Sentences with phrase «people go to church»

Then she came to me and offered to buy it and I said she needed to put it back and asked her a couple more to return it and began to ask more questions and then that is when she started making my life miserable, lying, texting people I go to church with about me.
As fewer people go to church and the diversity of different areas shifts, the cardboard models offer a playful and abstract perspective on the buildings.
Today, gone is the days that people go to Church or and religious areas to find their soul mate.
Lisa Miller lacks a basic understanding about why people go to church, and what function it serves.
As most people go to church for only and hour on the Pagan sun god's day of worship, and only get a very watered down feel good sermon with a text book drummed into them interpretation, there is very little Bible and Scripture in church.
Most of the people I go to church with would probably even say that some parts of the Bible may be wrong.
Why do people go to church anyway?
I'm just throwing out reasons people go to church.
You see, I think this happens a lot: people go to church hoping to hear some good news but leave spiritually murdered.
Lot's of people go to church, but don't implement what they hear there in their personal lives.
Maybe those people go to church who don't have the capacity to go into the wilderness.»
Sociologists have spoken of the «privatizing» of religion in the West, by which they mean that religious adherence has become a leisure - time activity — some people go to church on a Sunday, other people go sailing or shopping Religion is seen as a personal choice and should not interfere with politics or business.
I can't tell how good your theology is, but people go to church to hear the word of God preached so they can be saved and grow.
Some people go to church out of guilt.
Some people, I know this is surprising, but some people go to church because they want to pick a fight with another Christian, or find something wrong in what the pastor said or did.
Some people go to church because it is their religious duty.
People go to the church that's closest to their home.
A lot of people go to church in their own neighborhoods.
If people go to church at least partly to worship God, and they love him, and that makes them feel happy, I see nothing wrong with that.
Many people go to a church expecting something FROM OTHERS.
People go to church to enjoy the words in the air and the songs being sung.
Too often people go to church to be scolded rather than to experience the liberation of the divine.
So some people went to a church college and became Catholic professors.
If a person goes to church, reads their Bible, and calls themselves a Christian, but has never believed in Jesus for eternal life (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47), then they have not received the indwelling Holy Spirit.
And I don't go to church, but I do know for a fact that people go to churches and talk about zoning laws and other non God related stuff, all the time.
At this point I was the equivalent of a poor widow with an ill orphaned child.These people knew exactly what they were doing, but the people they went to church with wouldn't know.
I think we're seeing what others have posted — there simply aren't many minorities in our white suburban town, so I'm not sure it's a reflection of the church or simply that people go to churches in their own towns and neighborhoods.
Even if every black person went to church and mingled in every church in America, someone would still cry foul.
He said: «It's encouraging that clergy are among the five most trusted groups especially as most children don't see much of them with just 2 per cent of people going to church on a Sunday.
It is another thing to admit it to the people you went to church with.
To find the «good old days» when most people went to church, we would have to reach back across the centuries and the seas to European cultures and their state churches.
In «my parts,» we see lots of people going to churches where the word of God is not merely a lifestyle option, where patriotism is quite serious, families remain pretty large, the love of Lee Greenwood's classic song is genuine, and there's lots of voluntary, charitable stuff going on (more, I think, than almost anywhere else in our country).
I have 3 wonderfull kids i am tall 5 7 black hair black eyes beautifull smile romantic very sweet person i go to church every sundays in august i move to mass
For example, if a person goes to a church which their therapist also attends, this can be seen as harmless although it could affect a patient's privacy or make them feel uncomfortable if they happen to meet their therapist at a social gathering.
When I see people going to church on Sunday or a house of worship on a Saturday or a mosque or temple on any day, I think that what they are doing is wonderful.

Not exact matches

In a time where people are less likely to go to church or participate in bowling leagues, Amazon is contributing to the loss of some of the remaining public spaces where Americans gather with their neighbors: malls.
Personally, I'm not going to heal unless I can rest easy knowing that the people that are around me can go to school safely, can go to church, can go to clubs, can go anywhere safely.
It has gone so far as to call into question the criterion established in Familiaris consortio, which in number 84 says: «The Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried.
When you see younger people enter your church for the first time, do you go out of your way to introduce yourself and ask them to sit with you?
she is just a bit sold out, otherwise she would understand that there are 300 million different people and not a one goes to every church.
So I have no concerns at all that people in the church are going to be involved in these discussions, get on board and help lead the rest of us forward in an age where there are intelligences other than the ones we associate with Adam and Eve.
I don't see Christians as more honest, more faithful in marriage, less violent, more giving, more polite, or more anything than the millions of people who are indifferent to religion and who only go to a church if there is a wedding or a funeral.
I have been encouraging friends to attend — I've never been in a church that felt healthier for me or the people around me (okay — my kids are resistant, when we don't go regularly, but it seems very healthy for all the people I know and love who attend).
Our service is an outreach to the community, for people who have been hurt by church in the past, non believers, people who are feel they are outcasts, etc.We run with no budget, all the offering goes to a need in the community, tonight its going to a senior that lost everything in a house fire.
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why these people can't use any other facility... including any one of the thousands of churches in the area, many of whom have large spaces all ready to go for exactly that sort of thing.
These people don't obtain some special attribute like x-men because they go to church.
Previously we had to rely on second hand accounts at best, the «I know a guy who prayed and it totally came true» or «I know this person who died and went to heaven and came back» or «this person in our church saw a Smurf doll get up and start trying to choke a baby...»
We will be doing our fellowship service tonight in a community hall, we were doing it at our church for seven years, but we got kicked out, because we wer n`t getting the people to go to the sunday morning service.
This is all about control with religion and it has to stop.Gay people getting married doesn't have anything to do with straight people getting married.People are so full of hatred and disrespect it isn't funny.I'm glad this has come out now, because it really shows how evil people really are.But these people who are so into GOD, the Bible, Church, and the only way of life they live 4 god, by god are the 1s who prmote going around the world starting WARS, killing innocent women, men, children and families because Jesus guides them in everything they do.That is a crock of B.S. if I ever heard it.They will continus to use GOD and continue their EVIL ways to get whatever they want and CONTROL who ever they can.
Even most people that I know that live on base actually go to the off base church of their choice rather than on base churches.
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