Sentences with phrase «people get healthy»

Gabrielle Olga is a certified functional medicine practitioner and plant - based nutritional coach on a mission to help people get healthy by eating more plant - based food.
Once you have the skills you need, you can build a virtual business helping people get healthy via email or video chat!
I wanted to help people get healthy by teaching them about food, not telling them what they can and can not eat.
Do you love helping people get healthy?
«It's a great way to help people get healthy and choose a mate who is great for their life,» she said.
Now my life goal is to help 100 million people get healthy.
Dr Brett Hill (Chiropractor) is passionate about helping people get healthy naturally and believes that your body needs no help to perform at it's best, just no interference.
That doesn't mean that he doesn't help people get healthy.
They think outside of the box and take a mind, body, heart and soul approach to helping people get healthy.
It is Paleo with little p because I think my approach is pretty loose and it is not to say that Paleo with the capital P is transforming people's lives it is just more in the course of the last five and six years becoming a professional nutritional therapy practitioner and helping other people get healthy and starting my masters in the public health, I think I have realized that there are a lot of different ways in order to be healthy.
So you have decided to devote yourself to helping people get healthy.
I'm proud to say that the Nerd Fitness Academy has helped thousands and thousands of people get healthy, but it's not because it's the best plan in the entire world.
On my blog, I started hosting online nutrition programs and cleanses to help people get healthy, clean up their diet, and solve skin problems through food.
Having helped my mother change her diet and lifestyle after her diagnosis and seeing her so healthy 8 years later has truly inspired me to continue to help people get healthy.
Her goal in overseeing an incredible team of writers, designers, producers, and medical experts is to create awesome content that helps people get healthier.
Hospitals are supposed to help people get healthier, not make them worse!
I love helping people get healthier in...
I love helping people get healthier in realistic ways that light them up.
By you sharing, your helping other people get healthier, which is going to be better for everyone.
Uh again, it really fires me up when I see more people getting healthier so make sure you give that a share.
You are fighting the good fight to help people get healthier and stronger, and I am glad that you are out there.
On the other hand I have never seen any study that shows sick people get healthier if they add more meat, dairy and eggs to their diet.
It's been almost four decades since I started helping people get healthier and fit, with weight - and body - fat loss being a key focus.
I care more about people getting healthy than being right.
It must be all those nonexistent piles of money from working tirelessly on a non-monetized website devoted to helping people get healthier that means that we made it.

Not exact matches

«The more we can get people doing resistance training like weight lifting, the more likely we are to have a healthier aging population,» Big Think quotes him as saying.
So while getting stuck next to a sick person is nearly a surefire way to come down with whatever he or she is suffering from, if your nearest neighbors seem healthy, your odds are excellent.
And second, our system is built to treat people when they get sick, but not to help them prevent illness and stay healthy.
For me, just helping people is getting healthy is such a passion, it helps drive the business,» he said.
Domise says there are cases when healthy people can excel in their old age in jobs, but no one should make working late in life part of their retirement plan, because you just can't count on having the physical ability and get - up - and - go to do it.
For a healthy, young person who gets an annual physical and not much else, an HSA can be a fantastic opportunity, Roberge said.
Additionally, children are already getting addicted to screens, computers, and texting, and this only fuels the problem in developing healthy intimacy and closeness with other people
People decide to eat healthier and to begin exercising, hoping to lose weight or just get in better shape for the upcoming bathing suit season.
My experience shows just how hard it's going to be to get any healthy, uninsured people — young or old — to sign up.
Exercising regularly as we get older appears to help defend against some of this decline, both for healthy people who show normal signs of aging and for older people who may be on the path toward developing Alzheimer's disease.
The reality is most of what people think they know about the physiology and psychology about «getting healthy or fit» is probably wrong.
More poor people on insurance generally means fewer healthy people getting care, which is expensive.
Calling the decision «outrageous,» former CEO Kevin Counihan said in a statement that the move could keep young, healthy people from getting into the insurance pool, thereby driving up costs.
«Occasionally getting out of communications range is healthy for all of us,» added Google co-founder Sergey Brin, «but if it's part of your daily life and you don't have access to the information and the ability to communicate with people important to you that's a real disadvantage.»
Despite a generally healthy economy, many retailers are struggling to get people into their stores.
Fitness resolutions are everywhere, and most people have a very unrealistic idea of what they really need to change if they want to get fit, get healthy, and change their lives.
The nationwide analysis, released Thursday by California's insurance exchange, said repeal of the Affordable Care Act's «individual mandate» to hold insurance is the main driver, jacking up rates by 7 percent to 15 percent in 2019 and up to 10 percent in the following two years, as younger and / or healthier people decide not to get coverage.
We constantly tell people that the time they spend not moving abroad to a happier, healthier, more affordable place is time they will never get back.
It is meant to nudge healthy people into purchasing coverage because they may fear the consequences of getting locked out of the market down the road.
Religion is not healthy for people who got burned alive for heresy: wonderful post.
There are more democracies and fewer despots than ever before, and people on the whole are getting healthier, wealthier, and better educated.
I get a kick out of the Atheist talking about how religious people try and ram their faith down throats... and then you see clowns like hippypoet and the prayer is not healthy kook... guess they are hypocrits just like everybody elese.
Shall we go get answers on how to eat healthy from people who sit on their couch all day and play video games?
But how about can we have healthy people that get the psychological help that has been recommended, so they no longer abuse others?
know that you have many that came to support you in spirit, messengers in all levels, under different races, skin color, nationality, simply allow, we are here to bring us ALL to Glorified Beingness, we have all once sinned and have been down and have lied, we all may return back home, as fallen as you shall be, the weight of your heart at the gates is to be weighted, Father loves us all, as Mother in spirit, devoted spiritual being will be passed on to realms of much lighteousness, work hard, get rid of old, prey, meditate, get on healthy plan since our bodies matter so much for us to be able to enjoy our natural of God's light HIGH Million Divine Kisses to all my people Enjoy my video, share with rest of the world, we are at HOMEEEEEE
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