Sentences with phrase «people in public»

So why should the job of people in public life or for that matter in business be to try and stop change?
A crucial tool in solving these cases is keeping information about missing persons in the public eye.
But it should matter that such behavior was confirmed today, beyond any reasonable doubt, by one of the most credible people in public life.
We understand the insurance needs of people in the public service professions.
For people in the public relations business, you can point out your soft skills, such as communication, organization, presenting, and creativity.
I could give you my personal opinion as everyday person in the public who understands exactly what you; re saying, but seriously it ain't worth it.
Because there are so many people in public settings I don't enjoy feeding my babies in public, when I had the choice.
With this new button you can now troll people in public spaces.
The best explanation seems to be that the millions of people in public education have finally come to realize that the more you know the better off you are.
It is obvious that casually chatting with people in public places, as I did, is not an academic method.
After three months of telling your stories, some say this could be the turning point of a humanitarian crisis impacting 400,000 people in public housing.
We would be foolish and silly not to unite with people in the public health sector, the environmental community, [and] unions, to try to challenge corporate agriculture.
I think it's all fair to demand disclosure from people in the public arena and to ask where their support is coming from.
So, in general, the «social rules» are the same as when you meet any random person in public for the first time.
This includes old relationships broken due to betrayal or lack of trust and it even includes people in public life.
Very few people in public life have bothered to stand up for these people.
A key way to jogging people's memories in these cases to keep information about missing persons in the public eye.
Even today, I am still getting lots of compliments about the look of this car from random people in public parking lots.
This test demonstrates that the dog can walk politely around strange people in public places without pulling on the leash.
This information is not for the average person in the public.
Pick a site that has been recommended and meet people in a public environment when on a first date.
Things were very different, but still people in public life were trying to work out how best morally to live their lives.
They wanted to examine how people in public service jobs react to regular changes in political leadership and whether policies are needed to help workers adapt to such changes.
This hip book taps into the popularity of yarn bombing — a type of street art — by providing a guide to creating art intended to surprise people in public places.
A survey like ours helps to break down these walls and involve people in public discussion on topics that are of general interest.
Especially with celebrities and people in the public eye and children / young people «wanting to be them», tattoo's and all.
This guy basically goes around recording videos of people in public in a VERY obnoxious way.
Some women are shy when it comes to meeting people in public places.
There is no doubt that, compared with most of us, people in public life run a high risk of being attacked.
«God help us if we have to count only on people in public office to make a difference,» he said in the speech at Cooper Union's Great Hall in downtown Manhattan.
and I DO NOT think people in public school at least send kids off from school telling them to celebrate their relgious holidays..
By the end of this Parliament we will still be employing 200,000 more people in the public sector than in 1997.
Be-warned if you see more people in public places using their Nintendo 3DS's as hunting rifles!
The case law arising out of the free exercise clause has long involved broadening such narrow definitions, which has resulted in requirements for accommodations of various sorts for religious people in the public square.
Christians won't try to force their religion on people in public places, schools, events, etc. and won't try to keep others from having equal right?
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the way Organized Real Estate officials monitor and deal effectively with miscreant real estate sales people in the public interest?
North Carolina recently passed a law, known as House Bill 2, preventing cities and towns from passing laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people in public accommodations.
«I was actually the only person in the public safety committee meeting to vote against this resolution last week,» Cornell stated.
The laws were written by councilor Bob Dougherty and Khalid Bey, who said they will shift the habits of smokers and protect people in public who don't want to be near second - hand smoke.

Phrases with «people in public»

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