Sentences with phrase «people felt the wrong»

A marketplace battle took place, and I think it's safe to say a lot of people felt the wrong game won there.
When people feel wronged, they get angry.

Not exact matches

They don't feel bad for people they've wronged, and they don't feel guilty about any of the negative actions they've taken.
I think part of it are some people in the self help industry that want you to feel like there's something wrong with you all the time.
A popular narrative lately is that people are becoming unhappier because we're all narcissistic and grew up being told that we're special unique snowflakes who are going to change the world and we have Facebook constantly telling us how amazing everyone else's lives are, but not our own, so we feel all like crap and wonder where it all went wrong.
I've personally experienced that feeling in - person and online, so I know how painful it can be to get it wrong.
The only thing to be felt in this regard is that this was the wrong person with whom to spend time.
But it feels so wrong because you know that there's so many bigger things that could happen, and I like to think that ultimately so many people's goal is to make the world a better place, and we're being given this opportunity to do something like that.
One word that makes us happy: Progress [21:21] We grow because that helps us give more — share it with someone you love, it magnifies it [22:04] More excited about feeding one billion people than any material thing, so much more meaning when it's not just about you [22:19] The challenge is our brain: it's looking for what's wrong, because that helps you survive [22:30] Peak state = high energy, feel extraordinary, producing results is easy [22:46] Low energy state = say things and do things that hurt your relationship [23:39] Peak State = Beautiful state, Low - energy state = suffering state [24:08] Over achievers don't suffer, right?
«In practice, my best guess is that we were 6 times more likely to get everything wrong about a person as we were to get everything right about a person,» Kogan said, adding that if his work had helped elect President Trump, he would feel «absolutely horrible.»
People can easily tell if your heart isn't into something during an interview, and I constantly felt a need to fake my enthusiasm which felt wrong.
Because gay people are taught from a young age that being gay is wrong and that having feelings for someone of the same sex is queer, they suppress those feelings and (with men especially) those feelings often get expressed through random sex acts with other men.
I think it is sad to force people into situations where they clearly feel that something is wrong.
I did see one point in Tony Perkin's article that resonated with me and that was the warning of crossing the line and reverse discriminating against people who feel, for whatever reason that GLBT is wrong.
There IS no right or wrong — a person's beliefs are individual and based on feelings — everyone has different feelings based on their reaction to what they have experienced in life.
If a person truly believes that they have been forgiven by the person they wronged, then that guilt they felt would be gone, and they could have a long and meaningful relationship with them.
As an atheist, I feel there is nothing wrong in religion itself, just the people that follow it.
Just because people don't think or feel just like you, dosen't make them wrong.
It's wrong for the public restaurant installation to assert its religious belief particularly much favorable toward Chriatian faith diners; the mood should be like acceptace of all racial, religious backgrounds, and particularly for gay people not to feel discriminated and hurt!
Most people do not like admitting they were wrong when making a change, so the churches will need to create roles for the old guard without making them feel marginalized.
If you are right (I think you are wrong) and dying in peace is the most important thing to take with you to an Afterlife, then the right thing to do is let the dying person clear the Guilt, Bad Feelings, and any other negative poisons out of their heart and soul.
Geez, spin it how you wish if It helps you feel like the bigger person (more like an arrogant ass)... what makes you so right and everyone so wrong??? Where is your evidence for this god and don't use the bible - it doesn't prove a god, it merely proves that man has a vivid imagination?
That said, I'm glad I still live in an America where people can question and rally for or against things, even bring - up lawsuits if they feel wronged or are acting on behalf of an oppressed party.
The Bible should not be twisted to make it fit the things people feel guilty and uncomfortable (because it is wrong and unnatural) so they feel better and justified.
Even if your religion makes you feel great and you think that it is wonderful, it is still wrong to tell people about it by intruding into their lives.
You may feel it's wrong to steal, but if another person feels it's right to steal, you have no objective reference by which to say he is wrong and you are right; you are at an impasse.
What is wrong with people, why are you trying to act all high and mighty as if these people that were polled were evil racist people because they spoke the truth about how they feel about a candidate.
Those people who were in the Klan or any other religious organization claimed to be closer to God and felt they had the right to proclaim others way of life as wrong.
There is a minor bandwagon fallacy thrown in my post, but I feel the fallacy is a stronger case to highlight why juarez is wrong as opposed to the «just because people believe something doesn't mean it's right», because, as is evidently the case, juarez does not subscribe to keeping in tune with logic.
It risks confrontation, resentment, hurt feelings, and so on, so in a lot of interactions when someone is wrong the other person just politely nods his head in agreement and then proceeds to ignore everything the person said.
But in abusive situations, the people who do the wrong thing (the bully) are also the ones who make the others feel guilty.
I'm the wrong person to represent the faithful, but I have a feeling they would disagree with your definition of faith.
But, if you feel there is never a wrong reason for becoming a christian, even if an individual does it for no other reason than playing it safe, never believed in god, will go their whole never never truly bielving, does the minimum (paying lip service), and to really point a cherry on top, doesn't live anything close to a «christian lifestyle outside of the few hours on Sundays (just a rotten to the core person, thief, liar, cheater... rappist, murderer...) Is there STILL no wrong reason for becoming religeous?
It all seems very vague, where people can make it mean a particular thing, try to figure out what you are saying, feel guilty that they are doing something wrong by being warm, dry, comfortable in their house, enjoying their family, food.
You hate when people show you where you are wrong or where your bible fails... to admit the problems within that book would start to destroy your life... I feel bad for you to be living such a shallow life in need to the non-existent to get by.
two other people arguing will need to work that out not you so if you stay out of it it usually works out... god is psychological security for those who need it... nothing wrong with that but reality will soon come calling... usually on a death bed when people for the first time really see they are alone... or you can beleieve a delusion... whatever makes you feel better.
If she feels it is wrong for gay people to get married, she has the religious freedom to believe this.
First, if a congregation is even in the remotest sense Christian and not totally a reflection of the culture, its church musicians feel the gnawing sense that simply meeting people's needs is wrong.
«What is interesting about this aspect of abortion attitudes is that while many people find abortion to be problematic, they may either personally feel it is wrong or favor greater restrictions.
Sometimes, of course, the other person will cut you off or hurt you - maybe not intentionally, but as a result of feeling they aren't being faithful unless they punish you in some way for being wrong.
It is for such reasons that in the past those who were deserted by a spouse were stigmatised in some communities; the fact that divorce was viewed as wrong made it easy to conflate feelings for those involved with disapproval of the objective evil of divorce.Likewise those who genuinely find that they are attracted to persons of the same sex have been unjustly stigmatised and alienated.
Based on hundreds of comments and letters to the editor, Kreider says that many contemporary people feed off of feeling 1) right and 2) wronged.
No, I don't know your story, but I don't need to know your story to know that feeling that hatred of an entire people group can ever be justified is wrong.
If people go to church at least partly to worship God, and they love him, and that makes them feel happy, I see nothing wrong with that.
Which, in my experience, tends to be the usual complaint of people who feel they've been wronged in some way: «God let this evil crap happen to me, therefore he sucks, or isn't there.»
When people use their religion as a cloak of immunity which they feel gives them the right to spread lies about another person's character, well that is just wrong.
I always felt that the thing wrong with religion is that people are involved.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
This acts as a deterrent to a person realizing that something is wrong and that they need to get psychological help as these experiences make them feel that they are God's agent, they are chosen and need to continue and reach the world with their message.
People today have decided what is convienient for them, what suits their needs and requirements, what they believe is right verses wrong with total comphehensive disregard on how the Creator, Jehovah God feels about matters through his word the Bible.
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