Sentences with phrase «people of different cultures»

The nonprofit organization offers a way to bridge the gap between peoples of different cultures in the community.
I found that working in a small, remote village with people of a different culture to me could be quite lonely at times.
As they get more information and as they begin to understand people of different cultures even better, the walls are coming down at a rate faster than we've ever seen before.
She enjoys interacting and learning from people of different cultures and backgrounds.
I love making new friends and meeting new people of different cultures adventurous food lover blessed.
Hundreds single people of different cultures and ethnicity are looking for love, romance, friendship and interracial marriage.
Part of his job and interest is discovering ways to break down barriers between people of different cultures who must work together on a project.
The interracial match is the first website which is very much popular for finding interracial mates to build relationship with people of different cultures.
There is also a major focus on undertaking research and education projects to tackle racism and promote greater understanding between people of different cultures and backgrounds.
I have good sense of humour and enjoy meeting new people of different cultures.
Travelling to more places and experiencing how people of different cultures live, learning about the history of a place and getting to know people from different backgrounds, both makes you feel humble and also makes you see the similarities rather than the differences between people from different cultural backgrounds.
The new research, involving 73 researchers working in 35 nations and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), explored how people of different cultures see themselves and their relationships with others.
On Sunday I attended one of those events in Paris were there was a whole lot of people of a different culture, including a lot of elderly people.
The 2018 assessment will put a larger emphasis on reading literacy and add global competence as a subject to measure whether students have the skills and attitudes needed «to interact effectively and appropriately with people in different countries and with people of different cultures in their local context,» according to the OECD.
In this increasingly diverse city, she hopes her charter school can bring people of different cultures together while also instilling a valuable skill in her students.
Some consider it to be inappropriate and senseless, as people of different cultures usually do not understand each other, or their attitude towards life do not match with each other's.
The utopian nature of globalism insists on the possibility of multiculturalism, which is to say people of different cultures living in the same place while maintaining their distinct identities.
I wish that more people would take the time to actually know someone let alone two people of a different culture before making generalizations about them.
But here we are emphasizing that it will be a form of economic life that will allow people of different cultures to express their values in what they produce, how they produce it, and how they live.
Unfortunately, because of excessive centralization such a process of horizontal dialogue among people of different cultures has not really started.
«My daughter is only 2 years old, but we want her to grow up knowing people of different cultures
«People of different cultures use facial contrast as a cue for perceiving age from the face, even though they are not consciously aware of it,» says Porcheron.
Through cultural exchange programmes the British Council envisions to help create a world where people of different cultures understand, respect, work and live with one another.
The boundaries between countries as well as between people of different cultures blur day after day.
The next round of international Pisa tests will test the skills needed to live and work alongside people of different cultures
«Having respect and compassion for people of different cultures within our borders and beyond.
This exhibition is designed to serve and educate people of different cultures and nationalities with his art.
Swirl Dating specializes in connecting people of different cultures and traditional backgrounds that are seeking interracial relationship.
NAR's Certified International Property Specialist designation and the One America: At Home With Diversity course can help you learn to serve people of different cultures and show customers that you're a professional who is sensitive to cultural differences.
In short remove religion (mythology) from the equation and find respect for people of different cultures, this world maybe become a better place.
Christina Leong grew up in Malaysia surrounded by people of different cultures, beliefs, and ethnicities.
Inter-religious dialogue can facilitate and promote living together with people of different cultures and races.
One big challenge for many of today's businesses is the difficulty to navigate in a truly diverse workplace made up of people of different cultures, genders, ages and social groupings.
This has been the case throughout history, as exchanges have taken place between people of different cultures for millennia, but today they are marked by unprecedented intensity and scope of relations.
Given his extensive exposures in multinational environment, Joseph is passionate about meeting and understanding peoples of different cultures and backgrounds.
More and more people are realizing that they must learn to understand the communication process between peoples of different cultures.
People of different cultures are meeting personally, reading about each other's lives, or seeing one another on television.
I concur wholeheartedly that the key to dealing effectively with people of different cultures is to arm yourself with an understanding of that culture and take the culture and people into consideration when making decisions.
What made me, for good or bad, what I am today was not staying in Texas — but getting out of it and even more than that developing deep friendships with people of different cultures, ideas, religions, nations, etc., It enriched my faith and my dramatically and continues to do so.
What older generations and people of different cultures have known for a long time — that simple food is gourmet food
You may easily get connected to people of different cultures and traditional backgrounds seeking an interracial relationship.
People of different culture and religion join us from the USA, Europe and other countries.
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