot of the people working on the picture didn't like being on the set at night because it did feel truly scary.
I actually do think that if you put someone too famous in a horror movie it almost makes it less scary cause people feel like they know and have a relationship with them so it's hard to suspend disbelief of these crazy situations that make for good horror movies.
Thanks to vivid writing and chemistry between actors, those works make us feel the euphoria and awkwardness, the scary, giddy, glorious kick of two people connecting.
In addition to this we also work with firms of just one and two people where taking on a member of staff feels much scarier.
As writers we know how to tell a story and make people feel things with words, but for some writers, going out into the field and working with people can be scary.
The one that comes to mind actually is The Middle Passage by Tom Feelings... this is more about FEELING and when I pick this book up I have to go into a sad and scary part of my imagination... this helps me truly appreciate all of the work that has been put into building this history of ALL people.
I just published my book, and it was an incredible feeling to hold it in my hands and to see the listing on Amazon, but the most scary, amazing feeling was knowing that it was out there, in Arizona and Pennsylvania and Wyoming and that people I had never met, were seeing the story that had, until this point only been between my mind and a few family and students.
Being wrapped in the towel will help the kitten feel safe and more secure while being handled by you, a strange and scary person.
In general what makes golden retrievers the best pet is its overall personality, it is a dog that enjoys being around people and doing things that will make people happy and its face is so cute you just feel good having it around as it does not look as scary as some other pets.
I sensed the scary ease people having affairs must feel when they slip back into family meals, among innocent people who have no idea.
The game does take on a first person view rather than a third person like in the originals, but in my opinion, this makes the game feel that bit scarier as you don't have the ability to know whats on each side of you at all times.
We wanted to make a scary game, and to do that, we wanted to keep people totally immersed in that feeling.
Because of an uproar this bad, I feel that the chances of this game coming over unscathed by edits / censorship is gonna drop harshly... It's scary how people who aren't even mainstream journalists are becoming far better at fact checking than mainstream journalists themselves.
First person is a more immersive point of view which makes you feel like you are in the game which makes it more scary.
The Unfinished Swan wasn't meant to be scary but I think it ended up feeling that way for a lot of people because it was so unfamiliar.
the interview was very informative and it makes good sense to approach selling art with a good business mind, I felt relief as I enjoy both the arts and commerce skills and see that selling is an art and an artist should not have trouble in designing a path that will work out sales special interest groups in other social networks this is just another journey a new color on the canvas I can do this thanks Cory your channel has been an inspiration I printed and sold 6 prints the first time I pitched I was selling prints of my work all with in a week end among friends I have now professionally digitized my work for reproduction online and want to offer a nice web gallery and this is where it's scary I'm an artist not enjoying computer mode I moved from an area with an art culture in Cincinnati to rural where artist is odd man in town so this is nice chatting with creative people thank you to Melissa for her uplifting input as well blessings to all
The research of Paul Slovic and Baruch Fischhoff and others has identified several psychological characteristics that make risks feel more or less scary, several of which explain, more than cultural cognition, why people can believe this immense threat looms, yet still not be all that concerned.
I feel extraordinarily lucky, folk here have great personalities and a sense of humor, we don't have scary people screaming at associates.
«I believe the scariest thing for people is feeling they're doing this on their own... they need the feeling they belong,» Becker said.
People love to feel the rage and excitement of racing cars in scary tracks.
It is hard to not have a job close to home, but there are still options for you and even though it may be scary, moving for a job is something that many people have and will continue to do, so you don't have to feel alone.
This can be scary at first and she may be afraid to let the people she feels safe with out of her sight.
I hope that in the challenging times up ahead, the person / people you choose to be with make your world feel like a little bit better of a place versus a scarier one.
Stretching can be scary and finding oneself in new emotional depths with people can feel overwhelming.
The feeling of not being appreciated by the most important person in your life is scary!
People come to me with their most personal and sometimes scary thoughts and feelings, and it is both my job and my privilege to explore that material in a way that reduces suffering and helps them to lead more effective and satisfying lives.
I LOVE fall!!!! Halloween is to me what most people feel about Christmas I love everything from the rich fall colors, cool air, yummy comfort foods (when you can finally cook in a kitchen that isn't 100 degrees) and scary movies to enjoy under cozy blankets in the dark with fall scented candles burning...... Love Thank you for getting me excited over the coming of my favorite season!!!!!!
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