Sentences with phrase «people know»

When pitching your product in the market, make sure people know what it is and how it works.
Military people know that if something happens to you, someone will come and get you no matter the cost.
However, if you want to let people know that you are maxed out on empathy, (and every other nerve is frazzled), the correct term would be «I couldn't care less.»
Generally, very few people know what they want, much less how to get there, so they will gravitate towards those who appear to have a clear picture in mind — good clarity leads to great achievement.
Show some remorse and make sure that people know you're taking it seriously.
The authors don't claim this is a negative development; instead they liken it to the «group thinking» of a large office, where people know who on their team has the knowledge they need.
Here are 7 ways to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, according to one of the toughest and most resilient people I know, Green Beret Jason Van Camp.
They will be excited about passing these leads to you because you are doing most of the work by «reminding» them of the people they know who are ideal customers and connections for you.
Few people know what they're for, but most fit the rubric «state and local taxes.»
«And thanks to the attention coming from Unilever's lawsuit, more people know we're trying to do that,» Tetrick said.
Emotionally resilient people know the value of looking after the body, mind and soul.
Immediately, that short message lets people know Airbnb is a service that allows people to bypass the traditional process of reserving hotel rooms and stay with locals instead.
People would rather do business with people they know — whether that's a client making a choice of which company to let handle their marketing, or an employer deciding whom to hire.
«Many successful people I know have a routine of starting their morning with a simple chuckle — whether it's from a «joke of the day» email they subscribe to or some tradition they've created to give themselves a chance to laugh each morning,» says Kerr.
People know the Uber app, and an October report from 7Park Data showed Uber still dominates Lyft in every major US city.
If you're trying to do business, the more kinds of people you know, the better.
Most people know that Facebook Ads can target geographic locations, such as cities and zip codes, as well as demographics including gender, age and relationship status.
Springer told Business Insider on Tuesday that he will «let people know» if he decides to run for office.
Meanwhile, the people I know who are doing the best financially have multiple streams of income, do not have a single job, and often the work they do is 100 percent related to their experience and not their education.
If people know exactly what you want, they will give you something pretty close to the result you had in mind.
Happy people know that there's value in staying curious - even when it's easier to look away.
People started conceiving of their friends as networking tools, like «friend me so you can be friends with someone else» or «the more people you know, the more networked you are.»
Happier people know when to check out and when to sit up and pay attention.
Chances are this is actually one of the most dysfunctional people you know.
The other problem with Trudeau and Morneau styling themselves as champions of the working class is that they may forget that they, and a large fraction of the people they know, are fabulously wealthy.
Happy people know that we're only seeing a fraction of what's going on in the world on the news and in our papers.
I know from talking to others that saying no isn't always easy, but the most productive people know when it's time to find the perfect time to deliver that no and move on.
Unfortunately, based on my experience, the reality is that you have to reinforce them by rewarding people when they meet and exceed them and by letting people know there are consequences for not meeting them.
Ultimately the people you know will make the difference in your business success.
I think people know that it was overdone.
Even if you don't get a response or a referral, letting people know you're interested in their experience is one way to show you value their feedback.
Your power base is all the people you know and are connected to.
In such environments, you need to work with people you know and trust very well.
Although many people know it's best to strike a balance between work and downtime, they often work far more than they should.
The benefit of a specialist is that it becomes your brand — people know they can come to you to solve a problem related to your specialty.
The only outside input that really matters comes from people we know and those whose opinions we actually value and respect.
Have you picked out a few people you know are going to the event and reached out beforehand with a view to some one - on - one networking?
Everybody's good at something — find those things and let your people know how you feel.
Secondly, having a purpose for the meeting isn't enough unless people know what that purpose is so they can come prepared.
Progressive people know what they stand for.
Far fewer people know the marshals sell Bitcoin.
And he's one of the humblest successful people I know.
Once you know one person, you'll have something in common with the people they know, and an easy way to start the next conversation.
Author Kevin Kruse describes this well in his book, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management:
Success in business requires you know what other people know but also who other people know.
These people know that money can be easily lost and easily made.
«If people know that their fellow co-workers are watching out for theft, they will think twice before stealing because there are higher odds they will be caught,» says Terrence Shulman, founder of the The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft, Spending & Hoarding and author of Biting the Hand that Feeds: The Employee Theft Epidemic (Infinity Publishing, 2005).
Most people know that store - brand products aren't the same quality as premium - name brands, but a fair number of customers buy them anyway.
Nowadays, most people know what SEO (search engine optimization) is and the role it plays in helping make a business successful.
Successful people know that time is a precious commodity.
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