Sentences with phrase «people grab onto»

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If you can find people who are also smarter than you, «grab them and hold onto them.»
But in their zeal to grab onto the hottest financial trend in the world right now, people are coming up with the most idiotic uses of the Blockchain.
Orderly networks give way to disorderly new webs, as if the brain were a drowning person flailing and grabbing onto whatever it can for support.
Because when they went to get up, they couldn't... at least not without grabbing onto a chair, couch, table, or (worse yet) another person to help them.
So build them up beforehand people who get mitochondria support before open heart surgery get discharged quicker, spend less money, less complications so hospitals should grab onto this.
A woman is yanked out of bed onto the floor, a woman is «skewered» into place by poles but is not hurt, glass shatters onto a woman and in two scenes a giant hand and many smaller hands try to grab people.
Although certifications for water work will vary by country or organization, here's a taste of what a water dog par excellence can do: rescue multiple people, rescue an unconscious victim (either by grabbing onto his or her life jacket or by taking the victim's arm or hand in a gentle but firm hold), and search for and beach a stranded boat.
If the person is responsive the dog allows the person to grab onto them and be towed to safety.
You are now able to drop onto enemies to knock them out, pull the unsuspecting over ledges or railings, and grab people through fabric walls or tents.
Players navigate the colorful, alien environment from a third - person perspective, and can jump as well as grab onto any solid surface using the two trigger buttons — one for each hand.
Nothing else except for maybe a few stated possible tragedies (i.e., the polar bears are moving south and the penguins face possible extinction) there are no concrete ideas for people to grab onto!
But if they somehow find themselves in the vicinity of someone's face, they are perfectly able to grab onto that person's eyelashes and hitch a free ride outta Grointown.
The basic idea is that grabbing onto people and groups who validate your viewpoints is a good way of lessening anxiety caused by your impending doom and it helps protect your self - esteem, which is threatened by thinking about death.
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