Sentences with phrase «people in place»

Well, you need to seek the right person in places where you are probable to find her.
Service dogs primarily work for their owners while therapy dogs provide service to people who are not their handlers — they help people in places like hospitals, schools, and nursing homes.
By meaningfully engaging with people in the places where they live, work and play — and thus developing trust — it is possible to offer solutions that will meet people's needs.
She is passionate about helping clients and has an amazing ability to connect with people in their places of pain and sorrow.
You can look for people in places you want to go and see if any are willing to do a swap.
I'd tell them to wait until they have people in place who can take this feedback and work on making changes.
This means having the right people in place such as those with mediation and negotiation experience but also a legal background to look at existing and future contracts.
Putting systems and people in place so lawyers can focus on law is driving this revolution.
Having that many businesses you obviously need good people in place to manage a lot of the day to day without your constant involvement.
Through new worship services in new locations, a church could make a permanent investment in people in another place.
Hopefully it's obvious why the oppression of some people in one place doesn't diminish the oppression of other people in another place.
Use it as a catalyst to get the right people in place before it's too late.
They have smart people in place, so maybe we give them the benefit of the doubt.
His job is to feed people in a place where there is no food.
In the beginning, you'll charge lower rents to get people in your place to leave good reviews, which will then allow you to increase the rent.
As an early - stage entrepreneur, your team will be small, but with trustworthy people in place and proper coaching, you can better compete with the big guys.
A CEO needs to have a vision and put very strong people in place.
Put any number of large people in his place and they aren't getting that same reaction.
If you are not married, you must have a support person in place that can help you out in the event of an emergency.
«We need more road traffic officers targeting people in places where there is most likely to be the problem,» he said.
He and his team have figured a way to accurately locate people in places like buildings and mines where there is no GPS signal to help out.
As we all known, bisexual people is just like lesbians and gays who are not accepted by people in some place.
Hello Friends The sales person in my place was good enough.
One advantage of attending obedience classes, besides the obvious, is that your dog learns to behave in a situation with strange dogs and people in a place outside of your home.
The entire company, staff, and agents, are blessed on the real estate side to have these wonderful people in place.
You've got to have the right people in place.
It's tempting to want to put people in their place if you are feeling threatened by their status, income, or life.
Our goal is to put the right products and people in place so that we can serve diverse markets better.
Bad things happen to good people in places they wouldn't expect.
Have other people in place to do everything else that needs done.
South Africa, and Vietnam — to find out which services people in each place favor for online dating.
the Philippines, South Africa, and Vietnam — to find out which services people in each place favor for online dating.
We left people in place at HQ, we did not try to change the structures.
Many people in places like Peru and Ecuador rely on fishing, not only as a source of food, but as a job.
Using livestock to combat desertification and restore grasslands is one example, and the ongoing efforts of people in places such as Madagascar and Haida Gwaii to find win - win solutions that restore and enhance marine biodiversity and support local food security is another.
And I realize that I have an opportunity here to demonstrate that Canadians can expect and deserve a better level of behaviour from people in this place who hope to wield the public trust one day.»
Maturing in church and in mission means creating «one new person in place of [these] two, so making peace» as surely as reconciliation in the first century meant a new person created out of the party heritage of Jew and Gentile (Eph.
Q: I would LOVE to know more about how people in places like the desert or the arctic have done EC for thousands of years?
The State / RSD has no honest intention of allowing any eligible schools to return to local control (OPSB), and with the right key people in place (seeding), these boards (e.g., FirstLine — loaded with the likes of St. Etienne, Rosenthal, etc.), will ensure the continuation of State control.
«We have had people in place doing these things for a long time but we're going to amp it up and we've made super aggressive goals,» said James.
«This bothers me a lot because it shows they don't have the proper people in place to get things right,» said Chairman John Mills, R - Orchard Park.
To a silent chamber, she had explained: «I wanted to give a very personal perspective to help people in this place and outside understand one element of sexual violence against women.

Phrases with «people in place»

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