Sentences with phrase «people from all cultures»

It has proved it's value for a vast diversity of people from every culture in our modern world.
Omega - 3s you've no doubt heard are good for you, as people from cultures with more fish in their diets tend to be healthier.
We have a comprehensive program to reinforce our commitment to diversity and social inclusion and build our capacity to meet the needs of people from all cultures.
Dating can be awkward enough already when dating people from your culture so you can definitely expect awkward moments when bridging ethnicities.
In attempting to communicate with persons from another culture, we strive to enter into their framework, learn their language, their slang, their symbolically powerful words.
Many Asian cultures equate depression with mental instability, or «craziness,» making people from these cultures less likely to seek help.
Furthermore, there is no evidence in Israel that shows a sudden influx of people from another culture at that time.
Well - meaning friends often have misconceptions about people from cultures other than their own, whether by birthplace, heritage, sexual orientation, or socio - economic class.
But there will always be some resistance to change, particularly when courting people from another culture.
I am energetic and outgoing, enjoy being outdoors, into health and fitness, enjoy dancing and listening to music, love to laugh and can be very comical, open minded and like meeting people from all cultures, creative, artisic, happy with life, and fun to be with!
Of course, the personal rebellion of any strong - willed young person from any culture makes a good story; the movies are full of them.
While this designation is convenient and accepted here, it may be puzzling, disconcerting or even insulting to classify together people from cultures with nothing at all in common or from countries that are historical enemies.
We honor people from all cultures, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
Unlike the example given above, many of these confrontations ended in the separation of Indigenous people from their culture and their country.
We encourage people from all cultures to consider a career in DECD FDC.
Nor there is any evidence in Israel that shows a sudden influx of people from another culture at that time.
One key informant conducted a study in which he found that people from cultures other than the «traditional» Canadian culture were only about half as likely to enroll in programs, even if they were available in their own community.
In the future, we hope to work directly with people from these cultures to help us interpret and understand the results,» explains lead researcher Margaret Kern.
I can tell that you like Italy... it just saddens me to see so many stereotypes and sweeping characterizations made of people from a culture that is — outside of the way it is portrayed, mainly in English - speaking venues — quite rich and complex.
Previous research has shown that people from cultures that are Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic («WEIRD,» in psychological parlance) tend to think analytically, using logical rules, whereas those that are non-WEIRD process information more intuitively.
Being open to people from all cultures will increase your options when it comes to finding the right partner.
We have people from all cultures and walks of life, so the more you go on our site the more excited you will become with the possibility of meeting someone!
Not forgetting the exotic charm of discreet sex dating a person from another culture or race, interracial relationship or match making has an appeal of its own, and interracial marriages have become quite common all over.
If you wish to successfully date a person from another culture then you should know how to.
People from one culture like to be in relationship with a person from another culture or religion.
It's also key to acknowledge that individuals, as well as a person from another culture, do not represent the entirety of those respective cultures.
With more than one billion active users watching videos every month, there are people from all cultures, countries, and ethnicities going online in one place.
This goes for a traveler of any ethnicity as Canada is diverse and accepting of people from all cultures.
Marrying a person from another culture than your own has become quite common.
RAV has a comprehensive program to reinforce our commitment to diversity and social inclusion and build our capacity to meet the needs of people from all cultures.
When developing parenting programs and all other forms of intervention, the people from the culture being served need to be a part of developing, designing, implementing, and evaluating these programs.
We serve all age groups, from children as young as three years old to seniors over 65, and people from all cultures and backgrounds.
Autism occurs in people from all cultures and countries.
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