Sentences with phrase «people have fewer children»

Even if these people have fewer children than their parents did, there will be a time lag in the demographic transition during which the number of births still exceeds the number of deaths and the population continues to rise significantly.
These are the economic reasons people have fewer children, and it would appear likely, unless there's an apocalypse that sends us all back to menial farming, that the economics will change.
If people have fewer children and they have them later, the birthrate will go down.
And then behavior changes in response: More access to resources tends to make people have fewer children, not more.

Not exact matches

The 2005 Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging found that close relationships with children and other relatives had very little impact on how long you live, but people with the most friends tended to outlive those with the fewest by 22 percent.
As people become better off they have fewer children, both because they're too busy to tend to them and because they don't need as many hands to help support the household.
I didn't buy «Japan is Number One» when that was the mantra two decades ago, because Japan had severe demographic problems» as in, very few children; its lack of the most basic form of people power in the most elementary form, I thought, would soon become evident in economic weakness (as it has).
Common sense would dictate that if the people of a large society wanted to pay less to house criminals, wanted fewer abortions, and more people working — they would put their resources towards educating their youth on how to not get pregnant, providing contraception to those women who do not want children until they are equipped to raise them, and towards making sure all children obtain the highest possible education they can achieve.
Do you have any clue about how few people were involved with that and how it pales in comparison to child abuse in government schools?
With people having fewer or no children, too, that might have a similar influence.
After decades of hearing messages from high church officials that lesbian and gay people were a threat to humanity and a danger to children, I had to rub my eyes a few times to make sure that I was reading this new, more positive language correctly.
Consequently, when I see people reading an article or a news item on Israel, I react like a conscientious parent whose only child has developed an addiction to junk food; I want to sneak a few vitamins into the soft drinks and candy bars.
In the future, fewer people will marry, more people who marry will divorce, more people who many will do so later in life, more people will cohabit, fewer people will have children, more people who have children will do so outside of marriage and more people will want to form informal unions of various kinds and experiment with reproductive technologies outside of either marriage or heterosexual unions.
Even from a biblical standpoint, the Hebrew God considered burning people an abomination, and that was for just a few moments, why would he then create a place of eternal fiery torment for all his children who disobey?
At that point people chose to have fewer children, and population leveled off without any political action.
Another theory is that, as people became less religious, they would abandon the natural family and have fewer children.
The gist of the argument, summarized in the current issue of Foreign Policy, is this: «Across the globe, people are choosing to have fewer children or none at all.
«Few people have noted the irony of the appeals by the police to parents to «contact their children».
If prayer worked, everyone would do it, because prayerful people would experience better health, less divorce, fewer children on drugs, greater success, lower death rates, less obesity... there would be no war or starvation or murdered babies.
It is probably no easier for people in poorer countries to get used to the idea of having fewer children than it is for us to change our attitudes toward economic growth.
Quite a few of us have stable relationships, raise healthy well - educated children, are free from addiction, vote, volunteer and donate to support causes that help make this society work, live in harmony with people who are different from us — I could go on, but you may get the idea that most of us do things most people would call good and have neither the inclination nor the time to do abominable things.
Perhaps if the dictator of your theocracy would step up and do something to stop your priests from raping children the folks at the Empire State Building would be more inclined to honor one of the few truly decent persons to march upon the world stage in your name of late, or ever for that matter.
I really, really feel sorry for the children of these people who have to spend these next few days terrified of the world ending Saturday evening, and the supposed mechanics of that, and then the issue of how will they will adjust to their reality for years to come.
To arrest population growth the Chinese regime created a program of mass «ideological education» and a system of economic incentives to encourage people to have fewer children.
One church official told us that the people of a mountain village made him sit and listen while they described how 50 of their children had starved to death within a few weeks.
They are our nearest and dearest — our husband or wife, our children, a few people we can't imagine living without or their living without us — and the sadness is that we have known them so long and so well that we don't really see them anymore for who they truly are — let alone who they truly are to us, who we truly are to them.
But the basic facts are the same everywhere: The problem is that people, on average, are living longer and longer and having fewer and fewer children.
You are assuming that that is the reason people don't have kids or have few, when the majority of people I know who limit their number of children or adopt or foster do so at least in part for society and the environment.
IRI GIRA Foodservice believes that increasingly fluid families — in particular fewer families with children and more single parent or single occupant homes — and more people working away from home has led to greater demand for convenient meal solutions.
Karen Krueger decided a few years ago to take a different approach to raising her child: She would do it the way people have been doing it «for thousands and thousands of years.»
Although a physician who was present at the meeting dispelled those concerns, I decided since I know quite a few people, both in person and on the «net, who raise chickens and have children, it was worth it to ask them about their personal experiences too.
Something I've been hearing more and more about over the past few years is that people — specifically parents — are asking friends and relatives to refrain from buying things for their children for the holidays or birthdays, but instead they are asking for experiences.
It reminds me of when I graduated in 1980 with an MBA and the few women in the program were cautioned not to have pictures of their children on their desk at the risk of people assuming we didn't take our careers seriously.
And fewer people say having children is a «very important reason to get married,» a recent Pew study indicates.
I have been a wimp about this and not told a few people how unpleasant it was to be around their children.
(though I probably would have started to wean him by around 18 / 24 mths) I have known many people who breastfeed till their child is 2 and a few that have gone past it.
Some people introduce a hand sign for food when their babies are a few months old, and it has the same effect, and then the child can use the sign to ask for food long before they can use words.
I miscarried again and had a D & C. Now, it has been a few years and we are blessed with 2 children, but I appreciate reading about other people's experiences.
I always advise people to think very, very, very carefully before getting into relationships with people who have children from previous relationships, because few people seem to realize how much more difficult it is than a conventional relationship unless they grew up in such a complex situation themselves.
At least in the UK system, compensation for negligence is covered — though as I have said before, dead babies are cheap as their is no «pain and suffering» provision for a lost child, so very few people sue.
While very few would argue that a man should be able to force a woman to have a baby she does not want, at the same time most people would also expect a man to provide for a biological child even if he did not want it.
Although, I think it's the small town moms that have the right to fear an abduction or something horrible, because there are fewer people around to help the child if needed.
But whereas some people who are name - obsessed have lists and lists that they like, and naming their children is an exercise in narrowing down, I am on the other side of the spectrum where I analyse and feel so strongly about names that there are only a small select few that I could see actually using on a child.
The name Embry is an interesting choice for parents who want to keep their child in with the trend but also set them apart by choosing a name that very few people have.
Please keep on with your work - far too few people have even an inkling of the long term damage that occurs when a young child suffers this type of trauma.
A few people have wondered what happens to the children's educations during our two month trip around Italy and France.
Consequently, few people experience divorce positively, but the one child - one parent may have an easier transition to normalcy than one parent families with many children, due to mother and child retaining more resources.»
«People are having smaller families and more children are growing up with fewer siblings,» says Donna Bobbitt - Zeher, a sociologist at Ohio State University in Columbus.
The AAP recommends nursing until your baby is 1 year old, and thankfully, there are very few people who would bat an eye at a woman breastfeeding her 12 - month - old child.
Adding to the problem, if your child drinks too much cow's milk, she'll feel full and potentially eat fewer iron - rich foods, which could explain why «evidence has shown that throughout a person's lifespan, 1 - to 3 - year - olds have the lowest daily iron intake,» Burgert says.
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