Sentences with phrase «people in one's profession»

It is true that there are some bad veterinarians out there, but that can be said of people in any profession.
If you can be mobile and relocate to another geographic area that has great job prospects for people in your profession, you will probably land a new position more quickly.
I know many people in those professions who are quite good at what they do.
I feel I understand exotic animals better than cats and dogs which is different to most other people in the profession.
Pay will attract people to a field, but pay alone will not keep people in the profession.
What kind of knowledge and skills do people in these professions need?
It's something people in our profession tend to forget... and not just our profession, of course.
Do we have a teaching profession that values teachers, provides teaches with autonomy and attracts and retains good people in the profession?
Less people in the profession hardly means there will be more quality teachers.
If you happen to be a lawyer or a doctor, they will permit much higher stated incomes due to the fact that there are people in those professions making a lot of money.
There are so many more incredible people in the profession who have helped and educated me and I thank every one of you as well.
If you want a job in insurance sales, prepare for your interview by prepping answers to questions people in your profession are commonly asked during the application process.
Yes, there are some dishonest real estate salespeople out there, just as there are terrible people in every profession.
We all know there are unethical agents out there, as there are unethical people in every profession.
That's something that every single person in this profession can use.
There is limited advancement for people in this profession.
You'll find that modeling yourself after one or multiple other people in your profession will allow you to craft a more distinct path for your own progression.
The job is quite demanding as people in this profession should be persuasive, alert, good listening and speaking skills.
Job satisfaction is considered about average by most people in this profession.
The reason for doing so is that insurance companies found that people in this profession tend to live close to work and therefore have a short commute.
We do need to see real concrete change to the working lives of teachers if we are to attract and keep people in the profession.
Whether you're looking to meet people in your profession, or other job seekers like you, or just trying to learn more about a particular topic, LinkedIn Groups has you covered.
A message that «integration is the fair choice that works for the common good and personal achievement» could resonate with people in these professions, she said, adding that veterans also have personal experience working in a diverse institution.
«We ask people in the profession from all sorts of different venues and galleries, and other artists too.»
Once you have narrowed your career choices down to 3 - 4, interview people in those professions to determine how they got into the field, what they enjoy about the job, and any advice they may give you.
«How many people in any profession can say they accomplished something at their job that hasn't been done in 90 - plus years?
Manage people in a profession for 25 years, as Chris Upchurch has done as the head winemaker for esteemed DeLille Cellars, and you will see some of your best apprentices find better jobs.
I have found that some of the most productive and innovative people in a profession have been misfits who did not fit into the typical personality profile.
Dating Sites Washington DC is a great place to meet new and interesting people in all professions.
The chair of the evaluation panel, Peter Johnson, joins me in today's episode to talk about underrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the profession and the report's findings.
And so as you continue to be mentors for your own children and your own families — as you continue to encourage people in the profession of law, or engineering, or business — what you're doing is building on the foundation of those who came before, of those who made America great.
Filling public sector jobs may be an uphill battle in the near future due to an aging baby boomer population, lack of upward mobility and the financial difficulties that people in these professions potentially face.
Talking to people in the profession about this, from partners to in - house lawyers, business development directors to IT professionals, through to trainees and law students, one thing is clear.
Careers considered low - risk by auto insurance companies, statistically show that people in these professions exercise risky driving behaviors less often than those in other jobs.
People in this profession earn over $ 50,000 in an entry - level position and up to $ 98,000 mid-career.
Professional references: These are references from qualified people in professions able to testify to your professional work.
The Joy, The Positives: When asked about the joys of the administrative role, one executive administrative assistant said, ``... a big one for me is being able to help people in my profession
And in the land of «all job advice in contradictory,» even though I'm inclined to do it the way you outlined here, people in my profession strongly prefer a cover letter as an attachment because it is harder to lose when forwarding to others.
That type of personal assistant often works as the right - hand man for upper - level executives or celebrities, but people in the profession also work with people with disabilities who need help with the activities of daily living.
With that in mind anyone who has a product or service of any kind that could benefit business people in this profession should make arrangements with ICI World to present their services and / or products here.
Mr. Kass, one of the new breed of chefs who are concerned about the environment and about poor eating habits in this country, has been quoted as saying people in his profession should take the lead in tackling public health issues.
But instead of being a perfect 4.0 student and having nothing to talk about, I'd rather be a 3.0 student and have a ton of activities on my resume or CV; that's what a lot of people in the profession would prefer.
Whether you're looking to meet people in your profession, or other job seekers like you, or just trying to learn more about a particular topic, LinkedIn Groups has you covered.
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