Sentences with phrase «people food instead»

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But instead of bringing expansive, overwhelming menus to people in smaller cities, Good Uncle wants to cook and sell just a few items from the world's most iconic restaurants — the two most popular salads from a place like Sweetgreen, for example, or the most popular pizza from Roberta's in Brooklyn — in smaller, non-NFL cities, like New Haven or Syracuse, places that have dense populations but lack easy access to great food.
In the weight loss example, Adams says a person could instead spend time educating himself about choices, which gradually leads to selecting the right foods.
Seamless changed takeout by allowing people to order food through their computer and smartphone instead of calling a restaurant.
It's far too early to tell if the fund will continue to outperform the market, and it'll be interesting to see how the recent market swings will test their theories, but it may not be long before people start posting pics of their rising bank - account statements instead of the food they had for dinner.
According to the latest data from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, nearly 1 billion packages of hot dogs were sold at U.S. retail stores in 2014, fueling the meals of people that prefer to eat at home instead of at a fast food joint.
Also, they have chosen a cheap populist theme, attacking cell phone, bank and credit - card charges instead of hammering the Conservatives on their dangerous, right - wing deregulation agenda — even though people are still dying as a result of Harper's «self - regulation» changes to food safety.
That's 200 people every second who were choosing filters instead of eating their food, 200 mothers begging their teenager to put down the phone for just a minute and 200 turkeys that were getting cold instead of being eaten.
But instead of a religion revealed through philosophical constructs — easily reasoned out and understood, instead we get a God inconveniently revealed in people, and food and wine and water and bodies and pies and oil and beer.
While he held high the host and chalice of the Eucharist, and knelt before them, elsewhere people simply felt they had no need for God, and gave their hearts instead to other things - material goods, sex, food, holidays.
You have more time on sunday to play with your kids and go to the park or go to a market or work at the food pantry — all kinds of things you can do instead of keeping your mind weak and talking to make - believe people in your head and listening to really boring music.
Instead be writes about and for people who typically get exactly what they want, in large part because they have been conditioned by the world around them to desire what that world can provide: the right automobile; ethnic or trend - setting foods; a lucrative but not socially embarrassing job; a residence identifiable, in architecture and interior design, with a style that has a name.
Instead they assert with the author of Health Begins in Him (1995), «If people who do not know Christ can walk in discipline and self - control, surely we as Christians can walk free from bondage to food
Instead of just serving food, after we were done serving we would go out among the tables and just talk to the people.
All the things people praise God (s) for (food, health, nice weather, a good crop etc) are attributed to him instead.
But instead of spending this extra $ 100 on myself and family, I could also find a thousand ways to spend it to benefit some person, family, or group that has a desperate need for food, clothes, shelter, or medical care.
I have people say that Tex - Mex / Mexican food intimidates them and they prefer to just leave it to the pros and eat out instead.
I am making these Cake for 1 recipes in the hope that, instead of hiding the good food in the very top cabinet where short people -LSB-...]
I am making these Cake for 1 recipes in the hope that, instead of hiding the good food in the very top cabinet where short people can't reach, you'll just hide the good food... in plain sight.
Review Body: Could not find half of the ingredients, how about ingredients people can actually find instead of crap you have to order online or go to whole foods for.
And FINALLY a granola bar recipe for people with blenders instead of food processors
When people eat, they usually do not want their food to have a bitter taste to it, but instead, a succulent, tantalizing flavor that makes them take another bite.
Many people also ask if they can use honey instead of agave, and again, I don't have the answer to this since honey is another extremely high glycemic food that I avoid diligently.
A: As part of our broad commitment to reducing hunger globally, we have long worked to reduce food waste in our processes, capturing instead to feed people in need, and when that is not appropriate, ensuring it is used for animal feed.
As a direct result, we've collaborated with leaders in the industry to pilot innovative practices and moved significant quantities of valuable food to feed people instead of being destroyed.
Much of this food could instead feed hungry people, while at the same time reduce waste disposal costs and provide tax benefits for businesses donating food.
I wish we had more homeless people around here who appreciated food offerings, most times (even when I've bought for them) they shrug, and ask for money instead.
People with diabetes and others who monitor their blood sugar levels should avoid foods with a high glycemic index, therefore, are often advised to eat sweet potatoes instead of normal potatoes since sweet potato has a glycemic load of only 17, where a normal potato has an index of 29
One of the things that inspires me most about the food blog community is its ability to bring together people of all walks and all diets — instead of focusing on what someone does or doesn't eat, it's all about celebrating what we do have in common, and, most importantly, what's delicious.
There was also FAR less congestion on the shop floor — instead of queuing for ages and waiting for food, people were ordering and taking a seat which meant that there were minimal queues, despite the restaurant being full of diners, and that it was actually MUCH quieter.
Public Eye Award 2005: Overwhelming winner of the «People's Choice» award for «for its practice of marketing baby food and formula in the developing world by encouraging women to use their products instead of nursing their children.»
Instead your attacking the group that supports the people that are working the hardest every day to feed the kids the best food possible.
As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, my mission is to show people that despite popular belief a healthy diet doesn't mean ice burg lettuce and celery on repeat; but instead can include tons and tons of delicious, clean and energizing foods straight from mama Earth that will always keep your plate interesting!
Important: Super «ORS» should be given to the person with diarrhoea in addition to other foods - not instead of them.
If some village decides to do something spectacularly stupid (attack a stronger village, or plant feed corn instead of food), the very worst that can happen is a couple hundred people in that village suffer or die.
Kallos pressed her: «As a nutritionist do you think people who make $ 15 an hour instead of eight, nine or ten dollars an hour will have more money to spend on healthy food
Although malaria is a serious problem, when resources are scarce, food was the first priority — so bed nets were often used to protect food sources instead of people.
But in the mid -»90s, after the passage of the Food Quality Protection Act, the pesticide industry found a way around that: Instead of testing pesticides in rodents, they began testing them in humans — usually very poor people.
These are also known as biofuels, i.e. plants that would otherwise potentially go to feed people (or grown on land that would otherwise grow food) going into gas tanks instead.
Although the research, published this week in Scientific Reports, can not confirm that dogs are intentionally acting cute to manipulate us, it showed that canine expressions are not just a byproduct of happiness or excitement by comparing dogs» faces when presented with food instead of people.
In fact, encouraging people to work harder to cut food waste instead of collecting food waste and turning it into biogas cuts energy impacts more than biogas production and use, the researchers found.
If the land devoted to growing food for cattle in the United States were used to grow peas, barley, and other crops for people instead, beef production would drop by 55 %, from 31 million to 14 million beef cattle, the team reports today in Nature Ecology and Evolution.
«It doesn't deprive people of the foods they love and instead focuses on portion control — the key to weight loss.»
How about you go after the criminals who are poisoning our food instead of labeling decent people?
Too many people forget to drink water and then go for food instead.
Some studies have shown that eating the exact same food, except made in a soup instead of as solid food, makes people feel more satisfied and eat significantly fewer calories, simply because the stomach fills with more water.
If you know there's always too much food, ask some people to skip bringing a plate and instead donate the money to an overseas aid charity, to fund fresh water or much - needed food.
Focus on the experience Instead of obsessing over the food, I focus my attention on my entire vacation experience, including the sights, sounds, and people on my trip.
Many people shy away from whole foods that contain fat and carbs because they're fearful of gaining weight — opting instead for some processed version of them.
Scientists are shifting from thinking of foods in «negative» terms in regard to the thyroid, instead focusing on connecting people with the nutrients they need for their individual thyroid function
Looking back to those days (almost 1.5 years ago), I would take some time to analyze what I'm feeling and deal with it the best way possible (instead of shoving it deeper and self - medicating with food), set a schedule where I am getting enough time for work, play, and rest; surround myself with supportive, positive people; and follow a nutrition and exercise plan that has more flexibility and will not add stress to my life until I can do my regular schedule.
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