Sentences with phrase «people obey»

Most people obey a court order but some will be so opposed that they will ignore it.
Unfortunately, while most people obey the rules of the road and drive safely, too many do not.
Unless people obey the laws of the road and people actively take account of the signals that we put in, there's no amount of traffic engineering that we invest in that is going to save people's lives.
Few people obey the law, and many dogs lose their collars and tags somewhere between the yard they escaped from and the truck that carts them to the shelter.
In a spiritual realm, people obey the Supreme Being through his priests; in a temporal realm people don't obey wholeheartedly as they distrust their corrupt officials.
So even though we're living in a society where nudity and sexual awareness is highly present, there are still fashion boundaries people obey.
He maintains — and this is surely plausible — that the main reason why people obey the law is that they are more frightened of the consequences of disobedience.
6:12) but also against the invisible powers that people obey (POJ 152).
You try to get rid of it so people obey you and only you.
But the fun of being Christian is demanding people obey the Bible while you yourself conveniently ignore much of it's rules.
When God's people obey God's Word, the coming of the Messiah is announced.
Certainly, he presented his own life as an example, and believed that he was following the example of Jesus, but this is very different than demanding that people obey and listen to him alone.
And the Jewish people obeyed God in observing anniversaries with great care — the annual round of feasts, the Sabbath, the Passover... if we are never to mark any specific date or anniversary, the discussion needs to go deeper.
A person obeys the moral authority of his peers because he shares their standards, values, and goals, and the dedication to truth that is implied in the operation of science.

Not exact matches

A new study from University College London and Oxford University diverges from the famous Yale University study from the 1970s by psychologist Stanley Milgram who found that most people would obey direct orders to send what appeared to be increasingly painful shocks to an unseen stranger.
And like people, they don't obey Moore's Law — You can't expect next year's batteries to last twice as long as this year's.
He suggests that apaths, or people who obey and are fearful, are natural targets of a sociopath.
No, women may not control their bodies, and 1898 was a good year when people knew when to tug their forelock to their societal betters such as the clergy and local mill owner and obeyed without question.
In some families, the person receiving the income must obey certain rules and expectations.
I would assume it's because Chinese culture has strong social norms as the basis of the society, and people just collectively obey them.
Worship, to him, entails obeying the great commandments to love God and your neighbor, something that he thinks any sincere person could do, whatever erroneous views they hold about God's nature.
They think God inspired His word's out of context in Acts 7:47 - 48 and Acts 17:24 when God said as plain as day that He DOES NOT LIVE / DWELL IN CRAFTED TEMPLES but Satan finds it extremely easy to fool people that wants to buy their way into heaven instead of obeying His Son as required in John 3:36.
When people like you try to insist that they know the TRUTH and that ALL MUST OBEY what they believe or burn, I just don't even bother to listen anymore.
It's one of those ancient fear things that was created hundreds of years ago when people still believed that bad things can happen to you if you don't believe in God and obey Him.
You WILL reject God and obey IMMORAL people.
With good reason, millions of people around the world believe that learning about God and obeying him give meaning to life as nothing else can!
This is why religion is a shield for people to act like total hypocrites and say «Oh, its not ME that hates gay people, it's God, and I have to obey God».
A saved person has a choice to choose obey Gods expectations.
Tom, Tom, the Other One «Perhaps it is right and good for this God to make unrighteous, morally weak, ignorant unbelievers slaves under the control of the people who do believe and obey its Word.
Perhaps it is right and good for this God to make unrighteous, morally weak, ignorant unbelievers slaves under the control of the people who do believe and obey its Word.
= > People especially the Chosen Ones do not obey their Lord, their God and their own laws.
If there are god (s), they are either reasonable, kind, interesting «people», or they aren't worth worshipping / obeying.
Jesus was an ascended being and wasn't unwise, he knew what was going on, and knew that the only person he could get to obey him to betray him, was the one who was most devoted to him, and closest.
Presidents and Supreme Court Justices, like Kings and Emperors, want to be obeyed; they want the people, without resistance, to pay their taxes and obey their laws and fight their wars, even where those people supported a different leader or disagree with a particular policy.
The religious person would proceed to obey God and stab you in the eye with a fork.
Only when we love the authority of this Other, this real person who comes to us from outside ourselves, will we find ourselves glad to obey his commandments.
Is it naïve to expect that the people we elect to represent us and make the laws we must obey are above this sort of behaviour?
They feed a preconception that «ordinary» people can not obey God, and therefore can not be good Christians.
Why, considering your failure to obey Jesus, do you feel empowered to tell other people what to do?
People who think don't have to obey rules, they do the right thing because they have thought about it.
lets make a article that says look how the bible begged the people to obey god and love one another and they did nt listen so here we are
When are people going to realize that being moral is a lot simpler than obeying every little rule spelled out extensively in any religion.
By telling people that they can not obey God in this area, the bishops undermine the human dignity of the working classes, and degrade their morality further.
People also don't want to obey God's leading in their life, and get offended when their pastor calls on them to do what they agreed to as part of the covenant of God and surrender their life.
We had multiplied the number of people who really had no clue how to obey Christ as Lord every hour of every day.
people only dislike religion because they do not think, they only obey.
If the story were that God just happened upon us instead of creating us then most people's response to claims we should obey him would be «Get lost.
Many people died for us to have the right to read the Bible for ourselves, so pls don't miss out on the blessings and revelation knowledge that will flow to you just from obeying His commands about reading, studying and memorizing His Word.
So many people think they are obeying God and doing him a favor by harming other people when that wasn't the intention at all.
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