Sentences with phrase «people learn the components»

This new and inspiring one - day workshop is designed to help single people learn the components of a successful relationship.

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The system's machine learning component allows it to process and learn information as it converses with people, storing away new answers for the future.
Not only do you have to understand human search behaviors and how people search for content within the confines of an internet search engine, but you also have to get familiar with Google's machine learning components - i.e. RankBrain.
In this report, you'll learn about the components of a healthy diet for people with diabetes, as well as how to work with a dietitian, how to develop a meal plan, and how to fit physical activity into your schedule.
The learning theory of constructionism asserts that people construct mental models to understand the world around them, and that this can be achieved through activities like building, tinkering, playing with components of machines and other systems, and watching how they interact.
The rise of online learning has made education accessible to a wider range of people, but it's also diluted the interactive component.
The KC - PIE program is based on the belief that teachers» professional learning is an essential component of any effort designed to increase the artistic literacy of young people.
While efforts to improve our education system will help students learn and grow, we believe that building character, integrity, positive attitude, and life skills are key components in a youth person's ability to succeed.
CTE is a critical component of Linked Learning pathways preparing young people for both college and career.
Ten years later, the U.S. Department of Education decided to find out whether people coming out of teacher preparation programs had learned those five components.
After learning all the components that are needed to be a success on Amazon, the biggest value for me was having access to a community of people that were going through the same process.
Although I learned a bit about the dangers & sacrifices people along the escape routes encountered & how some helped Cora, I think Mr. Whitehead would have done me a favor & put in more historical components of this heroic way of helping people escape the misery of so many situations.
Best of all, like learning about canning or seed - saving, there's a «strong educational component,» explains Molinas: «Each person can now know about the needs of vegetables and preserve them in a more responsible and natural way.»
The story is flying swarms of «nanomachines» using «genetic algorithms» (so they evolve) and «distributed intelligence» (so the individual «bots can act cohesively as a swarm) become killers (in order to reproduce somehow) and learn to communicate and then learn how to make themselves look like people and also take over people to make them do their bidding (along with gaining super-strength) but luckily they have bacterial components, so the good guys release a bacteria killing virus to win (I think), My dad actually stopped the tape at one point when Crichton for no reason writes about the good guy deciding whether he should drink tea or coffee (it sure was an exciting decision) and chooses tea because it has more caffeine (which is really untrue according to what I've known all my life as well as
I think that many non-academic people, who would be put off by technical questions like the validity of principal components algorithms, may very well be interested in what I have learned about these processes as they apply to modern climate studies.
Although Burdon touches on the wisdom of indigenous peoples as «a necessary component of any genuine transition toward an ecocentric era» and notes that «the liberation of the Earth community is commensurate with the liberation of indigenous people around the world» (p. 119) it would have been useful to learn more about how Western culture can learn from the experience of indigenous peoples.
Understanding how you learn most effectively and how much time you have to spare is a critical component of determining whether you should complete an online or in - person traffic school.
The simulation focuses on exposing the person the different components of the car — and basic usage of each through a computer - generated learning.
I'm not sure what people mean when they say they want to learn electronics, whether they are talking about getting a micro based kit and hooking things up to it and programming it or whether they want to understand circuits and components and how they work.
And yet they are a natural fit for children's therapy - the focus on acceptance and mindfulness builds children's psychological flexibility, and the values component of these methods helps young people learn to set goals and take action to achieve them.
When an Action Team identifies who will facilitate the professional learning for the whole school staff group, that person (or people) comes to a one - day Component 1 Positive school community training event.
Read more about people's experiences starting, planning and doing C2 in Educators tell their Component 2 stories: Five perspectives on starting online learning.
Want to know how other people are going with the Component 2 Online Professional Learning?
Trust is an essential component of a functional relationship, and so you both must learn to trust the other person once again and believe that past mistakes will not be repeated.
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