Sentences with phrase «people in question»

We're getting some tweets from people in the Question Time audience.
The relevance of the result increased with the age of the young person in question.
I've never heard someone talk so much about themselves in a video about suicide prevention when he wasn't the suicidal person in question.
Every scenario I presented followed a similar pattern: My students agreed that the young people in question had to be included, that being part of the conversation would help address the problem.
The truth is, no one likes to be used as a money machine and the set of people in question are only -LSB-...]
The only person in question was whether or not to start Ox, Podolski or Campbell.
Just as these programs can help engage people in some these questions, it can also harden us and make us callous toward human suffering, if we're not careful.
But far more serious than Anyabwile's logical failings is the failure of this post to extend any sort of grace or dignity to the LGBT people in question.
In some cases the non-elected politicians are the self - same wealthy influential people in the question.
This is a tried and tested phenomenon; that feelings of attachment can transfer from an ex to a new partner unconsciously, when the two people in question bear a degree of similarity.
Drawn from Guy Lawson's Rolling Stone article about the real people in question), War Dogs follows David Packouz (Teller) and Efraim Diveroli (Hill), two stoner friends in their early 20s living in Miami during the first Iraq War who exploit a little - known government initiative that allows small businesses to bid on U.S. Military contracts.
As fun as it might've been to imagine this was all directed at a certain person, the fun started and ended with that projection: Lamar doesn't seem like the type to go the Dixie Chicks route — he would've done so by now, I think — and that certain person in question had already left the premises.
Their advice will help people remain debt free for years, which means that the families and people in question end up being able to enjoy their lives, rather than worrying about how to simply make payments on their bills.
Exactly which acts will be sufficient to prove Aboriginal title depends on the nature of the land and the way of life of the Aboriginal people in question.
Which is about double standards in treating the c - a-p of persons in question, not the C - A-P itself.
So whether the young person in question is working as a chef or in the retail grocery sector, be it in a small convenience store or a large supermarket, or studying food technology, we want to recognise those bright sparks who show the passion and drive to succeed in this dynamic world.
Reaction to this news from the media world has tended to fall somewhere between shock and ridicule — unless the person in question is an investor in or former employee of Business Insider, of course, in which case they seem ecstatic at the possibility of a massive windfall.
I overheard a conversation the other day in which the person in question was offended at hearing the phrase S.O.B..
This includes searching news databases comprehensively, conducting both manual and online court searches, retrieving court records, and analyzing all that material to determine both whether it relates to the person in question as well as whether it's important.
Then again the person in question also makes a good income but spends faster than water coming out of a faucet!
No, its suggests its insulting as hell to the person in question and their family.
Which of the two determines more, and more crucial, aspects of the life of the person in question?
If the religious life of the person in question is itself an abomination, because false, that is another story.
What is most upsetting about this is how juvenile these people in question act.
As did the person in question in Mathew.
The person in question was a rich man but, abandoning all his wealth, he determined to observe a life of poverty and evangelical perfection, as the Apostles.
In this relationship of trust, the priest may speak the words and the love of Christ, the Good Shepherd, and leave the person in question free to respond to Christ as they will.
John particularized: the persons in question were Peter and another disciple.
I sometimes think that we diagnose someone as «demon possessed» because we don't want to deal with the psychological, emotional, mental, or spiritual issues that the person in question is actually dealing with.
Its a long process that requires an extreme amount of work first on the local level by followers or believers in the holyness of the person in question.
In the United States, IQ scores of «approximately 70» are generally considered to constitute a level of mental disability severe enough to preclude the death penalty — the idea being that the person in question's mental level is too underdeveloped for execution to constitute a proper «punishment.»
The Gospel of John says the people in question were «the Judeans,» but the pope says the term «does not refer to - unlike the modern reader may tend to interpret - the people of Israel as such, and it doesn't even have a «racist» connotation.»
We need not make personal identity in this view dependent upon the unmediated prehension of all past occasions in the person in question.
If pressed, the persons who use phrases such as those just suggested will insist that the person in question is really the same person, only changed.
I remember being in some church meetings way back when the pastors told the congregation, suspiciously in the absence of the people in questions, why certain people left, only to find out that things were actually much different.
It also gives a false sense of connection that the person in question never actually feels.
Do you have a personal relationship with the person in question that allows you space to correct or rebuke them?
The people in questions will not change.
I don't believe ANY of the cult nonesense, but the people in question were MURDERED by Christians simply for being Jewish.
And if that person in question researched, examined and came to the conclusion that Christianity is for them... would you respect that choice in their life?
No... It «may» or «may not» be depending on how the person in question perceives it.
Theos» report - which examines the relationship between Christianity and mental health - includes interviews from people about their experiences in the mental health sector and said that of those having exorcisms «the perspective of several Christians working in the mental health sphere said that, in the vast majority of cases, the person in question was suffering with mental health issues which required psychiatric assistance».
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